I know this is the PS3 section... but I need help with my psp.


Moon Lit Shadow
May 17, 2007
Wii Online Code
I am aware that this is the PS3 forum, not PSP, but there is no PSP forum, so I am asking my question here for anybody that can possibly help me.I just recently used a downgrader on my PSP, and I didnt relize that my PSP is not a supported version of that downgrader!
Now my PSP doesnt work at all. As soon as I turn it on, the screen stays black, and doesnt change! Does ANYBODY here know what to do for this?? I am totally locked out of all of my games,files, etc.:(Please, if you know how to fix this, post a reply!P.S. I AM loyal to Nintendo, so dont comment on that. I only wanted the PSP for homebrew games and for the Harvest Moon games coming out.​
Moon_Lit_Shadow said:
I am aware that this is the PS3 forum, not PSP, but there is no PSP forum, so I am asking my question here for anybody that can possibly help me.I just recently used a downgrader on my PSP, and I didnt relize that my PSP is not a supported version of that downgrader!
Now my PSP doesnt work at all. As soon as I turn it on, the screen stays black, and doesnt change! Does ANYBODY here know what to do for this?? I am totally locked out of all of my games,files, etc.:(Please, if you know how to fix this, post a reply!P.S. I AM loyal to Nintendo, so dont comment on that. I only wanted the PSP for homebrew games and for the Harvest Moon games coming out.​

1. need to know which downgrader you used.
2. its possible you bricked your system because you didnt follow the instructions or interupted the process.

The best place to discuss this is over on the psp-hacks.com forum. Sign up and ask them there, because they can help you more than I can here.
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Shiftfallout said:
1. need to know which downgrader you used.
2. its possible you bricked your system because you didnt follow the instructions or interupted the process.

The best place to discuss this is over on the psp-hacks.com forum. Sign up and ask them there, because they can help you more than I can here.
I used "Dark Alex's" downgrader that required GTA: Liberty City Stories, and I did follow the instructions, I jut failed to realize my PSP number thingy where the disk goes in...:( Oh well, I guess I will try the forum you mentioned. Thanks
When I bought my psp, It was already 1.5 firmware, so i could help you with other things, just not downgrading some much as i naver had to do it.
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spicka said:
ya i think u bricked it
Thanks, but I already figured that out myself, I need to know how to fix it, thats the problem...:(Is there any ideas that dont result in my paying to get it fixed, or paying for a new one??
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spicka said:
i googled it (unbricking psp) and there is a way, but you have t open it up which voids the warrenty
hmmm... thats a pretty bad risk then...:( I wonder if its even worth it... Do you mind sending me the link to what you found? I just wanna see if its difficult to do, or if its worth it at all.
i am surpised you bricked it though in the first place. Its pretty easy to downgrade and put the custom firmware on it. The psp modders have done some amazing things for the psp.

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