Hoenn Confirmed (Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire)

I knew it
because logic

I have to wonder what [strike]brand of[/strike] horse's piss they've been drinking
The one they're trying to milk from. GF riding on the ORAS pre-hype train.

And regarding not patching XY, why not? Adds more to it.
I wonder if they'll add DLC (free or otherwise) to this one.

Haven't watched it myself because I don't want demo spoilers. What exactly does he hack and how does he do it (without spoiling anything)?
No explanation of how they did it, but retro RSE music was hacked to replace the new music in the demo. Old wild 'n trainer battle themes, old Mauville theme, old Pokemon cries, etc.



You'd expect Dragon Ascent to be a Dragon-type move...I really wish they paid more attention to Rayquaza's Dragon-type than Flying-type competitively. Of course, I can't complain about that look, but if its Ability did something like negate Fairy and Ice's super-effectiveness against Dragon, and Rayquaza's new signature move dealt super-effective damage against Fairies, then I would be very happy.

mega rayquaza also reminds me of a hydra

trago plz

game freak nerfed dragon-types for a reason

That, and Rayquaza may better appreciate Flying-type STAB moreso than Dragon-type, since it does have Outrage. Sure, [STRIKE]everyone quakes in fear thinkin' of[/STRIKE] we all wish MegaMence got Adaptibility, but Aerialate is fine too. No one wants anymon t' have STAB issues like (M)Gyarados does...

Rayquaza's Flying-type is more relevant t' its relationship with the other two 3rd gen flagship Pokes anyways.

So on Firstlook I got 2 special codes.

One with a Shiny Gengar, holding his Mega Stone.
The other one being way more awesome:

It's a Demo for OR/AS. Everything you get in that demo will be transferred to your game as soon as it releases.
You'll be able to get some Pokémons on there who will be able to Mega Evolve for the first time on that game.

Is anyone interested in buying either of these codes? Maybe with Paypal or something?

The Gengar is worthless (didn't bother to get it, or even pester a friend for one), the demo code is... meh. Worth a piddly amount or somethin' to impatient people, I s'pose.

mega sharpedo deserves like 10 more attack, but whatevs



Improve on a sequel? Madness.

im currently holding a sadfaecite
Where's my Mega Flyagon at, GF?
*snaps sassily*

Got the "D" btw.

Diancie ain't what I expected it ta be. Mildly disappointing.
So you can get the Eon Ticket through an event, and share it via StreetPass. You never lose your own copy, but others get one too. Neat.
Fuck y'all n00bs, I still have my original eon ticket that ya use an e-Reader with. Respect my hipsterness.
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  • #236
so it's pretty much 94% confirmed that there's no other new megas in ORAS, save possible DLC. There's no frontier either, from what I understand...that better be added.
IGN noticed that this game has too much water and HM's. Is this true?

And what's this about no battle frontier? Didn't plan on buying it anyways, but at least I've good reasons.
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  • #239
Wait WHAT!!!
don't jump off a cliff just yet
apparently the npcs talk about "something being built", which for some reason is making people think that there will be dlc for it. Whether it's over optimism on their part or not, I don't know, as I've never seen the quotes.

IGN noticed that this game has too much water and HM's. Is this true?

And what's this about no battle frontier? Didn't plan on buying it anyways, but at least I've good reasons.
no. 97% of the game takes place in sinnoh, hoenn is blown up with a nuclear warhead a good 20 minutes in

> implying there are "good reasons" to not buy oras


"First Battle Frontier building"
"Battle Tower Construction Image Model" (image 1)
"We are planning to upgrade to a more special battle facility" (image 3)
"Named Battle Frontier" (image 2)


ah, good
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