Hoenn Confirmed (Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire)

Is is me and my Celebi
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just now realizing how cool mega gallade's cape is

Serebii said:
Primal Kyogre's ability is Primordial Sea and it blocks Fire-type moves and changing the weather. Its move is Origin Pulse. Primal Groudon's ability is Desolate Land and it blocks Water-type moves and changing the weather. Its move is Precipice Blades. Both moves can hit multiple opponents. The new weathers are permanent but fade when the Pokémon is switched out.

groudon loses its x4 weakness yesz (leaving it only weak to ground like mr said)
kyogre's primordial sea only blocks fire-type moves so that's good
precipice blades better be stronger than earthquake and origin pulse than surf/hydro pump
groudon might stand a slight chance against kyogre with these new buffs, HA WATER MOVES

Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre seem like one-man armies from their Abilities. I like what they did with them. Great but still balanced.
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all that irony...

anyways, I made this blog on BMGf

Most improved ORAS megas. Basically how much I think the mega design improves over the base form. I am opting to do this blog over "favorite ORAS megas" because such a blog may indeed be entirely pointless considering how much I have rambled about my favorite ORAS megas already.


Mega Slowbro



Deciding the fifth most improved was difficult for me. In the end, I decided on Slowbro. Regular Slowbro's design is fine, I like it. It's quite derpy, and I like how it's similar to both salamanders and hippos. The parasitic relationship with Shellder is also interesting.

Ultimately, Slowbro exists to be amusing, and it is. Mega Slowbro, to a drastic extent, takes this to a new extreme -- its design is downright hilarious. I don't think I need to explain why. I find the irony in that its tail is one of the few parts of its body not covered quite funny, as well as how it can bounce like a spring.

Mega Diancie



Don't get me wrong, I love vanilla Diancie. It is very feminine looking and animu, both of which I appreciate (it reminds me a lot of Sailor Moon). Crystals are just icing on the already very fabulous cake, if you have not noticed already I like crystals a lot. If there is one problem I have with vDiancie, it's that its boulder lower-body looks a tad awkward.

Mega Diancie fixes that one problem and more, making it look a lot better. The crystal lower body looks very pretty, as does the dress of crystals it wears. That is definitely the main improvement, but the addition of those ribbons helps too, among other things.

PMMM spoilers:
Reminds me a lot of God Madoka tbh


Mega Audino



Regular Audino looks too similar to Wigglytuff and Chansey, in particular. The body structure and coloration is very similar, not to mention they're all supportive normal-types. I'd probs like vAudino a lot more if it stood out more from the cute, pink normal-types before it.

Mega Audino has a completely revamped color scheme, and it does a great job of separating it from the others. Regular Audino's "coat pattern", which would have probs looked better as an actual coat, finally is an actual coat. I also appreciate the puff on its chest and the more "gentle" expression in its eyes, if that's the best word to describe it...

And don't even try to deny it looks like Kyubey.


Mega Camerupt



I was never really a fan of vCamerupt...it looks sort of cool, I guess, but it's nofin amazing. I like the concept of a camel with volcano humps, but it just seems a little...dull, I guess?

Megarupt does actually look pretty cool. I definitely prefer its shaggy appearance to regular Camerupt's relative bareness. The relatively boring blue-O marks on Camerupts body also transform into a cool-looking formation of rocks surrounded by lava. Speaking of the lava, the volcano on its back looks much more interesting while constantly overflowing with it. Mega Camerupt itself resembles a volcanic island, which is definitely cool. The "M" on its head is quite weird, I find it rather amusing tbh -- Mega Camerupt is literally walking Team Magma propaganda.

Mega Salamence



Last and definitely least when it comes to the design of the vanilla form, Salamence. I will be honest and say that I think regular Salamence looks kind of stupid. The wings look like cardboard, and idk, I just don't like it. It's not awful or anyfin, but it's definitely meh.

Meanwhile, Megamence looks pretty cool. Its tucked-in arms do look a little silly, I confess, but otherwise I quite like it. For one, its face and body somehow look less stupid. Its dumb-looking wings have fused into a very unique crescent uniwing. It resembles a dragon using a hang glider, which is actually quite fitting, considering how Bagon -- a creature with a desire to fly -- would leap off cliffs. Kind of like a person using a hang glider, no? It is definitely creative, and I wish they took this approach with more megas.
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I can sort of understand how some people are disappointed with it but it's definitely ugly.


njoy inner focus

You're just mad MGallade doesn't fear Dunsparce.

Why Ferrothorn? This isn't Generation V, it's hardly more of a problem than any other physical wall.

First wall that came t' mind which might give MSharpedo some trouble. If it can't 2HKO, Power Whip. Entry hazards + Iron Barbs + Rocky Helmet could murder MSharpedo's sweepin' potential too, even if the 2HKO is pawsible.



just now realizing how cool mega gallade's cape is

dat side-b swag

Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre seem like one-man armies from their Abilities. Great but still balanced.

dat contradiction

Unless they get garbage stat gains, PKyogre dat aint earthbound will be blatantly broken... or at the very least, metagame-centralizing. If PKyogre has the ability to just shut out any other weather and guarantee rain, the best weather condition in all Generations, PGroudon will simply not be used unless it can cancel out Kyogre's rain. If so, PGroudon will over-centralize alongside PKyogre. If not, P/vGroudon simply won't ever be used since rain will rule the battlefield. Sun teams will fade away, and anti-meta Sand will be non-existant. Rain will be even MORE dominant, and even if Rayquaza's Air Lock/unannounced PRayquaza's ability stops these super-weather conditions, it's still a Pokemon frail by Ubers standards that can't switch in directly. Unless a supposed PRayquaza's ability outright stopped these weather conditions on switch-in a la Clear Skies shout, PKyogre would just have too much power for any one 'mon.

And even then PRayquaza would of course, become over-centralizing alongside PKyogre.
*one-man armies in singles, since they can no longer support their team with insta-weather unless "fade" means last another ****ing five-eight turns

dunno who plays uber doubles or triples lol
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you're clearly just salty about the fact that mega lati@s and mega heracross are a thing. No amount of hate redirection will change the fact that they exist and that they suck.

First wall that came t' mind which might give MSharpedo some trouble. If it can't 2HKO, Power Whip. Entry hazards + Iron Barbs + Rocky Helmet could murder MSharpedo's sweepin' potential too, even if the 2HKO is pawsible.
At least the lack of Life Orb recoil means that being damaged isn't as likely to kill it.
Mega Sharpedo needs at least (over) 90 base Defense to even survive one Power Whip from 0 Attack Ferrothorn.

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