Pokemon of the Week

The only bug types I really care for are Durant (dat Titanic Ant), Ninjask, Yanma/mega, and maybe another. But nothing I can really think of off the top of my head.
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I quite like Bug types. Beautifly, Galvantula, Shuckle, Accelgor, and Ledian are all awesome, imo.
Neosquid =
Pokemon of the Week #11 (11/20/2012)




Mantine, the [STRIKE]ridiculously over-sized image[/STRIKE] Kite Pokemon. It has a docile nature. It swims along freely, eating things that swim into its mouth. Its whole body is very coarse. While elegantly swimming in the sea, it ignores Remoraid that cling to its fins seeking food scraps. If it builds up enough speed swimming, it can fly over 300 feet out of the water from the surface of the ocean. When the waters are calm, schools of Mantine can be seen elegantly leaping over the sea's waves.

Manta rays are interestin' sea creatures, but in my opinion, Mantine is hardly interesting... Well, 'sides it's ability to defy the laws of physics and glide for 300 bloody feet despite it's weight of 485 lbs., which is only barely interestin' 'cause it's video game logic (then again, I'm sure half of all Flying types weigh too much t' actually fly without psychokinesis or other such powers...). Though it's design was meant to be simple, I feel that it's far too simple. Water-types exist en mass, yet Mantine has nothing distinguishable from the other marine Pokemon besides the animal species it's based on and the fact it's one of only four 'mons to have another Pokemon attached to it. Ironically, this gives more character to the Remoraid that attach themselves to it moreso than Mantine itself. This second generation Gyarados is bland, both in appearance and typing. While I don't outright dislike the design, I dislike the fact of how much it bores me. Oh, and it's GSC avatar looks somewhat herpaderp.

In competitive 'mons, just like it's typing counterpart sea serpent Gyarados, it was doomed to UU from the start. Unlike Gyarados, this was simply 'cause it sucks outright. It's sole good stat is it's Special Defense (which ties with Kyogre's SpD, amazingly), but due to lack of a reliable recovery move, an unwanted Flying type and finally a poor HP stat, it couldn't function effectively as a sponge against special attackers. Likewise, it was slow and didn't hit hard at all, making this special wall easily walled by opposing sponges. Gyarados simply had higher stats and a better movepool, and even it wasn't at all good back in the Golden (Silver/Crystal) days.

Come RSE, abilities were indeed a slight boon to Mantine (make them Lanturn think again that you won't switch in on a Water move... wow, what an incredibly handy mind-game :lol: ), but it was still the lackluster sponge it'd always been. Even worse, the metagame now leaned towards absolutely needing Special walls to stop Electric, Psychic or at least hard-counter certain Physical threats with STAB Water moves. Mantine couldn't pull off these three roles very well, not at all in regards to the first issue. Things like Tyranitar could take advantage of it's Flying type while also attacking it's (extremely) lesser defense stat. Pokes such as Calm Mind Alakazam or Starmie with Thunderbolt will power through Mantine without a hitch. Despite it's ability to combat the abundant Water type walls in OU thanks to Water Absorb, Vaporeon is outright better. Bulkier, can aid the team with Wish, hit harder... Once more, Mantine was relegated to a lesser life in UU.

Come DP, Mantine obtained a finely-wrapped present filled with air; simply nothing. HP Flying was now Special STAB, but that isn't exactly a game-changer.The metagame however, gained absolutely everything meant for destroying the manta. Stealth Rock is the bane of all Flying types, obviously. That alone kicks Pokemon outta OU. Other Specially bulky Water types may of gained useful moves or better benefit from the Physical-Special split (ohai Gyarados), whereas mentioned earlier Mantine got nothin'. The result, is that Mantine got the boot into the uncoveted NU tier. At least in the bleeders, Mantine's Flying type actually poses an advantage since lower tiers focus less on SR and more on (Toxic) Spikes. Said typing allows it to avoid those two hazards, dodging Toxic Spikes being especially important since any non-Sleep talking Water type fears the entry hazard more than they fear a Gen 5 Gastrodon with Storm Drain. It's aerial tendencies also give it neutrality to Grass move, a noteworthy boon for any Water type. Mantine was still mediocre, but at least there was a niche use for it far down below OU.

DPP changed absolutely ****-all lol.

Mantine glided into Gen 5 with zero grace and improvement. Still plagued by the same problems yet nothing new to show for his baggage, Mantine remains in the lowly tier he most recently occupied last Generation. Worse yet, another Water/Flying type enters the fray to give further competition of it's (debatably) useful niche: Swanna. The aptly-named swan isn't a sponge like Mantine, but it's outright better at Rain-abuse. This leaves Mantine with really only one moveset other Pokes of the same type in the same tier can't duplicate with equal results: SleepTalk. Even then, Mantine's use is nothing but niche. In every Generation, Mantine has been UU or lower despite it's thoroughly similar counterpart Skamory holding seemingly-permanent residence in OU. Some 'mons are simply destined for mediocrity.
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Late, sorry. >.<

Pokemon of the Week #12 (11/28/2012)




Mew, the New Species Pokemon. A mythical Pokemon of South America, it is extremely rare, but a growing number of people have seen it recently. Because it is able to use every move, there are many scientists who believe that it is the ancestor of all Pokemon. It is capable of making itself invisible at will, so it entirely avoids notice even if it approaches people.

