Hoenn Confirmed (Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire)

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I ain't satisfied 'til Eruption becomes a Physical attack. Fire Punch ain't gonna bloody cut it.
75 BP isn't too bad, still a bit more powerful than EQ, taking into account sunlight.

And Eruption isn't going to become physical. Rather, shouldn't you be hoping it gets Flare Blitz somehow?
On a serious note, does Swift Swim activate Turn 1 or does Kyogre have to carry Protect like all of the other Speed-reliant Mega Evolutions if it got it?

Just curious, it's not like it'll ever happen. And it would assuredly be banned from even Ubers if it did. :lol: who's d1 anyway
Mega blaziken gets speed over time though, the rain is a constant non changing speed boost. I don't see a reason for protect unless your in doubles.
Kyogre is at a base 90 Speed without Swift Swim. It remains at that Speed until it Mega Evolves, which takes 1 turn.

In that 1 turn, Kyogre can easily be outsped by the Ubers metagame, and the HP loss can't be regained. Water Spout has been severely weakened.
It needs Water Spout at full power IMO. Kyogre doesn't have any form of recovery either. Look at how desperately Mega Blaziken needs Protect.

Swift SwimOrge probably doesn't need to abuse Water Spout to make it worth your mega slot (... assuming it takes one up). Obviously a sweeper @ Water Spout would require Protect, but think how MMewtwo X functions: yes it can spam super-powerful, Uber-wreckin' Low Kicks. It can also be a Physical wall @ Bulk Up and Drain Punch.

Mega blaziken gets speed over time though, the rain is a constant non changing speed boost.


Kyogre only "needs" to Protect once in Singles, Blaziken is required to do it repeatedly if it switches out.
Swift SwimOrge probably doesn't need to abuse Water Spout to make it worth your mega slot (... assuming it takes one up). Obviously a sweeper @ Water Spout would require Protect, but think how MMewtwo X functions: yes it can spam super-powerful, Uber-wreckin' Low Kicks. It can also be a Physical wall @ Bulk Up and Drain Punch.
Right now, Kyogre can't do that. Yes, it can be bulky, but it loses Leftovers if it opts to Mega Evolution. And without direct recovery, even insane bulk can be taken down over time. If it happens, I think an Ability like Swift Swim will be doing what it does best: doubling Kyogre's Speed.

Kyogre only "needs" to Protect once in Singles, Blaziken is required to do it repeatedly if it switches out.
Not necessarily. Mega Blaziken sits at a comfortable base 100 Speed, beating non-Scarf Genesect (lol genesect versus blaziken), unboosted Xerneas or Yveltal, and creeping Palkia. It can instantly challenge all of the base 90's straightaway. A single Protect never hurt anyone either. Anything faster than Blaziken is highly likely to be an all-out attacker. (Let's not talk about CM Mega Mewtwo Y.) Obviously Blaziken shouldn't use Protect in the face of Wish Chansey, it doesn't need to do it if it knows it can outspeed already.
Right now, Kyogre can't do that. Yes, it can be bulky, but it loses Leftovers if it opts to Mega Evolution. And without direct recovery, even insane bulk can be taken down over time.


Not necessarily.

Against offensive threats it can't outspeed, bar a super-risky prediction-prediction, it most assuredly does.
Kyogre used Rest!

Kyogre used Sleep Talk!
Kyogre used Rest!
But it failed!

And repeat. ResTalk has never been reliable for me, and I stopped using it as soon as I started.

Against offensive threats it can't outspeed, bar a super-risky prediction-prediction, it most assuredly does.
Is Nasty Plot / Agility Deoxys-Attack is a thing? Where is the downside in using Protect on Mega Blaziken? Where's the heavy prediction?
Fire Pawnch ain't no Falcon Pawnch, Nick. It's right down there with Fire Fang as bein' a lukewarm Fire-type move.

Is Nasty Plot / Agility Deoxys-Attack is a thing? Where is the downside in using Protect on Mega Blaziken? Where's the heavy prediction?

Agility Deoxys-A? Probably not. NP? Maybe. But any not-so-defensive Deoxys is terribadly vulnerable to priority, boost sweepin' ain't its specialty.

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