Hoenn Confirmed (Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire)


Is that a new Fire Blast animation? Looks cool.

252+ Atk Tough Claws Mega Charizard X Dragon Claw vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Slowbro: 129-153 (32.7 - 38.8%) -- 99.1% chance to 3HKO

Probably getting boosted defenses too.

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  • #183
megabro has the best shortened name ever, but is fucking hilarious

my interest in slowbro has been declining as of l8 but megabro makes me care more about it again

the only stupid megas design wise are mega lati@s and mega heracross, imo
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  • #184

case in point
I really like it o_o
The figurine could be better but the Steelbook case looks awesome :D
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  • #187


it has Strong Jaw. Get ready for the top of OU. Not sure how I feel about its design -- it's okay, but it's not a particular improvement.

Oh, and we have this other **** too.


Mega Camerupt has Sheer Force, not bad. Its design is a significant improvement as well.

[/inb4 dirge]

I don't see its ability listed on Serebii.

Mega Sharpedo is said to get stat increases across the board, which is fine as long as they do it right. I'd like to see Attack get a particular increase for obvious reasons. Mega Camerupt gets slower while its other stats increase. Doesn't say for Gallade.

Primal Kyogre apparently has a new ability called Sea of Beginnings and Primal Groudon has a new ability called Land of Endings. They activate what is called Strong Rain and Strong Sunlight respectively. Primal Groudon's new move is called Cliff's Blade. I have to wonder if this is permasun and permarain, or somefin different.
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Oh, and for the new Abilities, I'm really hoping they do something different. Permasun and permarain will just be going backwards, although they're good.
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  • #189
this just in: Mega Sharpedo's design -- unsurprisingly -- has grown on me since earlier today. I like how its mouth looks torn from opening its jaw more, it's gross, and I love it. It's also a bit longer than regular Sharpedo and that's nice. The addition of the yellow lines looks cool, though I suppose they did go a bit overboard with it.


Oh, and for the new Abilities, I'm really hoping they do something different. Permasun and permarain will just be going backwards, although they're good.

And I concur with that too.
I guess they were going for a more torpedo-like look. But what I like is that this thing will not be looked down upon competitively anymore. An already great Ability in Speed Boost, benefiting prior to Mega Evolution, a new Ability that gives 1.5x the power of its best Dark-type STAB, and stat boosts everywhere is almost too good to be true. Mega Sharpedo is definitely going to shoot to OU (c wut i did thar) and, depending on the stat boosts its Mega Evolution receives, will be a force to be reckoned with there.

Also, I hope people still won't be putting Ice Beam over Ice Fang on this thing. I mean, seriously.
People use Camerupt? For real?

Primal Kyogre apparently has a new ability called Sea of Beginnings and Primal Groudon has a new ability called Land of Endings. They activate what is called Strong Rain and Strong Sunlight respectively. I have to wonder if this is permasun and permarain, or somefin different.
I'm pretty sure it's the same as XY's Drizzle and Drought now. Don't know about Strong Rain, but Strong Sunlight [loosely translated] was Groudon's ability in Ruby as it is in XY. Then again, why would they change the ability's names? It could be something different. Sea of Beginnings and Land of Endings does sound ominous.

And 5 (so far) Pika costumes which give him special moves?
I'm sick of that little rat... Raichu is superior, isn't it?
At least give me my Spiked-Eared Pichu back.

Besides the new mega pokes, what about the old pokes?
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  • #193
People use Camerupt? For real?

I always thought it was moderately popular, idk for sure. I never cared about it but its mega does look pretty cool, I might use one in Omega Ruby. I'd decide between it and Audino right now, but it would make more sense to wait until all the megas are revealed, no?

