Hoenn Confirmed (Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire)

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By that time, Sableye's popularity will be doin' even worse than Dunsparce's.
wow so r00d
quit talking magicrap, magicrap
also pls sableye is decently popular can u sthap trollin'
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I couldn't tell whether my computer was muted or not when I watched it.

Drought confirmed for Groudon and Drizzle confirmed for Kyogre. Wow!
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  • #37
I don't like the logic. All he says is something about symbols which doesn't make very much sense, and how Groudon and Kyogre happen to be destroying the ecosystem. Sure, both its Pokedex entries mention ecosystem destruction, but its X one specifically says:

When the Kalos region's ecosystem falls into disarray, it appears and reveals its secret power.

"Kalos". If this was linked to Hoenn, why would it specify Kalos? They could have easily just made it "When the ecosystem falls into disarray". This is probably foreshadowing "Z", saying Zygarde is a plot driving force in ORAS is really stretching it.

Also, "Thousand Waves" more than likely is referring to a kind of shockwave, considering Zygarde is a ground-type and Land's Wrath is already some sort of shockwave.
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What the **** is that intro?

That uncanny body shape resemblance to gamma is... well, uncanny. Though I wouldn't be surprised if it's just a coincidence. If Zygarde is related to both the XY cover legends AND RS' cover legends, that'd be a stretch. And also retconning.

Sure, both its Pokedex entries mention ecosystem destruction, but its X one specifically says "Kalos". If this was linked to Hoenn, why would it specify Kalos? They could have easily just made it "When the ecosystem falls into disarray". This is probably foreshadowing "Z", saying Zygarde is a plot driving force in ORAS is really stretching it.

You're forgetting that, in RSE, once both Groudon and/or Kyogre are awakened and you're in the middle'a Hoenn's ocean, Steven contemplates on the danger both Pokes pose to the entire world, flooding or drought-ing every corner of the planet. Kalos would indeed be affected by the weather duo's shenanigans... eventually.

It is a bit of a stretch, which is why I ain't on board with that dude's (even stretchier) theories, but sayin' Zygarde will have nothin' to do with ORAS, at least currently, is borderline moronic. Zygarde literally did nothing in XY 'sides foreshadow other games' events with its dex entries.

Who knows, maybe Team Magma/Aqua will pull a Neo Team Rocket and return for Z, and ORAS is just a set-up for this. lolno
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  • #39
It is a bit of a stretch, which is why I ain't on board with that dude's (even stretchier) theories, but sayin' Zygarde will have nothin' to do with ORAS, at least currently, is borderline moronic. Zygarde literally did nothing in XY 'sides foreshadow other games' events with its dex entries.
I meant it probably won't, there's always a chance. Knowing Gamefreak, Zygarde is most likely just the cover Pokemon of "Z".

Who knows, maybe Team Magma/Aqua will pull a Neo Team Rocket and return for Z, and ORAS is just a set-up for this. lolno
it would be cool to see them team up with team flare, although that's exteamely unlikely.
The Alpha and Omega does looks like Team Aqua and Team Magma symbols

I don't agree with all he says (mostly Zygarde's connections with Kyogre and Groudon (even though the dex says he balances Kalos) but there is similarity with Raquaza's job and Zygarde's job as peace maker (kinda).
As I previously mentioned, Zygarde's secondary typing is the opposite of Rayquaza's, while sharing primary typing. Obviously not a fact worth anythin' on it's own, but somethin' to keep in mind.
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  • #42
As I previously mentioned, Zygarde's secondary typing is the opposite of Rayquaza's, while sharing primary typing. Obviously not a fact worth anythin' on it's own, but somethin' to keep in mind.
Somefin to keep in mind, indeed, but it's still probably a coincidence.
If he was water ground it would make more sense
Having Ground type already doesn't balance him with Kyogre and Groudon
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  • #44
If he was water ground it would make more sense
Having Ground type already doesn't balance him with Kyogre and Groudon
That's also a good point, although it's not a major one. Ho-oh and Entei are both part fire.

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