Pokemon of the Week: Hoenn!

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I had no idea you were, lol. So am I (obviously). Competitive battling ftw... mostly DPP though. More variety, and the metagame isn't closed down to a select few pokemon (even though RSE was incredibly better than GSC and especially RBY... remember the days everyone always had a Chansey/Alakazam/Rhydon on one team?).
LOL Those days were hilarious. I hated that but I was too young to understand why I could never beat them. DPP competitive battling is great. It has, as you said, more options and it is just more fun.
Best looking pokemon/Next Pokemon of the week = Gallade

^My old sig^
Damn =p lol i need 2 pay more attention

Well then how about gardevoir?
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  • #21
PotW is decided by a random generator, no favors. >.> ... Unless it's a holiday themed poke/someone's birthday.
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Sorry for the DP, but we need a PotW update!

Alright, the next Hoenn PotW is...!



The real PotW is... !



Dex number 302
Type: Dark/Ghost
Ability: Keen Eye/Stall
Height: 1' 8"
Weight: 24.3 lbs
Japanese Name: Yamirami (lolwut?)

Sableye, the Darkness Pokemon. Sableye lead quiet lives deep inside caverns. They are feared, however, because these Pokémon are thought to steal the spirits of people when their eyes burn with a sinister glow in the darkness. Sableye digs the ground with sharpened claws to find rocks that it eats. Substances in the eaten rocks crystallize and rise up to the Pokémon's body surface. It hides in the darkness of caves. Its diet of gems has transformed its eyes into gemstones.

Sableye; it looks like demon spawn, yes? With a Ghost/Dark type only shared with it's cousin, Spiritomb, it's rare and unique. I honestly don't care much for Sableye, though. I mean, it looks evil. Not in a cool kind of evil, but the stupid kind. >.> I like some dark types, but ghosts aren't my thing; neither is Sableye. He's nothing special, really. But the fact it has gems for eyes is quite... ... ... original, that's for sure.

In a competitive aspect, Spiritomb is incredibly better than Sableye, in both movepool and stats. This shows since Sableye is in the pathetic NU tier. Thanks to it's low stats, it's abilities of support and gimmicky movesets are generally risky and situational, which is the reason it's in NU. All in all, it's pretty... pathetic.

You know this one time, one of my friends used a Sableye for competitive battling... I was like "wtf?". No offense to this friend, ofcourse. :p In an OU battle, I just don't see it plausible though. Even if it was ingenious.

Now then, what's your opinion on Sableye?
I lol'd at the Capt. Falcon roll. Anyways, Sableye. I've never used one except to fill in the Pokedex, it was a Sapphire exclusive so I didn't see much of it back then. Obviously Spiritomb is better and the same type. That ability "Stall" is ... weird, but I can see the use in it for something like Revenge or Payback. Pathetic stats though, preventing it from effectively taking attacks and using Payback. Another sucky pokemon of the week, lol.
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  • #24
Oh don't doubt yourself GiGi, you are indeed pathetic. You can go now. Bye. ;D Oh, and learn to spell "pathetic" while you're at it.

Another sucky pokemon of the week, lol.

That's the random number generator for you. ... I have a terrible feeling Latios/Lucario/Pika evolution line won't be chosen for ages. -.-;
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I lol'd at the Capt. Falcon roll. Anyways, Sableye. I've never used one except to fill in the Pokedex, it was a Sapphire exclusive so I didn't see much of it back then. Obviously Spiritomb is better and the same type. That ability "Stall" is ... weird, but I can see the use in it for something like Revenge or Payback. Pathetic stats though, preventing it from effectively taking attacks and using Payback. Another sucky pokemon of the week, lol.

I'd like you to say that to my Sableye. It's one of my absolute favorite Pokemon.

When you look at Sableye, you just think wtfz? The one thing Sableye has going for it is it's oddity. On the numerous times I've used Sableye, my opponent has no idea how to approach it. So they send in some random sweeper just to take care of it, when they get burned from Will-o-Wisp. They're forced to switch then, just to get Knocked Off so now they're ticked that something so stupid is doing work. You can't wall it with Blissey, it risks getting Knocked Off and can't touch it with SToss.

My Sableye has been EVd to sustain a Draco Meteor from nonSpecs Salamence. Thus if I get OHKO'd, I know exactly what kind it is and don't have to play the guessing game with it. And if it doesn't OHKO, I get the luxury of using Recover and the opponent is back where they started.

Throw this with the fact that Sableye can just Stoss things around with no trouble, it's funny like mad. Lucario ain't got nothing on me.:thumbsup:
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  • #26
In short, Sableye's suprise value is very good; that's only against someone inexperienced/knows 0% of anything about UU. I think a lot of pokemon can pull off Knock Off with better value than Sableye, although I can't think of any other users of WoW and Knock Off ATM...

I'd say the main selling point of Sableye is it's suprise value, though. Knocking off from the get-go is probably the thing you should of done in our battle btw, Wuddle. :p Instead of finding out if my 'Mence had specs the hard way, you could of seen my item and disabled me right there, lol. With the item gone, I doubt CB mence/DD mence/mixed mence could OHKO Sableye anyways, so you'd be free to burn it if it's physical, crippling it to a nearly a 100% useless state.

EDIT: Oh wow... only Sableye and Banette can pull off WoW/Knock Off. Sableye is arguably the better user of it, so I can see Sableye's support merit. Suprise value AND originality... I underestimate Sableye; it's still not all that good, though.
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Banette doesn't get Recover. Banette also doesn't get massacred by Night Slash/Crunch.

And, you have to consider the environment Sableye should be in. I use Sableye in OU because it's funny as hell. But with the new NU list up (Which if you see it, the Pokes are quite hilarious, there's a bunch of powerhouses in their.) only two Pokemon in NU can absorb a Will-O-Wisp. Somethings getting burned. Although there are more Aromatherapy users, they risk getting Knocked Off, etc.

Anyways, I understand that you unfortunately didn't get a chance to see Sableye at it's finest. But you can take it from me, it's the funniest and greatest Pokemon to ever use.
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  • #28
LOL, I just checked Smogon for the hell of it, and Regigigas is in NU. I can certainly say "WTF?!". Regigigas = top tier in NU... that's just not right, lol. So is Lickilicky and other scary sweepers. I'd rather have an unestablished tier than that. :lol:
It's based on usage. No one ever uses Rampardos and Regigigas. The sweepers in there are certainly scary, but there's a reason why their in there. Too fragile, not as good as others, thus not used.
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Yes I know, tiers based on usage is stupidity, though. It keeps tiers completely off balance at times, especially at the beginning of a tier's creation. It certainly keeps things... lively, but balance is important for the game, no?

I can see the plus side too, though; since the metagame constantly fluctuates and usage rates rise and plummet at a much faster rate for an unbalanced tier, it creates a more interesting and original experience each battle. I'm one more for balance, though.

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