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  • #46
how do you surf the internet on the PSP with no keyboard?...and how does online gaming work?
Eddienoteddy said:
how do you surf the internet on the PSP with no keyboard?...and how does online gaming work?

exactly you can use the analog stick to move the pointer around, theres an in browser keyboard and you can have it remember words you have typed in before to make it easier. Also you can attach a keyboard to the psp.

Online gaming works by using your PSP to find a wireless signal in the area, logging in and once connected getting into the game itself. Or it can find other psp's nearby and connect with them.
Main Facts:

Nintendo DS Lite:

- Nintendo games
- 2 screens
- Pen included
- Wi-Fi
- DS download

Sony PSP:

- Games
- Photos
- Watch movies
- Listen to Music
- GPS add-on
So the PSP doesnt have WiFi? :( Odd they mentioned somthing that was made availible only recently 'GPS add-on' plus the fact its an add-on. I think this is a selling argument for the PSP:

Nintendo DS Lite:

- Nintendo games
- 2 screens
- Pen included
- Wi-Fi
- DS download

Sony PSP:

- No friend codes

The PSP also has a "Download" feature. Some games like Power Stone and Viewtiful Joe you can send to someone without the game, then they can play it too.

It doesnt have 2 screens but, i really wish the DS only had one screen a lot.

If including a pen to use the touch screen is a viable statement, then the PSP comes with a battery.

PSP can play more Nintendo games.

So a proper list would look like:

Nintendo DS Lite:

- Nintendo games
- 2 screens
- Pen included
- Wi-Fi
- DS download

Sony PSP:

- Games
- Photos
- Watch movies
- Listen to Music
- GPS add-on
- Download movies/music
- Use PC programs
- WiFi
- Game sharing
- Plays all games 1999 and below
- Battery included
- Able to play on TV

I dont know. I should give the DS more credit, it comes with a pen.
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  • #50
wait so can i sit in my living room and play against someone in another part of the US?? and what is game sharing?
Eddienoteddy said:
wait so can i sit in my living room and play against someone in another part of the US?? and what is game sharing?
Game sharing id the equivalent of the DS Download. A lot of PSP games utilize this.

"The Game Sharing feature has been put to use in PSP title Namco Museum. In this example, one player selects the transmit function from an in-game menu, while the other selects "Game Sharing" from the PSP's main menu. When the systems recognise one another, a short download begins and the second player can then choose to play any of seven arcade classics stored in RAM."

"The use of RAM to store the games rather than on the Memory Stick Duo means that players cannot continue with the games after the PSP has been shut down or sent back to the "Home" menu - from which players usually access media functions and launch software from UMD."
GamerCon said:
Sony PSP:

- Games
- Photos
- Watch movies
- Listen to Music
- GPS add-on
- Download movies/music
- Use PC programs
- WiFi
- Game sharing
- Plays all games 1999 and below
- Battery included
- Able to play on TV

I agree with you on many of those points, however there's two i'm not too sure about.
1. Use PC programs. I doubt that they would be easy to use on a psp (like i'm sure the Web Browser isn't too easy to use - You'd much prefer to use computer).
2. Able to Play on TV. Wouldn't you rather just play on a games console?
E7ernal said:
I agree with you on many of those points, however there's two i'm not too sure about.
1. Use PC programs. I doubt that they would be easy to use on a psp (like i'm sure the Web Browser isn't too easy to use - You'd much prefer to use computer).
2. Able to Play on TV. Wouldn't you rather just play on a games console?
Yes, and yes. I wont lie, thats both true. But the web browser isnt that hard to use, just move the mouse and click.

I use the TV as an example. When i go and visit family or friends, i wont want to drag a console with controllers and cords. Plus its really cool for fighting games like Guilty Gear X, much easier to carry then a console.

Alot, almost all, PSP games are ad-hoc. They can be used with others who have the game but cant go online. Kinda like the, pretty much useless, Picto Chat for DS. I have yet to use that with someone else cause it only works when your near someone but by that time im talking to thm so, no point.
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  • #55
im sort of a technical noob, so could someone please explain to my exactly how i can play Super Mario 64 or GoldenEye on my step by step please
Yeah, once I've got mine all help would be appreciated (I really don't want a brick after the hassle of getting the money together).
E7ernal said:
Yeah, once I've got mine all help would be appreciated (I really don't want a brick after the hassle of getting the money together).

Once you get the initial custom firmware on it, then its pretty much brick safe. Downgrading is easy but that would be the thing that could potentially brick the psp if you do something real stupid like turn off the psp during the process or not following the instructions. After you get the custom firmware on, they put a back up system where the psp can be restored if anything goes wrong by a simple push of a button in the case of a brick or mess up.

Its fairly easy stuff though.

Eddienoteddy said:
m sort of a technical noob, so could someone please explain to my exactly how i can play Super Mario 64 or GoldenEye on my step by step please
First, whats your current psp set up? Firmware version? I suggest having the custom firmware on it first.
For the instructions, read here. (look at the stickies)
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  • #58
im buying it off some guy, so it should come by saturday i hope
Well, i hope you enjoy your used PSP, you will (I can guarantee that).

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