Pokemon of the Week

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  • #186
I made a list for Pokemon I like in every generation. 1 means that they're fairly cool, 2 means that they're pretty cool, and 3 means that I really like them. Anything not on the list I either dislike or don't care much about. I'm only including one Mon from each evolutionary line (unless it's split between gens).

Mostly accurate, but I had trouble deciding for a few.

Gen I:

Blastoise (1)
Nidoking (2)
Wigglytuff (3)
Zubat (3)
Parasect (1)
Victreebel (2)
Slowbro (2)
Magneton (1)
Cloyster (1)
Kingler (2)
Electrode (1)
Marowak (1)
Kangaskhan (1)
Gyarados (2)
Ditto (3)
Flareon (2)
Omastar (3)
Snorlax (2)

Gen I Total: 33 (18 Pokemon)

Gen II:

Feraligatr (3)
Ledian (3)
Crobat (3)
Lanturn (2)
Ampharos (1)
Azumarill (1)
Sudowoodo (1)
Jumpluff (3)
Quagsire (1)
Umbreon (1)
Misdreavus (1)
Wobbuffet (1)
Dunsparce (2)
Steelix (3)
Shuckle (3)
Magcargo (3)
Corsola (1)
Octillery (1)
Blissey (1)
Lugia (2)

Gen II Total: 37 (20 Pokemon)

Gen III:

Blaziken (1)
Swampert (1)
Beautifly (2)
Ludicolo (2)
Gardevoir (1)
Exploud (1)
Hariyama (1)
Delcatty (2)
Sableye (3)
Mawile (2)
Aggron (2)
Roselia (1)
Swalot (3)
Sharpedo (3)
Flygon (1)
Cacturne (1)
Seviper (1)
Lunatone (2)
Crawdaunt (1)
Cradily (2)
Milotic (1)
Kecleon (1)
Dusclops (1)
Chimecho (1)
Wynaut (1)
Walrein (1)
Huntail (2)
Metagross (2)
Regice (1)
Jirachi (2)
Rayquaza (2)

Gen III Total: 47 (31 Pokemon)

Gen IV:

Torterra (1)
Rampardos (2)
Drifblim (2)
Honchcrow (1)
Drapion (2)
Toxicroak (1)
Snover (1)
Tangrowth (1)
Porygon Z (3)
Gallade (3)
Rotom (2)

Gen IV Total: 19 (11 Pokemon)

Gen V:

Serperior (3)
Liepard (1)
Swoobat (2)
Krookodile (2)
Scrafty (1)
Cinccino (1)
Reuniclus (3)
Vanilluxe (3)
Jellicent (M) (3)
Galvantula (3)
Ferrothorn (1)
Eelektross (2)
Chandelure (1)
Beartic (1)
Accelgor (2)
Stunfisk (3)
Golurk (2)
Heatmor (1)
Hydreigon (3)
Volcarona (1)
Kyurem (2)
Genesect (1)

Gen V Total: 43 (22 Pokemon)

List in terms of point total:
-Gen III
-Gen V
-Gen II
-Gen I
-Gen IV

List in terms of number of Pokemon:
-Gen III
-Gen V
-Gen II
-Gen I
-Gen IV

....shockingly, this matches the order of my favorite generations before I even did this self list.....well, Gen V is higher then Gen II on this, technically.
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Vanilluxe is just hilarious.

Aye, hilariously ****.

Gen 3 is better made.


... But srsly, that's a load'a bollocks.

I prefer Gen 3 over the second.

Damnit, I can't argue with that...

I made a list for Pokemon I like in every generation.
1 means that they're fairly cool, 2 means that they're pretty cool, and 3 means that I really like them. Anything not on the list I either dislike or don't care much about. I'm only including one Mon from each evolutionary line (unless it's split between gens).

Mostly accurate, but I had trouble deciding for a few.

