Pokemon of the Week

While I'm no Golurk fan, I still think it's design and lore is interesting... though said is lore far less sensible than say, Claydol's or the Regi's. I like it somewhat.

Also, the "skirt" isn't a skirt at all, it's meant to give the impression that Golurk's body shape is indeed that of armor. Though it's somewhat reminiscent of a toga, I feel like it's goin' moreso for the imagery of medieval plate armor. Makes sense since it was created ages ago when humans might be fighting in wars alongside Pokemon as infantry or cavalry in armor, and as such Golurk was created during the time period in that image: of an armored soldier.
am late a day lolderp

Pokemon of the Week #9 (10/23/2012)




Crobat, the Bat (... ... ...) Pokemon. Over the course of evolution, as a result of its pursuit of faster yet more silent flight, a new set of wings grew on its hind legs. Having four wings allows it to fly more quickly and quietly so it can sneak up on prey without its noticing. This Pokémon rests by hanging on a tree branch with its rear legs. If this Pokémon is flying by fluttering only a pair of wings on either the forelegs or hind legs, it's proof that Crobat has been flying a long distance. It switches the wings it uses if it is tired. By alternately resting its front and rear wings, it can fly all day without having to stop.

Much as I'd love t' butcher a PotW Nick likes, my professionalism(????) drives me more than my urge t' troll. I'm not particularly a fan of Crobat nor it's pre-evolutions. It's design is very simple, very bland. 'Least it ain't so ****in' common as Zubat is... I'm very indifferent to it, as I am to most Pokes that have intentionally simple designs. 'Least it's not badly designed or fugly like a Golbat.

In the realm of competitive 'mons, Crobat has ranged from complete 'n utter **** to quite useful, depending on the Generation. Both Poison and Flying are very poor types overall for various reasons. This isn't helped by the fact Crobat's speed is it's sole asset. Back in Gen 2, it's movepool was pathetic. It had no particular strategy that it's speed helped with enough to make it useful. I take a direct quote from Smogon to summarize Crobat's Gen 2 UU career:

Smogon said:
Crobat isn't worth using unless you're expecting to lose.

Gen 3 wasn't much kinder to Crobat, but it at least obtained some new tools. No longer UU trash, it jumped up to BL by taking advantage of a metagame it at least has some niche use in. With the introduction of abilities, Magneton was the bane of Crobat's bane: Steel types that are immune to Poison. Magnet Pull and powerful Electric STAB or a super effective Hidden Power offed any Steel type without a Shed Shell, and a Steel without Leftovers was bound to be worn down eventually anyways. With them out of the way, a weakened team could easily fall to a Crobat with a Choice Band. Since the Choice Scarf didn't exist back then, once your team was weak enough with any Steel types removed you wouldn't be able to outspeed the bat and prevent a late-game sweep. That was all it really had going for it though, besides a rather risky niche moveset which involves abusing Sleep Talk's negation of priority, Whirlwind and a team mate's layer(s) of Spikes.

Come Gen 4, Crobat gained absolutely ****-all and remained in UU: that is, until Platinum's move tutors came 'round and ****ed up the metagame somethin' good. It gained potent STAB in Brave Bird, a handy tool since Crobat needs all the power it can get. Tools like U-turn, Roost and Super Fang give it utilities to work with, allowing that blistering speed to finally be abused for something. Though it's Sp.A is quite low, Crobat is also the fastest user of Nasty Plot in the game, bar Thundurus and it's damn priority gained through Prankster (and it's banned anyways). Physical Crobat is always expected, so when those Steel types switch in to tank a Brave Bird or laugh at Poison STAB, they eat a +2 Heat Wave instead. Though the lovely Scarf came 'round in Gen 4, just like Steel types it was simply a threat that simply needed to be removed. It wasn't the best at what it did, but that Speed is what set it apart from other Pokes. Despite an SR weakness, Crobat stood strong and was truly usable in OU for the first time.

