
What Software (apart from Dark Alex Firmware) do you need to run PS1 games? Also, what format do they need to be ripped to?
I have some old ps1 games which I am selling on eBay which I want to rip first so I can use on PSP?

E7ernal said:
What Software (apart from Dark Alex Firmware) do you need to run PS1 games? Also, what format do they need to be ripped to?
I have some old ps1 games which I am selling on eBay which I want to rip first so I can use on PSP?


You dont need anything else. THe customfirmware does it all. File format should be eboot. Theres a converter that takes ps1 games and makes them into eboot. You can usually find it linked with the custom firmware. You can rip the ps1 game to the iso format, from there to eboot.
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What kindof price did you get yours for?

i also play paintball and i use this forum website much like Wiichat for everything from discussing Paintball related stuff to Buying, Selling, and Trading all sorts of things. is the site, people sell stuff for realllly cheap, cuz paintballers are always in need of quick cash and they are usually rich bitches so they'll sell stuff for far under face value.

anyway, i got a SONY PSP ( In Original Box w/manual, charger,32 mb memory card, black cover, sleeve, usb cable, cleaning cloth) + FIFA soccer and office space movie for 150$

i thought that was a good deal so i jumped on it
I've got a PSP, it gathered up about a year's worth a dust before I bought Guilty Gear: Judgement. It made me so happy when I found out I could actually downgrade it (stupid friend upgraded it past the point where the hackers were at).

I've got a question for the guys with emulators: what GBA emulator are you guys using and how to you install it with the custom firmware? I've tried gpSP but I'm doing something. I'm using 3.40 OEA.
I have had a PSP for a little over a year. I have well over 20 games and many movies. The movies I have downloaded and converted them to fit the PSP screen size. Graphics are amazing and the DS does not even come close. Duilt in wireless is great for getting on the net to check your email, sports scores or whatever it may be. Using memory sticks to add delete photos, music, video, games whatever is so simple. I have looked at the DS-Lite but it's geared towards a younger gamer. The big thing is the DS is not capable of playing movies, mp3's, viewing photos is a big thing for me. The graphics are also nowhere near what the PSP has. I have not used any emulators but I have seen some that have and think it's very cool that there is so much you can do with it. The PSP is far superior than a DS.
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how do i put youtube videos on my PSP??? this site wont work for me i may be doing it ASAP
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i dont have a video folder in my PSP i added one.. how do i add movies from youtube?
Shiftfallout said:
why get a DS over a PSP? The ds really isnt that great to be honest, its not even a comparision against the psp.
I guess so... but the thing I hate about the psp is that most of the games are ports from ps2 games. I do like that the psp in more of an all around entertainment system though.
zachp18 said:
I guess so... but the thing I hate about the psp is that most of the games are ports from ps2 games. I do like that the psp in more of an all around entertainment system though.

lol they are ports? not at all. very few of them are portable versions of popular ps2 games, but far from all of them. Thats kind of the point of the system, to be portable. Along with great backwards compatibility (ps1 games) its psp titles are unique to the psp as well. Go take a look at the games out for the psp and you will realize that its not a system full of ports.
What the hells the matter with you guys DS and PSP both suck... get a toaster (the cartridges pop out the farthest :yesnod:)

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