Hoenn Confirmed (Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire)

Got my sixth badge. Prior to that I "caught" and added t' my team its final memeber: a
Latios, nicknamed Latte. Fuck yeah coffee jhokes.

Done a bunch'a minor theorymoning for Pokemon Contests, and bred some Pokes suitable for it. Yes, I am bein' a completionist for Contests, as I once was in the original RSE. Needed a female Lucario/Riolu for breedin' a Lucario for Cool contests, so I found a shiny Riolu on GTS which had a bunch'a egg moves 'n ****... and traded it for just a Hitmonlee. Had Bullet Punch, Crunch, High Jump Kick and Vaccuum Wave. Adamant nature. Haven't checked the stats yet, but with egg moves like that I have very little doubt that it'l have competitively viable IVs for once it's done with contests. My happiness stat may just max out.

Chaos said:
... we have enough to try to make a workable metagame out of this set, and considering Ubers to be just a banlist is doing a disservice to the community.

hurray respect for ubers
I have captured every single species catch-able in the wild. Why did I even?

... With the exception'a
Vullaby, Persian, Rufflet, Unown and Petilil. Stoopid Mirage Spots.
So it's actually possible to actually "Catch 'Em All" in ORAS alone? (Legends not included?)

Surely one of ya has beaten it and seen everything there is too see. Are there a lot of offline features?

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