Gen I:

Blastoise (1)
Nidoking (2)
Wigglytuff (3)
Zubat (3)
Parasect (1)
Victreebel (2)
Slowbro (2)
Magneton (1)
Cloyster (1)
Kingler (2)
Electrode (1)
Marowak (1)
Kangaskhan (1)
Gyarados (2)
Ditto (3)
Flareon (2)
Omastar (3)
Snorlax (2)

Gen I Total: 33 (18 Pokemon)

Gen II:

Feraligatr (3)
Ledian (3)
Crobat (3)
Lanturn (2)
Ampharos (1)
Azumarill (1)
Sudowoodo (1)
Jumpluff (3)
Quagsire (1)
Umbreon (1)
Misdreavus (1)
Wobbuffet (1)
Dunsparce (2)
Steelix (3)
Shuckle (3)
Magcargo (3)
Corsola (1)
Octillery (1)
Blissey (1)
Lugia (2)

Gen II Total: 37 (20 Pokemon)

Gen III:

Blaziken (1)
Swampert (1)
Beautifly (2)
Ludicolo (2)
Gardevoir (1)
Exploud (1)
Hariyama (1)
Delcatty (2)
Sableye (3)
Mawile (2)
Aggron (2)
Roselia (1)
Swalot (3)
Sharpedo (3)
Flygon (1)
Cacturne (1)
Seviper (1)
Lunatone (2)
Crawdaunt (1)
Cradily (2)
Milotic (1)
Kecleon (1)
Dusclops (1)
Chimecho (1)
Wynaut (1)
Walrein (1)
Huntail (2)
Metagross (2)
Regice (1)
Jirachi (2)
Rayquaza (2)

Gen III Total: 47 (31 Pokemon)

Gen IV:

Torterra (1)
Rampardos (2)
Drifblim (2)
Honchcrow (1)
Drapion (2)
Toxicroak (1)
Snover (1)
Tangrowth (1)
Porygon Z (3)
Gallade (3)
Rotom (2)

Gen IV Total: 19 (11 Pokemon)

Gen V:

Serperior (3)
Liepard (1)
Swoobat (2)
Krookodile (2)
Scrafty (1)
Cinccino (1)
Reuniclus (3)
Vanilluxe (3)
Jellicent (M) (3)
Galvantula (3)
Ferrothorn (1)
Eelektross (2)
Chandelure (1)
Beartic (1)
Accelgor (2)
Stunfisk (3)
Golurk (2)
Heatmor (1)
Hydreigon (3)
Volcarona (1)
Kyurem (2)
Genesect (1)

Gen V Total: 43 (22 Pokemon)

List in terms of point total:
-Gen III
-Gen V
-Gen II
-Gen I
-Gen IV

List in terms of number of Pokemon:
-Gen III
-Gen V
-Gen II
-Gen I
-Gen IV

....shockingly, this matches the order of my favorite generations before I even did this self list.....well, Gen V is higher then Gen II on this, technically.

tl;dr will read latr

I pulled a Dirge.

I forgot.


... Is it my week yet, or no? Pretty damn sure it is.
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  • #193
... But srsly, that's a load'a bollocks.

In my opinion Gen III is the best made one. I already gave my reasoning, which is how much I like the Pokemon.
... Is it my week yet, or no? Pretty damn sure it is.
I dunno. Do some math, I would, but I have to get going for school literally right now, so I don't have any time whatsoever do do a simple calculation.
Pokemon of the Week #16 (1/12/2013)

Think I'll steal 2013's first PotW from that other forgetful guy.

njoy ur nostalgia

Jynx, the Human Shape Pokémon. It seductively wiggles its hips as it walks. This rhythmic sashay can cause people to dance in unison with it. It appears to alter the rhythm depending on how it is feeling. It speaks a language similar to that of humans. However, it seems to primarily use dancing to communicate.

I don't particularly care for Jynx. It's design origins aren't entirely clear and left completely to fan speculation, so one can't really judge in regards to that area. As for it's aesthetics... well, it's... uh, ugly and just-plain strange lookin'. Though I'd imagine that's what they were goin' for and did well in that venue. I'm a fan'a the Ice-type; Jynx however, is quite low on the list. While I don't at all fancy Jynx, 'least the whole racism controversy debacle is a tad hilarious. Always fun t' laugh at them attention-whoring, money grubbing morons. Even if they did succeed for once...