Mew is pretty cute most of the time. Some of its sprites and other art are pretty fugly and screwed up, though, such as this, this, and to a lesser extent this. Aside from those it's fairly cute. The fetus (and cat...) inspired design is also interesting. Although it won't be climbing the ladder of my favorite Psychic types (Reuniclus, Gallade, Lugia, and more) anytime soon, it's not the lowest either (Jynx, Hypno, Mr. Mime).

Competitively, Mew suffers from being completely outclassed by Smeargle. Aside from stats, stats, and most importantly, stats. Mew has the second largest movepool in the game, losing only to Smeargle, who suffers from having outright terrible stats. While Smeargle can use Spore, Shell Smash + Baton Pass, and other moves to decent success, it can't take a hit or attack at all. Mew can. Mew has base 100 stats across the board, which lets it takes hits and attack with good success. It could very well be argued that Mew is the most unpredictable Pokemon in the game, and this is likely true. I think it's literally impossible to correctly assume which set an opposing Mew is running.

I also need to mention Mew's possible link with Ditto, a Pokemon I quite like. Both Pokemon are pinkish in color, weigh 8.8 lbs, and can use Transform. Ditto are also found in Pokemon Mansion, the place where Mewtwo was created from Mew. Because of this, and other evidence, many people theorize either one of two things. One, that Ditto is a failed attempt at cloning Mew. And two, that Ditto is an evolved form of Mew, or something like that. I'm not sure which theory I support more at this time, but it adds more mystery to both Mew and Ditto, two great Pokemon.
gen one
did you say GEN ONE?

GEN ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!
GEN ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!
CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!

I also need to mention Mew's possible link with Ditto, a Pokemon I quite like. Both Pokemon are pinkish in color, weigh 8.8 lbs, and can use Transform. Ditto are also found in Pokemon Mansion, the place where Mewtwo was created from Mew. Because of this, and other evidence, many people theorize either one of two things. One, that Ditto is a failed attempt at cloning Mew. And two, that Ditto is an evolved form of Mew, or something like that. I'm not sure which theory I support more at this time, but it adds more mystery to both Mew and Ditto, two great Pokemon.
One of the many mysteries of Gen one
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  • #160
.....ignoring that outburst of genwunner....ism.

I find it odd that Mew isn't in OU this Gen.
AUGH! Kill it, kill it with Fire Blast!

Mew is alright even though it's pink. Despite the laughably simplistic design and lack of interestin' lore (outside of bein' the ancestor to most-all Pokes), it just seeems like it's design is done right. Simple (Bibarel) can be quite effective when done properly after all. I like it slightly. Also, the mysterious connection t' Ditto especially intrigues me.

I find it odd that Mew isn't in OU this Gen.

Psychic typing has been a hindrance for the longest time. There's multiple reasons why Jirachi is OU and Mew ain't: superior ability 'n typing. The same can be said for Victini, despite it's ****in' terrifying V-Create.
Pokemon of the Week #13 (12/late/2012)




Drifblim, the Blimp Pokemon (but it's a hot air balloon, not a blimp...). They carry people and Pokémon, but the wind can catch them, so there can't be a fixed destination. It can generate and release gas within its body, allowing it to control the altitude of its drift. It's drowsy in daytime. At dusk, swarms of them are carried aloft on winds. When noticed, they suddenly vanish.

I'm not particularly a fan of Drifblim. It's concept isn't bad and nor is it's design (I'd say it's above average even; it pulls off what it's goin' for well IMO), I'm simply indifferent to it. I much prefer the Ghost types that're more... Ghastly (BA-DUM PSSH). 'Course, all of 'em can't be cut from the same cloth.

Competitively, Drifblim started out UU and never proceed t' leave the tier. Though Flying is almost-never good for typing, it gives Drifblim the Ground immunity other Levitating Ghost types have as well as one of it's two good abilities to use. Alongside those three lovely immunities it's movepool has plenty of tool (namely Baton Pass) and humongous base HP: but that's where the good news ends. It's defenses are certainly befitting for a hot air balloon, makin' that HP good for nothin' but "bulky" substitutes. On top of that, outside an Explosion or bein' allowed way too many Calm Minds, it's damage output will leave ya wanting more bang for ya Pokedollar. It's incredibly unique and has a very useful role to play on some teams, but come the higher tiers and it simply can't hold it's own. Against anythin' besides stall or a Pokemon locked into a move it's immune to, Drifblim won't even be able to aid it's team mates very effectively either.

This is all true for both generations as it didn't really change in the generation shift; except the fact it actually lost quite a bit of viability. Far better weather starters (permanent or temporary) can be used in it's stead. The metagames are all full'a much harder hittin' Pokemon than there used t' be, so it's balloon-thin defenses hold it back even further. Worst of all, Explosion no longer cuts the foe's defense, so it's pearl harbor imitations ain't particularly frightening in Gen 5. It got Acrobatics as compensation, but hardly compensation indeed. It can still provide useful Baton Pass support, but it in itself is even more of a liability. The Ghost type is incredibly useful on essentially every team, so unless Drifblim's particular Baton Pass niche of super-ChestoRest or Stockpile is needed, odds are it won't be of much use to the team overall. And let me tell ya, those movesets usually ain't needed. :lol:

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