PSP vs. DS

the_flood502 said:
1st off... there isn't such a thing as 'abandon ware' this is something you warez monkeys made up to make you feel better... stealing things people have worked hard to make.

Copyrights exists even after the company is bankrupt and pretty much non-existent. The Copyright and Patent Act says so ^^ - as well as some other pretty useless stuff that the warez monkeys don't pay attention to...

As long as the company wishes to file a law suit against you they can. even the game is centuries old!

'Copying', 'Backing Up', etc are all words that mean the same thing (in this case). STEALING.

And that's what it is. Taking something without permission.


If you were a law abiding citizen, like i am, you wouldn't see me as being 'good' or a 'goodie two shoes' but rather 'normal' and 'law abiding', who doesn't steal from hard working games developers.

If it takes 'reachin'' to stop people from stealing things that don't belong to them... so be it.

Also if you feel that it's 'reachin'' then maybe you're just a corrupt individual who steals from your local shopping district and mugs elderly ladies?


'nuff of that... but i can make a valid point about it... any average joe can't 'copy', 'back up' etc a DS game very easily.


Good to be back ^^

i am a realist my friend, I realize that these games will live on through emulation. Emulation of old school titles, even some titles you wouldnt be able to find such as earth bound 0, are able to exist on the internet.

If the law told you to go down on another dude.. would you do it because the law says so? Please go ahead you law abiding citizen. Know that laws are merely rules set in place by old men playing the game of politics with each other.

You have to realize that there are some rediculous laws out there, some even created over a hundred years ago... should we follow them because they are there? Like some that state women have to dress a certain way, or that ferrets are not able to be domesticated and thus unable to be pets... so unlike you, as a "grown up" i understand the law and the situation much better.

The PSP is a mini super computer. It is no crime to make use of what it is capable of, such as reading ebooks, playing ALL games including nintendo ones, listening to music and watching family guy eps. The PSP is an amazing device, and fanboys cant seem to accept the facts.
CyanRussel said:
WHOOOOOO....when the hell did you come back???

Yesterday! I smelt some thing bad, and my nose lead me back to the playstation 3 forum on wiichat where there seems to be fanboy poops all over the place.

Time to get back to being the janitor!

"mop mop mop,
all day long,
mop mop mop,
while i sing this song"

I actually got rid of my Wii. The wiimote was fun at first, then you get over it and everything else seems bleh.
If you buy a PSP, you are paying for the mistake SONY on UMD. You are supporting an obsolete format that's not going anywhere.

SONY should just open the standard up, make UMD recordable. So I don't have to pay $20 for a 1GB MS, instead I only need to pay $1 for a recordable UMD. And then I can have all my videos on UMD's and carry them around with me.
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If anyone does like the PSP, Is anyone buying Battlefront Renegade Squadron on the 9th?
the_flood502 said:
=? No. but i do that of my own accord =S

what a sad face you must had that you failed to insult me! lol ^^

Dean = Bisexual... i'll do what i want, who i want and how i want it ^^

lol, seems you must be enjoying some PMS then. It really wasn't an insult but an analogy you failed to get, but hey if you do like going down on guys... then you are one sick kid. Enjoy your selective morals champ.

There is NO argument.

Sure there is kiddo.


Back on topic.

Yesterday i met a musician who was telling me about his work. There was also a music producer there, and we asked to hear what his band has been doing. He immediately walked over to his sports car, pulled out a psp, plugged it into his car itself, and was able to, on the spot, show the producer his work using the cars speaker system and the psp, which interacted with his music deck. When he drove off he attached it onto his dashboard and it became a gps unit.

Really... now, how can anyone not be impressed. The psp is a way of life. (goes back to reading his novel collection on the psp)
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Shiftfallout said:
Back on topic.

Yesterday i met a musician who was telling me about his work. There was also a music producer there, and we asked to hear what his band has been doing. He immediately walked over to his sports car, pulled out a psp, plugged it into his car itself, and was able to, on the spot, show the producer his work using the cars speaker system and the psp, which interacted with his music deck. When he drove off he attached it onto his dashboard and it became a gps unit.

Really... now, how can anyone not be impressed. The psp is a way of life. (goes back to reading his novel collection on the psp)

really, that's weird. because my friend just got a gig by showing the manager how his song is played using Jam Sessions, which can also be plugged into any external amplifier or speaker. as far as it being a gps, you can homebrew it if you want, but since people that use DS's are smart enough to know where they're going, they don't need one.
FWELR said:
really, that's weird. because my friend just got a gig by showing the manager how his song is played using Jam Sessions, which can also be plugged into any external amplifier or speaker. as far as it being a gps, you can homebrew it if you want, but since people that use DS's are smart enough to know where they're going, they don't need one.

When you are in LA, you often need gps to get around. In the city of the stars.. you have major traffic, and unless you want to spend hours in a car you will be wise to find short cuts and alternate paths. Not to mention champ, dont tell me you never used mapquest? its no different than using the psp gps. lol Nice try.

As for your friend, thats funny. First off a manager is not a producer, dont confuse the two. Producers give out record deals, secondly lol... Jam Sessions? Dude, lol that manager must have been an idiot. Dont confuse being able to play a REAL guitar and the talent to do so with the vocals, drums, bass, and the whole song with pushing buttons on Jam Session. lol

Seriously, come back when you have something. haha thats hilarious.

the psp does have Music 2000 if you wanted to create music on it.

lol jam session haha... no professional would take you seriously. Its a fun toy but hardly impressive to show off.
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Shiftfallout said:
When you are in LA, you often need gps to get around. In the city of the stars.. you have major traffic, and unless you want to spend hours in a car you will be wise to find short cuts and alternate paths. Not to mention champ, dont tell me you never used mapquest? its no different than using the psp gps. lol Nice try.

