Pokemon of the Week: Hoenn!

No one ever uses Rampardos and Regigigas.
:lol: lol, I can imagine them battling each other. For once Mold Breaker is useful.

Sableye is a cool Pokemon, CK. Its not my favorite Ghost-type, but it looks cool. I can sense usefulness in it...and the no weaknesses thing is kick-ass.
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Neosquid said:
For once Mold Breaker is useful.

Regigigas' ability doesn't impede Rampardos or it's attacks in any way, Nick... Mold Breaker wouldn't do anything at all. :p
Even when they're trained right, they aren't good enough. You wouldn't use either, or any Pokemon anyways if they're not trained right (usually).

Slakings ability greatly hinders it. If it KO's a Pokemon, then the next one sent out would usually be some sort of Pokemon that can set up. Since it's in NU, Slaking runs the risk of letting Belly Drum Linoone set up all over it.

Rampardos is probably the most usable out of the two. It's ability doesn't suck, the only problem is it has pitiful speed, so it's a glass cannon.
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For NU, just slap on a choice scarf and watch Rampardos rip everything to shreds. Whether it be throwing around EQ without a care in the world; thanks to Mold Breaker, or suiciding with Head Smash, watching enemies drop like Black Flies.
354 or 322 Speed with Scarf.

If it's running Jolly (Which it should), only Floatzel, Persian, and Purugly outspeed if it's running +Speed nature.

Otherwise, Rampardos should be taken care of easily. A bundle of priority users (Floatzel, Sharpedo, Lapras, etc.). Otherwise, anything with a Scarf just outspeeds Rampardos in general. Sure, you may risk losing one Poke, but I'd find the Rock Polishing Rampardos to be a lot more scary since you can't really wall it due to it's lack of a Choice Item lock.

If you decide to take it in UU, even more usable Pokemon take down Scarf Rampardos (Ambipom, Sceptile) and we all know how annoying Ambipom is already.

Factor in the more 'themed' teams (Rain + Sun), we get all sorts of Chloryphyll and Swift Swim Pokemon that just outspeed it anyways.

I'm just saying, although ScarfRampardos is pretty effective, the overall environment is still in general, hard for him to 'easily' sweep. Otherwise he would've been UU.
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  • #37
Happy easter everyone! :D The easter-themed Hoenn PotW is... !



Azurill, the Polka Dot Pokemon. Azurill spins its tail as if it were a lasso, then hurls it far. The momentum of the throw sends its body flying, too. Using this unique action, one of these Pokémon managed to hurl itself a record 33 feet. Azurill's tail is large and bouncy. It is packed full of the nutrients this Pokémon needs to grow. Azurill can be seen bouncing and playing on its big, rubbery tail. A Pokémon that lives by water. It moves quickly on land by bouncing on its big tail.

Yes, that's right, Azurill. Confused? The reason why I chose Azurill, is because it evolves into Azumarill, which is known as the "Aquarabbit Pokemon". Anyways, I'm rather indifferent to Azurill. It's cooler than most baby pokemon, but I'm still not a fan of it; or water types, for that matter.

In competitive battling, Azurill is basically forgotten. It's huge power ability lets it hit very hard, harder than other baby pokemon usually, but it's movepool is dispisable. With Return and Waterfall being it's only two reliable attacks, it's lackluster. However, slap on a choice band, and with Water/Normal having great coverage, it can still cause a lot of damage. Maril is more forgetable though, while Azumarill can be very scary; Azumarill gains Aqua Jet, giving it very strong priority. With 400+ attack and a STAB priority move, Azumarill can put on the hurt. Now then, what's YOUR opinion on the Azu' evolution line?
Happy Easter!

I think Torchic would have been a better choice.....oh well. Azurill is odd due to the fact that it evolves into a diffrent type. It is also one of the few baby Pokemon to be introduced in Generation 3. I think its kinda cute, and I like its tail.
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Very dead thread, Espmaster. And I don't think it's going to be revived any time soon, especially with my time restraints...

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