
watch movies, internet, has an HDD so you can save demos, music, videos and pictures on it, games are aimed at higher aged consumers so you will get games like GTA and Socom rather than brainage or nintendogs, best handheld graphics without question, music player, play videos you download off the internet, put photos on it. basically, it can do what the DS can't do.
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uhh little biased on your behalf, brainage and nintendogs instead of metroid prime;hunters or new mario brothers.......i'd rather play those than gta anyday

but yeah if your a big fan of music and movies than get the psp

but if you have an ipod or cellphone that can do all that stuff i wouldn't buy it, everyone i knwo is trying to sell theirs cause all they use it for is music and watching movies....don't even play games on it
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mushroomedmario said:
uhh little biased on your behalf, brainage and nintendogs instead of metroid prime;hunters or new mario brothers.......i'd rather play those than gta anyday

but yeah if your a big fan of music and movies than get the psp

but if you have an ipod or cellphone that can do all that stuff i wouldn't buy it, everyone i knwo is trying to sell theirs cause all they use it for is music and watching movies....don't even play games on it
Well he wanted my input and i gave it to him. I've played Mario for years and hes old news to me. And I dont know of any M rated games on the DS, or very many T rated ones for that matter. But I'm leaning toword music only on mine just because the lack of cash I have. But when Star Wars: Rengade Squadren comes out, I'll check that out.
They probably dont use their PSP properly, which is why they dont like it. I have everything from N64 to Atari2600 on mine, with a 4gig mem stick. I will have to say, I dont play my DS much.
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how do i get N64 games on my PSP^^^^^

please go step by step

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