Hoenn Confirmed (Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire)

MSwampert looks awful lol

MDiancie is unexpected, but not too surprising.

On the note of finally-revealed Mega Evolutions for the other two starters, I'll probably get whatever version has Magma as the opposition so that my Sceptile doesn't wreck the entirety of said opposition.


ike's final smash confirmed as mega evolution
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  • #63
If Mega Diancie doesn't have godlike stats, it'll probably get the Mega Obamasnow treatment, which saddens me...
its ability is listed as "???", so it might be somefin really good.
If not, its attack and defense stats will more than likely end up identical like they are now (50/100/150/100/150/50). If so, it wouldn't be much better than life orb regular diancie, though significantly higher speed would probably really help with diamond storm's ridiculous defense raising odds.
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  • #66
I still want an ability for Steel Psychics that allows them to tank Dark and Ghost
the typing is still good enough
give such an ability to somefin that actually needs it, like abomasnow or parasect, for example
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  • #69

hot roxanne
that's it, that's e3

for pokemon, at least. And I don't think we're getting anyfin else l8r

If this came from ORAS footage, I need a link right meow. I'm too lazy t' youtube "ORAS E3".

Flannery is hotter

Mega slaking

Slaking @ Thick Fat

'Nuff said. No need for better stats. Terrifying as is.

mega sharpedo

If that happens ya can count on a Mega Camerupt. Sadly, Mega Either'athose doesn't sound particularly appealing to me. MCamerupt would have three mounds on its back, and MSharpedo would just be a Torpedo Ted.
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