Pokemon of the Week

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  • #122
Too bad I already used Sableye, now I can't use it for Halloween. Oh well. Another spooky 'Mon will be sufficient....
There will be no Shedinja. Ever.

*pushes CK off a cliff*

Oh come now, I merely peered into your heart 'n found the truth. You love Magikarp, I love Magikarp... In essence, we all do. Feebas clouds the emotions 'n minds of those with a weak heart however, so I will not blame you. I shall pray for ya t' be freed from the unholy machinations of that damnable copycat fish, Assasin.
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  • #130
Okay, so not Spiritomb. Got it.


If Spiritomb is ever going to grow on me, it's after I get that plush. :I
What is more creepy than the originals?
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  • #135
Oh man, I was going to do this week's Pokemon of the Week on Halloween, but I forgot. Oh well, I'll update this with it. Apologies....

Not that late anyway.


Pokemon of the Week #8 (11/1/2012)

Halloween theme!.....albeit fashionably late! By a little more than an hour, please....


It is said that Golurk were ordered to protect people and Pokémon by the ancient people who made them. It flies across the sky at Mach speeds. Removing the seal on its chest makes its internal energy go out of control.

Golurk is a....fairly average Ghost type, as well as Ground type. It has a colossal attack stat, which is complimented by great moves such as Earthquake, Shadow Punch, and Focus Punch. Shadow Punch's weak base power is remedied by Iron Fist, which also powers up moves such as Focus Punch, Drain Punch, Fire Punch, and more. If you opt for No Guard, its hidden ability, you can abuse a 100% accurate Dynamic Punch, similar to Machamp. Stone Edge also benefits greatly. Klutz, which is useless of most Pokemon, has absolutely no use on Golurk.

So Golurk has good typing, great attack, great abilities, and a good movepool. So what's holding it back? The answer lies in its other stats, mostly. You'd think a giant dirt robot would have high defense, but Golurk, although not frail by any means, has merely average bulk. Its speed is also pretty low, although Rock Polish can easily patch this up. Overall, Golurk is not a bad Pokemon, as it hits very hard with its attacks.

Design wise, I think Golurk is pretty cool, honestly. The "skirt" looks a little weird, but otherwise I quite like it. It's fairly mysterious and badass. I wonder who created Golurk. I'm actually approaching Victory Road in my Black 2 playthrough, and I plan to add Golurk to my team there. I look forward to using it.
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