Hoenn Confirmed (Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire)

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  • #46

new leak. Groudonkey, Farquaza, and...Kyogre.
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  • #51
Rayquaza > Groudon > Kyogre

this is a proven statistic, as

sky > mountains > sea level
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  • #53
check serebii nao


mega diancie
so beautiful
so hype

other stuff too which I will edit in



nerd maxie
srs archie
actual admins
mega sceptile is grass/dragon, swampert keeps its typing
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how the fuck did you see that before i did even when i've been on serebii for the past few hours

Serebii said:
Groudon & Kyogre's new "Mega Evolutions" are known as Atom Groudon & Atom Kyogre and are said to be an atomic regression.

Finally, some real hype! Looks like they are actually getting Mega Evolutions. They better get Ability changes too, and not be like Mega Latis 2.0.

Mega Sceptile - Lightning Rod (lolwut)
Mega Swampert - Swift Swim (no sap sipper, such surprise)

Grass/Dragon gains a x4 Ice weakness. Blaziken is still the most broken **** of them all, unless they get massive stat changes.

Serebii said:
Steven Stone returns and also appears to have a Mega Charizard X and is after the secret for Mega Evolution.
Is it the time for Pokemon to increase its difficulty? I'm really hoping so.
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  • #55
thx traggy

don't worry, they won't be anyfin close to mega lati@s 2.0

....megazard x again? for steven? ugh.

how the fuck did you see that before i did even when i've been on serebii for the past few hours

skype chats
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  • #57
"Again?" I only saw Mega Gyarados, Absol, Lucario and Gardevoir on opposing players' teams in X/Y IIRC.

mega sceptile counter rotom-wash y/n?
I just mean in general, it's already been pretty hyped already.

oh, that's a good point. lightningrod cancels volt switch. Sadly, it's even more weak to possible HP ice...
apparent update

Serebii said:
Groudon & Kyogre's new "Mega Evolutions" are known as Primal/Prehistoric/Primeval Groudon & Primal/Prehistoric/Primeval Kyogre and are said to be a regression called Ancient Devolution.
nvm what i said earlier

Serebii said:
The Mega Evolution activating item in this game is the Mega Bangle.
there's that too

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