PSP vs. DS

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  • #181
lackluster dj said:
unless said zelda playing device also features an ipod, dvd player, photo viewer, and a gaming device..?

=| i wouldn't dare consider myself a casual gamer...

i enjoy the odd casual game... but that's about it...

but i love my white DS Lite... it's much more stylish that the PSP, which frankly looks like a brick and is much less pocket friendly

Played a PSP. Liked it... but not enough to buy it...

Rather have tickets to see H.I.M. (9/12/07 - see you there! ^^) + 5 other bands totalling £96.66 =)
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  • #184
lackluster dj said:
i said zelda > psp's multimedia features

you said psp's multimedia features > zelda

i said ds = zelda = multimedia features


That's your opinion. I'm really looking foward to Star Wars Battlefront Renegade!! Anyone else going to buy this? It's for PSP.
PSP is waaaaay better than DS. only good thing a DS has is a touch screen. and thats not even an advantage. PSP has a SH*TLOAD of more graphics. Plus, the touchscreen gets damaged so easily. i know a lot of people that dropped they DS's and they touchscreen stopped working. ive dropped my psp in a pool and it still worked.

DS cant even lick the dirt off of PSP's shoes.
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iluvcod said:
PSP is waaaaay better than DS. only good thing a DS has is a touch screen. and thats not even an advantage. PSP has a SH*TLOAD of more graphics. Plus, the touchscreen gets damaged so easily. i know a lot of people that dropped they DS's and they touchscreen stopped working. ive dropped my psp in a pool and it still worked.

DS cant even lick the dirt off of PSP's shoes.
you really need to put the /sarcasm at the end of your posts. some people might believe you.
I really enjoy my PSP actually.
As I do with my DS.
However, the PSP is probably a better handheld because of such a wide variety of features.
Online web browser, more online titles, UMD movies, downloadable games,
tons of hacks for the home screens, pictures, great games and a bunch of other cool stuff.

I really love my DS but it lacks so much. I mean I know it's a handheld and it's meant for games but with the new market people want more for their dollar, which means more online, more features and better graphics.

Comparatively I'd go with the PSP but that's just my oppinion.
As for games, I would go for the DS.
Super Mario 64 DS
Animal Crossing Wild World
Metriod Prime Hunters
Mario Kart DS
Mario And Luigi Partners In Time
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl
New Super Mario Bros.

all great games.

The PSP has good games too however.
Loco Roco (personal favorite)
Need For Speed titles
Untold Legends
and a lot more.
lets just put it this way. PSP is a way of life.

With access to all gameboy, nes, snes, game boy advance, sega, some N64, and also most ps1 games...

in addition to PSP and homebrew games...

in addition to all the ebook readers, internet...ect

I would say the PSP far outbeats the DS. If the DS were not a dual screen, its games would have also found their way on the PSP. It is the most amazing hand held system yet.

btw, i use it to read ebooks every night, play games when im out and about, and there is a lot to choose from.
Shiftfallout said:
lets just put it this way. PSP is a way of life.

With access to all gameboy, nes, snes, game boy advance, sega, some N64, and also most ps1 games...

in addition to PSP and homebrew games...

in addition to all the ebook readers, internet...ect

I would say the PSP far outbeats the DS. If the DS were not a dual screen, its games would have also found their way on the PSP. It is the most amazing hand held system yet.

btw, i use it to read ebooks every night, play games when im out and about, and there is a lot to choose from.

Hey haven't seen ya in a while! I must disagree. Though I am interested in the Ratchet and Clank pack I have to say for me it would not be a worthy investment for you see, I feel theres a lack of movies and PSP only games and I've lessened my piracy to music and looking for Live Freaky Die Freaky.
Whereas the DS has quite a few cheap n' fun and Captivating games, I don't buy movies, and I haven't found many places with wireless or ANY internet. Many DS games have well-implemented touch screen which could not be ported to the PSP. DS has been called fun, family suitable and has outsold the PSP by quite a bit. I have to say the DS is the way of life. The only people I've seen with a PSP are ool kid wannabes and gangster wannabes. I'm serious, this is what I've seen and thought.
Shiftfallout said:
With access to all gameboy, nes, snes, game boy advance, sega, some N64, and also most ps1 games...

=| need i even say that the use of emulators is legal. but the roms/iso are not.

unless you own ALL the "gameboy, nes, snes, game boy advance, sega, some N64, and also most ps1 games" then it is illegal and therefore punishable by law.


Meh... do what you like... it's not my ass that'll be put in prison.
the_flood502 said:
=| need i even say that the use of emulators is legal. but the roms/iso are not.

unless you own ALL the "gameboy, nes, snes, game boy advance, sega, some N64, and also most ps1 games" then it is illegal and therefore punishable by law.


Meh... do what you like... it's not my ass that'll be put in prison.

lol ok, no one is going to end up in prison for playing old games champ. Second, you have a right to back up all games you own. If you dont own games that are not made anymore, then its considered abandon ware as far as i am conserned.

But seriously, arnt you a lil goodie two shoes! lol You are really reachin there.
Shiftfallout said:
lol ok, no one is going to end up in prison for playing old games champ. Second, you have a right to back up all games you own. If you dont own games that are not made anymore, then its considered abandon ware as far as i am conserned.

But seriously, arnt you a lil goodie two shoes! lol You are really reachin there.

1st off... there isn't such a thing as 'abandon ware' this is something you warez monkeys made up to make you feel better... stealing things people have worked hard to make.

Copyrights exists even after the company is bankrupt and pretty much non-existent. The Copyright and Patent Act says so ^^ - as well as some other pretty useless stuff that the warez monkeys don't pay attention to...

As long as the company wishes to file a law suit against you they can. even the game is centuries old!

'Copying', 'Backing Up', etc are all words that mean the same thing (in this case). STEALING.

And that's what it is. Taking something without permission.


If you were a law abiding citizen, like i am, you wouldn't see me as being 'good' or a 'goodie two shoes' but rather 'normal' and 'law abiding', who doesn't steal from hard working games developers.

If it takes 'reachin'' to stop people from stealing things that don't belong to them... so be it.

Also if you feel that it's 'reachin'' then maybe you're just a corrupt individual who steals from your local shopping district and mugs elderly ladies?


'nuff of that... but i can make a valid point about it... any average joe can't 'copy', 'back up' etc a DS game very easily.


Good to be back ^^
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  • #195
Let's not turn this into a legal thread. People do put older games on their gaming devices, and it is illegal without purchasing, but I'm pretty sure it's just on the honor system. Stay on Topic from here.

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