As for your friend, thats funny. First off a manager is not a producer, dont confuse the two. Producers give out record deals, secondly lol... Jam Sessions? Dude, lol that manager must have been an idiot. Dont confuse being able to play a REAL guitar and the talent to do so with the vocals, drums, bass, and the whole song with pushing buttons on Jam Session. lol

Seriously, come back when you have something. haha thats hilarious.

the psp does have Music 2000 if you wanted to create music on it.

lol jam session haha... no professional would take you seriously. Its a fun toy but hardly impressive to show off.
listen, dumbass im going to spell this out for you because you apparently don't understand basic writing tools like parodies.

a parody is a tool non-retarted people use to mock something, like i did to mock your chance meeting with a musician who happened to brag about his psp. obviously i made that meeting up. anybody with a brain could tell that i was countering your whole psp music thing to the DS's jam sessions.

now, as for the gps thing, you just admitted that it was mapquest. you want me to buy a psp for mapquest when every useful car already has it preloaded? not to mention it can be put on your DS.

i can tell that you are not going to be swayed by logic and will forever be a sony fan, so here you go, dumbass.


courtesy Maddox at
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FWELR said:
listen, dumbass im going to spell this out for you because you apparently don't understand basic writing tools like parodies.

a parody is a tool non-retarted people use to mock something, like i did to mock your chance meeting with a musician who happened to brag about his psp. obviously i made that meeting up. anybody with a brain could tell that i was countering your whole psp music thing to the DS's jam sessions.

now, as for the gps thing, you just admitted that it was mapquest. you want me to buy a psp for mapquest when every useful car already has it preloaded? not to mention it can be put on your DS.

i can tell that you are not going to be swayed by logic and will forever be a sony fan, so here you go, dumbass.


courtesy Maddox at

Read again. He said it was like mapquest, not is mapquest.

I love my PSP anyway, they have better online servince, and great games. Yes, the DS does have some good features, but the PSP wins the fight in my mind.
Thats it I'm gonna say it since we're in a fun flame war now!

A lot of the PSP owners I've met smell like they've sprayed 3 cans of guys goat piss deodorant on themselves. I'm alergic to cologne perfume and some deodorants so really I have no reason to be afiliated eith PSP owners or the smog filled state of meterialistic garbage called L.A. With all those hip-hop wannabes and their white shoes and PSPs. I hate rap, hip-hop, and PSPs. LAWL I hate PSPs the least cus a Ratchet & Clank! So original or Loco Roco. DS outnumers the PSPs orginalty though and mines Blue, my fav color! DSs are so durable too, like iPods! Seiously though, Rap make me wanna puke my guts out eat my puke and puke it again(need to get that off of my chest)! Yeah PSP is "cool" but the DS is cool!
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Monsteroids said:
Thats it I'm gonna say it since we're in a fun flame war now!

A lot of the PSP owners I've met smell like they've sprayed 3 cans of guys goat piss deodorant on themselves. I'm alergic to cologne perfume and some deodorants so really I have no reason to be afiliated eith PSP owners or the smog filled state of meterialistic garbage called L.A. With all those hip-hop wannabes and their white shoes and PSPs. I hate rap, hip-hop, and PSPs. LAWL I hate PSPs the least cus a Ratchet & Clank! So original or Loco Roco. DS outnumers the PSPs orginalty though and mines Blue, my fav color! DSs are so durable too, like iPods! Seiously though, Rap make me wanna puke my guts out eat my puke and puke it again(need to get that off of my chest)! Yeah PSP is "cool" but the DS is cool!

You made 2 points there and one was a lie. The DS is not durable: mine broke in 6 months. If you drop it, the hinge may break the first time. The DS may be origional, but it does not offer quality games. I don't want a sidescrolling game that I'll beat in 4 hours!! I want games that will last for a long time. The PSP offers better sports, shooters, racing, RPG's, etc.
manufan15 said:
You made 2 points there and one was a lie. The DS is not durable: mine broke in 6 months. If you drop it, the hinge may break the first time. The DS may be origional, but it does not offer quality games. I don't want a sidescrolling game that I'll beat in 4 hours!! I want games that will last for a long time. The PSP offers better sports, shooters, racing, RPG's, etc.

Oh wow... Sports, Racers, and many Shooter games bore me completely to death! Maybe like MP3, Halo GoW and Crysis'll be and are fun, but I don't really trust handheld shooters unless you're talking Contra 4.
My DS has been launched into a wall by my friends brother's mini catapult, dropped from a story high and soaked in water and its...butt-ugly, but not broken... yet. I have a blue bulky one. One of my games has melted chocolate(never letting a friend borrow my stuff ever again!) all over it and it still works. Maybe I'm just lucky. I'm only interested in The new Castlevania, R&C, and Naruto on PSP, thats... all. :\
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  • #210
Monsteroids said:
Oh wow... Sports, Racers, and many Shooter games bore me completely to death! Maybe like MP3, Halo GoW and Crysis'll be and are fun, but I don't really trust handheld shooters unless you're talking Contra 4.
My DS has been launched into a wall by my friends brother's mini catapult, dropped from a story high and soaked in water and its...butt-ugly, but not broken... yet. I have a blue bulky one. One of my games has melted chocolate(never letting a friend borrow my stuff ever again!) all over it and it still works. Maybe I'm just lucky. I'm only interested in The new Castlevania, R&C, and Naruto on PSP, thats... all. :\

What games do you play on the DS?

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