I'm pretty sure it's the same as XY's Drizzle and Drought now. Don't know about Strong Rain, but Strong Sunlight [loosely translated] was Groudon's ability in Ruby as it is in XY. Then again, why would they change the ability's names? It could be something different. Sea of Beginnings and Land of Endings does sound ominous.
...that would make absolutely no sense.
rayquaza confirmed for ORAS

im in shock


waw its horrendously ugly
least its befitting for a guru reject like you

ehhh not bad at all its serperior to vCamerupt

Better than Aqua's Pokemonstronsity, that's for sure.

[/inb4 dirge]
[eat a dick]


I definitely like its redesign. Just like MGardevoir, it's a minimal change; but minimal change done right. It has more flair blade without goin' overboard.

Primal Kyogre apparently has a new ability called Sea of Beginnings and Primal Groudon has a new ability called Land of Endings. They activate what is called Strong Rain and Strong Sunlight respectively. I have to wonder if this is permasun and permarain, or somefin different.

I would assume it will be permaweather... which makes me sad, as weather battles will once again be one'a ubers' most defining features. Perhaps more than ever is Primal Kyogre is even scarier than regular Kyogre. ._.

Though there may be other effects. Perhaps residual damage will be introduced to the weather conditions, or it will affect their signature moves. Maybe the move types boosted by these weathers will become even more powerful. Eruption would ACTUALLY be usable on Groudon (Fire Pawnch would still probably be better lawl), and Kyogre's Water Spout would be fuckthismetagameiquit.


Specialization is key. Sharpedo needs a large boost t' its Attack to really dent the defensive threats of OU. 'Specially those that don't mind Strong Jaw-boosted moves. Remember, it's losin' a Life Orb boost for a notable base power increase to a few moves, and an unspecified amount of base (Special) Attack. Hydro Pump on MSharpedo might very well be weaker than vSharpedo's @ Orb.

As Squidface said, MSharpedo's viability depends on how good its Mega Evolution stat increases will be. Though I would imagine it'l be usable in OU, regardless of how its stats are increased. Namely since Dark is lovely neutral coverage. Cryin' shame Sharpedo lacks a boosting move... sharkfish guru, does Sharpedo have a coverage move(s) for Ferrothorn? Are there Magnet Pull-ers that dispatch it handily (without needin' HP Fire)?

Mega Sharpedo is definitely going to shoot to OU


sick of that little rat... Raichu is superior, isn't it?

At least one other than myself has a good taste in rodentmons.

... I sincerely wonder how many'a the Pokes I raised in 3rd Gen have survived over the generations. I've a few from Emerald who're near-on a decade old (<3 the Battle Frontier), but from Ruby 'n Sapphire? Ain't too sure...
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  • #195
waw its horrendously ugly
least its befitting for a guru reject like you
aside from adding a few too many yellow spots there's nofin wrong with it. I can sort of understand how some people are disappointed with it but it's definitely far from "ugly".

Maybe you'll like it after we see the whole model. Similarly tasteless fools were commenting on how they preferred the model shown next to the artwork.

njoy inner focus

Hydro Pump on MSharpedo might very well be weaker than vSharpedo's @ Orb.
Oh it definitely will.

As Squidface said, MSharpedo's viability depends on how good its Mega Evolution stat increases will be. Though I would imagine it'l be usable in OU, regardless of how its stats are increased. Namely since Dark is lovely neutral coverage. Cryin' shame Sharpedo lacks a boosting move... sharkfish guru, does Sharpedo have a coverage move(s) for Ferrothorn? Are there Magnet Pull-ers that dispatch it handily (without needin' HP Fire)?
Why Ferrothorn? This isn't Generation V, it's hardly more of a problem than any other physical wall.

To answer anyway, not that we're aware of, but I wouldn't be remotely surprised if it got one more of the elemental fangs, namely Fire Fang and Thunder Fang. Both of those could be useful for coverage, though Ice Fang still seems better.

If its physical attack gets +30, it will experience a 35% power boost in its fang moves (over Lorb Sharpedo). That's definitely enough to make a big impact.
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