Competitively, Jynx started off as a wholly usable option back in the days of RBY. It was the only Ice type which could comfortably take a Thunderbolt (Electric moves were very common in those days). Unlike Articuno, it's secondary typing in Psychic was actually quite useful, affording Jynx switch-ins on opposing Psychic types. However, Ice and Water are very similar types. Combine this factor with Starmie's better stats, it would often gave Jynx stiff competition over a possible team slot. 'Course Jynx had the omnipotent Lovely Kiss whereas Starmie didn't, so it managed to stay OU in the retro days without much trouble. Never underestimate the impact a relatively accurate sleep move can have on a Poke's usage (ohai Breloom and Smeargle).

In GSC, nerfing of the Psychic type definitely hit Jynx's usage in some way, dropping it into the newly formed BL tier. Dark types (particularly Houndoom) keep it on edge via Pursuit, making it's pathetic HP stat more detrimental than ever. New strategies such as ResTalk and Spikes-Shuffling also hurt Jynx's usability as well, since havin' a Poke that can happily absorb sleep or passively damage Jynx to the point where she won't take even a resisted hit make her less effective in the long run, unlike other Psychic types which can learn Recover (and are also bulkier). Thanks to her speed, Jynx is a great at using the newest (and douchiest) of strategies known as Perish Trapping. Pokemon switching in to eat a STAB moves like the aforementioned Starmie are instead hit with Mean Look, unable to switch and doomed to be sung a not-so-soothing Perish Song afterwards. A niche indeed, but this lets Jynx take out it's common hard-counters. Once removed, a sweeper meant to prey on the foe losing this particular Pokemon can plow through the team with much less resistance than normal. A grand niche to fill, but a specific niche none the less. Jynx became BL yet continued to be anythin' but borderline useless.

RSE gave Jynx new tools just as GSC did; but this time not at such a large cost. Dragon types like Salamence are more common than Dragonite ever was; what better way to dispatch 'em than with a STAB Ice Beam? It's movepool also received a particular boon which, along with many other Pokemon whom could use it, was metagame defining: Calm Mind. In particular, Jynx was known to Mean Look a hard-countering special attacker (again, such as Starmie) and proceed to Calm Mind up on it. Blissey expecting to absorb Lovely Kiss or a Special move would be doomed as well, allowing any other special sweepers to wreak havoc if Jynx's sweep is somehow stopped after the foe's pink blob is eliminated. The metagame was kind to Jynx in both usability and a new move, bumping it up to Overused once more.

DP on the other hand, was quite cruel. Jynx received no truly notable new moves in comparison to Perish Song or Calm Mind. Worse yet, both of her types suffered an incredible disadvantage this generation. Ice has never been good defensively, but the immeasurably ubiquitous stealth rock destroyed what little durability she has. Garchomp; the most common Dragon type; either outran Jynx or survived it's Ice Beam thanks to Substitute. An Ice type that can't counter Garchomp is a rather poor one, indeed.

Psychic types now had to deal with Physical Dark moves: namely Pursuit. When Jynx switches in, it's vulnerable to Stealth Rock. If it wants to switch out, it's vulnerable to Pursuit. Offensive teams are much more powerful than they used to be with faster and particularly stronger Pokemon 'n strategies more readily available this generation, making Jynx's frail nature and even poor typing hugely detrimental to it's usefulness. Combined with it's good yet not-good-enough Speed, this caused Jynx to drop into the abyss of NU. Platinum didn't change this at all; hell, a more accurate Hypnosis and Scizor spamming Bullet Punch made things worse. Jynx fell from the decent amount of glory it had but good.

Jynx still hasn't changed from last generation and remains at the bottom of the barrel: just not the VERY bottom, since it can at least hold it's own in RU. Stealth Rocks and Physical Pursuit keep it far away from OU, as well as the fact that the ginormous power shift introduced in BW keeps her away from even UU these days (ohai Victini). How ironic it finally received the ultimate tool t' ruin Blissey; Psyshock; yet it can't even properly tango in the tier Chansey dwells within. With that said, many better Ice and especially Psychic types have been introduced since the days of RBY. The type combination is nothin' special unless ya mean the retarded kind'a special. Her BST is relatively low for these days. Her movepool isn't really anythin' that great. Unless she receives an evolution and can make use of Eviolite+Calm Mind or somethin' like in coming generations, Jynx's heyday has come and most certainly gone.
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