Pokemon of the Week

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  • #93
I've seen worse, I also used to think Rotom was a legend. I know a guy who thinks freaking Spiritomb and Lucario are legendaries.
I've seen worse, I also used to think Rotom was a legend. I know a guy who thinks freaking Spiritomb and Lucario are legendaries.

Lucario tends to be rare but you just find Riolus littered all over a specific joint anyway. The reason I mistook Rotom as a legendary as I believed that you could only catch one in Diamond and Pearl. Kind of the same goes for all the starters though, can only get one in a run. Spiritomb? I don't even remember where you could catch one. There was a specific area you could though but can't quite remember.

Back on-topic after this?
Tell me the generation and what game and it's on! Eh...infact lemme finish my Sandslash challenge first.

Emerald or Platinum/Heart Gold/Soul Silver. If you do even manage Silver in all the facilities, you'll earn my respect for not spewin' a bunch of bullshit. Get Gold in all, and... well, I'll ****in' die of shame since I've yet to accomplish that. :lol:

Isn't ROTOM a sub-par pokemon when it comes to stats? I remember catching one and wondering why I bothered in the first place. Diamond and Pearl I believe. Or I was just annoyed that it was a low level and didn't bother to level it...

As Nick said, it's not legendary. ... Even though it's one of a kind in-game, can't breed, and has the legendary battle music. Really misleadin', yeah? :lol: I also thought Rotom was legendary until someone pointed it out. In fact, that person was a Wiichatter (not that I remember who).

It's stats are pretty average too; until it changes into it's alternate "appliance" forms. In Platinum and games onwards, Rotom can change form by possessing electrical appliances outside of battle. This changes all of it's stats besides HP. It hits a lot harder, it's defenses go up A LOT, and it's speed drops as a price. It's entire stat total is a decent amount higher than normal Rotom though, so it's alternate forms are tons better. Not to mention it's type changes based on what it possesses (as a lawn mower it becomes Grass/Electric type, as a Washing machine it becomes Water/Electric) and gets a usually powerful new move for it's new type like Air Slash, Hydro Pump, or Blizzard. Washing machine Rotom's typing and new move (Hydro Pump) are particularly appealing to the point that it's one of the most used Pokemon in OU these days.
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  • #99
Pokemon of the Week #5 (8/5/2012)

Definitely not Sableye

even if it was sableye I'm sure any potw I typed for it in 2012 would suck so saving it for a l8r date would be better
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totally skipped this potw

I am officially better at this than you since I've never forsaken the RNG for my own biased tastes. :p LET IT BE KNOWN NICK IS INFERIOR TO THE 'KARPMOD!

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