SOTW #19 Applications


EDIT:feedback anyone?
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Jay588 said:
then u nailed it, what part of ny are you from
hudson valley region orange county to be exact (the better orange county)
Someone give me some good sig making tips...I'm not sure where to do you all make your sigs...I mean what steps do you take
iRAWR said:
@Z3wpk..a city stock for my sig ='(
im sorry im confused i dont know sig lingo please elaborate (im an underground self taught sig maker)
Ehh I guess not I'm just having trouble figuring out how to use everything lol...Like I've made my picture but I want a background...but I can't make it so the background doesn't cover up the pic I made...Something about layers..any help?
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i might be able to help..i'm a bit rusty with gimp so ya..ill try to remember

so wat's the problem *answers tomorrow, sleeping now xD*
Ok thanks man...K I added a new layer and told it to be a background for the layer I allready have...but It keeps over laying it and I can't get the first layer on top of it...and I'm really thinking about getting Photo Shop

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