Hoenn Confirmed (Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire)

POST, YOU FUCKS or is everyone in the post-game thread and im outta the loop

Been playin' ORAS, though I was busy the first day and made no more progress than gettin' my starter. Yesterday I did things and made my way to Wattson; gonna battle 'em in a few minutes. Probably.

heres derpteam
Zin (Electrike), Lv. 22
someone forced me to nickname my pokemon dont judge me
Above nickname is referring to the Zinogre.

Weiss (Gallade), Lv. 24
Bladewise ftw.

Beryl (Grovyle), Lv. 25
It's a secret to everybody. If there's a Zelda character named Beryl, no, I am no referencing that.

two other

stoopid pokemon

Zigzagoon @ Cut

Old text recycled from RSE feels terribadly dated. New text put in for new NPCs/dialogue in general tends to be Quirky, amusing (I'm lookin' at you, Float Stone Hiker) or just less bleh in general. ORAS, y u no better like X.

Still enjoyin' myself though, much as I care not for Hoenn.

Wait WHAT!!!

So are the games any good? Surely there must be some improvements in the remakes. Should be better than the originals overall.

Also, anyone want some of the legendary pokemon from X? I'll probably send them to the wonder trade otherwise.
Caught a Marill with 3 perfect IVs... but one is wasted in Sp.A, and the others are in Sp.D and HP. Meanwhile, its Speed is 0-2 and Attack is 4-7.

this makes me sadfaec

plz no spoilers until i get the game myself


So are the games any good? Surely there must be some improvements in the remakes. Should be better than the originals overall.

Game mechanics improvements all of the newer games have had, i.e. physical/special split of Diamond and Pearl, P.S.S., mega evolutions, Fairy-type (sparingly), etc. Graphics. Moar Pokemon in the end-game, apparently.

... I'm only three badges in, but much of it seems very unchanged. Seems like whatever changes there are occur later apparently, like with the "Delta Episode".

Oh, but the DexNav is neat. It's a Poke Radar but way better.

Also, anyone want some of the legendary pokemon from X? I'll probably send them to the wonder trade otherwise.

I'll gratefully take anythin' Trago doesn't. 'Specially a Xerneas, I can't restart my X to get another one'a those...
Have a magical blue stantler and a buggy green arbok. I don't see myself getting into Pokemon again unless R/S is somehow secretly excellent or I get bored and buy a copy for cheap.
A marill, really. What do you take me for? At least I didn't bother changing the names. Trago, if you want 'em, ask Karpmod. Not my problem anymore.
'Ey, I like Marill. Pikablu is best mouse-but-not-really.

Speakin' of, I have a Huge Power Azumarill. Everyone fear me and my three badges.
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So are the games any good? Surely there must be some improvements in the remakes. Should be better than the originals overall.

Also, anyone want some of the legendary pokemon from X? I'll probably send them to the wonder trade otherwise.
I've been told that the story becomes "incredible". While I am obviously skeptical and I seriously doubt the story in this game, delta episode or not, will ever be incredible, it still makes me wonder what they're talking about.

team so far:

  • Everred the Grovyle (m)
  • L'Donne the (fabulous) Carvanha (m)
  • Pawglitt the shiny Delcatty (f)
  • Heinz the Slugma (f)

all at lv. 27, playing as a chick, just got to fallarbor
Herped my way to fifth gym and won hurrah (but Retaliate OHKO'd Gallade what the ****). Added a Skarmory to my team because I like it... but have never used one since they appear so late in GSC, and in future generations I kept ignorin' it for some reason... maybe because it doesn't have an amazin' Attack stat(s). I really am a terrible Pokenerd. Need to stop completely excludin' defensive Pokemon in-game...

Gotten more into Smash as of late, progress will be slower.

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