PSP Screen Protector


Billy Talent is awesomest
Jun 20, 2007
Newfoundland, Canada
So this Christmas Im getting the PSP 2000 Daxter Bundle and GH3. Im also getting around 100 Bucks for Games, Accesories, and whatever else I want for like the Wii. I know I got to get a case for the PSP and probley a Travel case for the Guitar, But what about a Screen Protector, Im not very careful with stuff and Im very likely to drop it a lot. So think I should get one and I got a few question, Are they easy to put on, Do they come off, and do they leave a mark on the screen. The one I want is a Pelican I think
If you'll be handling the PSP a lot, then definitely. The PSP's screen can be a scratch and fingerprint magnet if you're not careful with it.
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Yeah, I'll be handeling it a lot. I'll probley use it in the car a lot and drop it. I'll have it in school, and drop it. I'll have it in my house, and drop it. I'll probley drop it taking it out of the box. Can you get like a Dimond Screen Protector. Somthing thats almost invincible Lolz =P
There aren't any hard screen protectors if that's what your asking. You can get some thin plastic screen protectors, they do the job well. Had my psp since launch and not a scratch on it because of those puppies.
the DS protectors were a pain in the ass to get on, i threw them out, but the PSP one is a good investment.
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Lolz guys that was a Joke, I want to get a thin one cause if the protector was protruding, Id go mad lolz. Though do they come off after you put them on? I really need to know

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