Gen 5 is plastered with potent Fighting types, so you'd certainly think Crobat's 4x resistance to said type would be even handier than before. Quite true, but quite sadly that's where all the good news ends. Gen 5 OU is all about power as well as bulk. Crobat gained literally no tools from the generation transition. Pokemon are stronger and bulkier than ever, whereas Crobat still can't take a Stone Edge when it tries to switch in on a Fighting STAB move. It's usable in OU, but it certainly isn't much of a team player with an irrelevantly high Speed stat and poor typing. A "bulky" Crobat has competition better at the job, whereas a speedy Crobat can barely take resisted moves as is, none the less boosted neutral ones. Lets not forget that SR weakness either. At the very least, it does perform in UU as well as it did in Gen 4 OU.
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Ah, Crobat. Its design is pretty cool, and I especially like the way it looks in the 3D games, it just appeals to me for some reason. I've also used quite a bit of Crobat, at least one in every generation save for V, so it's had time to grow on me.
Much as I'd love t' butcher a PotW Nick likes, my professionalism(????) drives me more than my urge t' troll.
You butcher them all the time. ;_;
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It's purple, has a cool X design in its wings, and some other stuff. Also, 3D figure.

It's ugly, but it appeals to me somehow. *Shrugs* Sorta intimidating.
"Xs are cool" is the same mentality that breeds "cool" names like "XxSSBfreakCKxX". :lol:
I imagine an alternate world where gamertags are among the most verbose and thought out names around. Shame I haven't actually seen any.


Basically he is a gaming legend
He created Minecraft

The real Notch wears the Top Notch in TF2
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Pokemon of the Week #10 (11/14/2012)




Surskit, the Pond Skater Pokemon. From the tips of its feet, Surskit secretes an oil that enables it to walk on water as if it were skating. This Pokémon feeds on microscopic organisms in ponds and lakes. It secretes a thick, sweet-scented syrup from the tip of its head. This syrup can be used to attract prey.

Surskit, is, um, Surskit. Besides its unique Bug/Water typing (that not even its evolution shares), there's nothing really special about it. It has Swift Swim, which could be used on a Little Cup Rain Dance Team, I suppose. Surskit's decent speed stat for a pre evolution also helps with this. It also has the ability to tank with Rain Dish. Just kidding!

Since Surskit is a first evolution and therefore not very good, let's talk a bit about its evolution, Masquerain. Masquerain is an interesting Pokemon. First off, it has an interesting design. Second, it's a moth that evolves from a pond skater. Weird. It also apparently can't fly in rain, which serves to be untrue in ingame Pokemon battles; ironically, Masquerain functions better in rain! Unlike most other Bug types, the moth can get past Rock and Steel types that threaten it with Hydro Pump, courtesy of Surskit's water typing. Despite low physical defense, it can switch into both (fairly weak) physical and special hits, due to Intimidate and a usable special defense. With Intimidate, decent special bulk, and Hydro Pump, Masquerain is arguably one of the better users of Quiver Dance in NU. Mothim has better Sp. Attack and Tinted Lens, but Masquerain has significantly better bulk, and Hydro Pump. Beautifly, while being my personal cup of tea (Poor Beautifly....) suffers from being basically an inferior Mothim competitively. Dustox has usable bulk, but no attacking stats or movepool to abuse Quiver Dance. In my opinion, the only Quiver Dance user in NU that outclasses Masquerain is Butterfree, and that's only because of a super accurate Sleep Powder.

Back to Surskit! I think Surskit has a fairly cute design. I think pond skaters are neat, and I'd like to see a fully evolved version of a pond skater, possibly with similar cuteness to Surskit. This bug is also cool because it combines the Water and Bugs types, both of which are some of my favorite types. I'd kinda like to use Surskit and Masquerain in a playthrough sometime, if only because of their quirkiness.
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Surskit has amazing and unique type
5 resistances (Water, Fighting, Ground, Ice, Steel)
and 3 weaknesses

Yet when he evolves his typing become common and worse

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