PSP vs. DS

FWELR said:
listen, dumbass im going to spell this out for you because you apparently don't understand basic writing tools like parodies.

LOL, i was not aware that a "parody" is considered a "writing tool". LOL thats a new one. I love it when "dumb" people call other people "dumb". Its so hilariously ironic.

a parody is a tool non-retarted people use to mock something, like i did to mock your chance meeting with a musician who happened to brag about his psp. obviously i made that meeting up. anybody with a brain could tell that i was countering your whole psp music thing to the DS's jam sessions.

a parody is not a tool champ. It is a form of satire, an act of ridiculing through use of wit and commonly understood resemblances, both of which you do not have.

Do not confuse the act of creating mockery as a "tool", unless you wish to refer to how you show off your own lack of maturity. You failed on the "obvious" of the mockery and sarcasm, yet succeeded in being obviously uneducated and childish. haha please continue, because it certainly is entertaining watching what we commonly refer to as "cause and effect of inbreeding".

You countered nothing, only made up a story in an attempt to make up for a lack of defense to the DS. Classic fanboy behavior.

now, as for the gps thing, you just admitted that it was mapquest. you want me to buy a psp for mapquest when every useful car already has it preloaded? not to mention it can be put on your DS.

You fail at reading comprehension.

i can tell that you are not going to be swayed by logic and will forever be a sony fan, so here you go, dumbass.

Quite the opposite actually. Anyone with half a brain can see the logic and FACTs to that which i put forth, you on the other hand is pure fanboy "rage" and "make believe stories" in an attempt to mock, yet fail.

In fact, i am not a console fan at all and you should remember that i owned all major systems regardless of their company. If you cant deal with the facts that make one system better than another, then enjoy the land of denial champ. Or rather, enjoy being a fanboy.


courtesy Maddox at

lol Oh look kids, we have a hater. Hate = ignorance, ignorance = fanboy behavior.

Keep it up.


Heres a message i got from our dear mansausage loving friend...

the_flood502 said:
PMS? you do realise that i'm male right?

-It's kinda impossible for me to get PMS...

He needs to learn to connect the dots. His random anger outburst and NAME are perfect for the use of the term "PMS"ing. He failed to see the clear joke at his name, and his out burst. How could anyone not know he is a guy, he keeps putting that mug of his in his avatar.

The best part is the irony of him making fun of America's so called "inferior" educational system, yet he fails at using his head on such simple mockeries.

there's nothing wrong with 'going down on guys' it's just sick people like you who make it sound like it's wrong... but you just don't know anything...

Yes i find the thought of you suckling a mans penis disturbing. But hey if you enjoy pubesticks, go ahead! (pun intended).

1) you're American so... you can't spell and you're educational system is inferior to the British education system, therefore you are retarded - but that was obvious

1. I have a better education than you. 2. I have two BAs from a major university thats well known internationally through our University of California system. Your attempts at being national elitism are duly noted, but your ignorance is astounding. lol You make brits look bad.

2) You're probably a bible-bashing reject whom i couldn't give two flying shits about. the bible also said that man was made first, when clearly by using the process of carbon dating we can easily find that dinosaurs and other organic life-forms pre-date mankind by centuries. so... there!

By Flood's logic, since man was made first, then they were all gay with each other. The end. lol

3) if you're 'older' it doesn't mean you're smarter... it means you're dumber after the age of 25 you start to loose your memory cells and then senile dementia can kick in... so... good luck with that (Y)

LOL, look kids, his attempt at sounding smart. You really cant be smart if your reasoning skills are comparable to a retarded chimp. But hey, whatever makes you feel better.

i should put this in the thread... but it's quite far off the topic that it will most likely get deleted, before you get a chance to read it.

Already did it for you champ. =)
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I had both. The DS cought my attention for a year, and PSP only had my interest for some months...Overall DS is my favorite..but it depends on the person
Shiftfallout said:
Yesterday! I smelt some thing bad, and my nose lead me back to the playstation 3 forum on wiichat where there seems to be fanboy poops all over the place.

Time to get back to being the janitor!

"mop mop mop,
all day long,
mop mop mop,
while i sing this song"

I actually got rid of my Wii. The wiimote was fun at first, then you get over it and everything else seems bleh.

Welcome Back then!!:smilewinkgrin:

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