Pokemon of the Week

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  • #166
Drifblim is pretty cool in my opinion, of course, a lot of that thinking is due to me using it in Pearl.

I think Drifblim is a great Pokemon in NU. Unburden is a fantastic ability in my opinion, and whether it's running Chesto Rest + Calm Mind or Acrobatics + Flying Gem, it does its job and it does it well. I haven't tried the Acrobatics set, but my Chesto Rest set has devastated opposing teams.

I forgot that it learned Baton Pass (I've failed myself ;_; ), I should give it to mine.

so it's pearl harbor imitations ain't particularly frightening in Gen 5
* Hindenburg imitations
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  • #171
Goin' for a doomsday theme; and no, it's not that stupid dog, or Absol.

Pokemon of the Week #14 (12/19/2012)




Darkrai, the Pitch-Black Pokémon. It chases people and Pokémon from its territory by causing them to experience deep, nightmarish slumbers. Folklore has it that on moonless nights, this Pokémon will make people see horrific nightmares.

Back in the day, I didn't really know anything about competitive Pokemon. I started playing Pokemon Battle Revolution online, which helped me become a lot better. I had a lot of experiences on PBR, such as being introduced to my to be fav, getting practice in doubles, and...Darkrai. F-cking Darkrai. Darkrai is a fast son of a ***** who has a move that puts both of your Pokemon to sleep at once, and it usually hits, too. Not just that, but it hits hard, and hurts your sleeping Pokemon due to Bad Dreams, its ability. Screw you, Darkrai. Screw you and your stupid signature move and ability, and screw your stupid design. Worst Dark type ever.

...ahem. Competitively, Darkrai has always been Uber due to its great speed, Sp. Attack, and access to Bad Dreams and Dark Void. I'm no Ubers expert, so I can't go into a detailed analysis, but Darkrai seems to be no joke at all. Sure, Dark typing can be a problem defensively, but keep in mind that it makes Darkrai immune to Wobbuffet's Mirror Coat. It's one of the few special attackers capable of doing this. Even though they share the same BST, Darkrai has been quite a bit more successful then its lunar counterpart Cresselia.

I chose Darkrai to represent 2012's "end of the world", because it's a dark type, is often associated with bad things (like Absol), is often considered evil (PMD2 anyone?), and multiple other reasons. It's also a very notable Pokemon, which fits well with a very notable event (or lack of event...)
No Absol? D:

Good ol' Darkrai. It's name certainly isn't very inventive and nor is it's design, but at the very least it's still executed well. Since the design is good and it's a Dark type (/bias) with stereotypical dark pokedex lore; as well as one'a the few truly evil Pogeymanz a'la PMD2; I definitely like it.

Darkrai would be the scariest thing ever with a BST total of 680. You need t' prepare for this bastard in Ubers, simply put. Whether you've got a Scarfed Poke or a Sleep Absorber in the form of somethin' with Natural Cure (watch out for Focus Punch, Blissey :D) or a not-Giratina RestTalker, ya simply need it. Otherwise Dark Void will instantly shut down one'a your Pokes and Darkrai has already taken the lead with one bloody move.

On top of that, whether you've a soft or hard counter to it, literally nothin' can switch in on safely it if it's running a not-so-typical gimmicky moveset Life Orb/Specs moveset (of which Mewtwo is outright better at, minus Dark Void) with things like Spacial Rend to maul a Palkia with. When not usin' any attacking moves besides ye olde Dark Pulse/Focus Blast, if the foe sends in a sleep absorber, Dark Void can simply be saved to shut down Darkrai's specific counter (if any) instead if it's running Nasty Plot + two attacks. If the Sleep absorber ain't somethin' like a specially defensive Heracross, it ain't gonna be able t' eat many boosted Dark Pulses and will eventually faint, leavin' Darkrai to put t' sleep somethin' more important on their team. Another threat is simply a Scarfed Darkrai which can outspeed most anything and hit anythin' twice unexpectedly. It's also got trick to screw walls over with, allowing it t' get a free Nasty Plot on the switch; or maybe even get up a second one if it's a stupid Blissey and proceed to sweep if the foe lacks somethin' faster/with priority.

The only common Pokes in Ubers that outspeed it without Scarf are Deoxys (who might not even be common; never was when I was an Ubers player), Mewtwo and Shaymin-S. Obviously neither Psychic type can switch in. Though it ain't common, Ice Beam can be run to obliterate a Skymin [STRIKE]brave[/STRIKE] stupid enough t' try and come in on Darkrai's attack; Dark Pulse does enough damage to Skymin's lacking defenses anywho. Opposing Darkrai need to beware a Focus Blast.

In other words, if ya don't have a Poke that's specifically on your team t' counter it, it's gonna screw ya over somehow. All you can do is scare it off until the trainer makes a stupid mistake or decides to sacrifice it. 'Till then, njoy ur nightmarz.
Pokemon of the Week #15 (12/25/2012)

Merry 'Karpmas ya rule-breakin' bastards.




Delibird, the Delivery Pokemon. It nests at the edge of sharp cliffs. It spends all day carrying food in it's bundled up tail to its awaiting chicks. If attacked, it throws its food at the opponent. It has the habit of sharing food with people lost in mountains. There once was a famous explorer who managed to reach the peak of Mt. Everest thanks to one of these Pokémon sharing its food.

What an unexpected Fishmas pick... :lol: If you hate the Santamon, you're automatically a failure. Firstly, it's mother****in' Santa. Secondly, it's a troll. A highly successful one at that. Sometimes his presents are actually presents. Sometimes he just smacks you with 'em for little damage. Sometimes, he gives ya present and quickly runs off 'fore it ****in' detonates in ya face.

Lastly, his design and dex entries are quite interesting I'd say. First of all, the sack it carries around it isn't actually carrying: that's his tail, attached to his body. First time I learned that, I certainly let a "what the ****?!" slip. His entries also mention Mt. Everest, which is one of the few dex entries that pertains to the real world. For example, them Indian elephants mentioned in various entries such as Raichu's which was pointed out recently, or the fact Mew actually comes from South America. I like Delibird for this uniqueness, as well as the fact THAT IT'S A MOTHER****IN' SANTAPENGUIN!

Competitively, Delibird is ass. Simple as that. It's stats are awful, it's level up movepool is worse than Feebas and to put the Ice-ing on top of the cake, Ice/Flying is god-awful typing defensively. Speakin' of defenses, wet wrapping paper holds up better than Delibird does once Stealth Rock is on the field. Delibird really is just a joke of a Pokemon. It might be UU in GSC, but don't be fooled. UU was the lowest tier back then. :lol: It doesn't even deserve a competitive review from me, there's literally no bloody point. It's that worthless.

In BW2, there is a single "viable" strategy to troll n00bs with, however. Choice Band, Hustle and Sky Attack lets it actually hit kind of hard 'fore it dies miserably. If it can survive even one hit and then outspeed the foe, anyways... It is at least more viable than a Caterpie though, so feel free t' troll scrubs by makin' a Baton Pass team to sweep usin' Delibird every Christmas. Or on every holiday not Christmas. Make sure t' explain how bad Delibird is too, otherwise they won't get how terribad they just got owned.
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  • #175
My friend's favorite Pokemon is Delibird. It's fairly cool.

Vanilluxe is still the best ice type.

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