Forming Team

not leavin til next saturday. im going for pike, and bass, they have big smallmouth up there and 2 years ago i caught a 23 inch largemouth that was near 8 lbs. a pound under the state record. the smallies avg 20 inches and about 4-5 lbs.
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  • #227
not leavin til next saturday. im going for pike, and bass, they have big smallmouth up there and 2 years ago i caught a 23 inch largemouth that was near 8 lbs. a pound under the state record. the smallies avg 20 inches and about 4-5 lbs.

Oh next saturday, my bad I though it was tomorrow.... i love fishing, night fishing is my fav.
i live near the mississippi so night fishing is fun. also there are a lot of old strip mines that hold great fish. on spot i have i catch 16 inch crappie regularly. most are 1 1/2 - 2 lbs. huge bastards.

i take the girlfriend fishin at night and build a nice fire and catch some channel cats.
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  • #229
in those 2 games in the archives i went 56 K to 8 deaths

i had my best xp round ever. 1975 XP. i went for 32K 4D. i has a 10 elim streak, two 10 elim dominations, and 2 insult to injury upgrades.

what was awesome zanapher had like 1300xp and john had like 8 or 900.

that was pretty awesome, just wish we had our 4th with us. that damn neal on our team kept shootin my mines. and then throwin smoke and standing right in front of me.

o. is there a match goin on tomorrow night?? is it inner clan or what. volcarana was sayin somethin. ill check tomorrow to see.

have a good one all

Technically we were a team of 3 the 4th fill in really didn't account for anything much so us 3 alone took everyone to the cleaners. I only had like 875 xp. I got gipped that match.

awsome set of matches today (except that one in the sewer where you killed my K/D ratio) I only got iritated at that vic for always being the hero and just waiting to die, needless to say it was satisfying to get some dominations on him in the next game.

I feel bad killing my friends. & that Vic idiot spawning hero like it was gong out of style! It was hilarious Zanapher and I started pummeling vic the last time he spawned the hero I watched Zanapher wack him so i went in for a few then we both gang up on him as im yelling you bastard stop spawning you suck!

ya i felt bad for you, you had like 33 deaths that round. but we got it fixed and got ya on the right team, just think how bad it would have been with a 4th. so we didnt have some jackoff noobin it up. we did have a 120-35. we gotta get a game where they get less than 24, thats the record at least for one i have been apart of.

I think we could manage a 120-24. I am suprised these kids or whomever they are stick around as long as they do when they are playing us. some of them stick around for 3 4 or 5 games of them being owned.
ya i know it is suprising that they stuck. i would be like screw this im takin my ball and goin home. i liked it better when we had 7 and it was us 3 vs the 4. if it would stay like that. it would be nice.

we did have the 120-24 match in the archives. and if i remember right they had a hero kill. and pretty sure i was the hero and died.

that vic wasnt too smart. def dont want him on our team. that goddam bolrae needed to get his ass in gear and get on with us.

only 30K more to 45 and my strata. i have always left it when it was dropped so i get to fully upgrade it.

well off to bed. have a good one all.

john and bolrae. your both dick boosters. makes me sad i feel stuck
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  • #231
I took a look at my stats.

26,839 xp till Level 44
768 Wins 624 Losses = 1.23 Ratio
1,535 Melee Elims
21,020 Kills 10,865 Deaths = 1.93 KDR
Kill streak is 23
Accidental deaths 112... Went up fast since I got my mines LOL.

Not bad at all. I am impressed and very happy with my results.

What are your top 5 Life and Death Accolades? Mine is x968 Elim entire enemy team, x521 Most elims of lower rank, x506 Highest elims to death ratio, x410 Most elims, x390 Longest elim-streak.
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Sorry I haven't been on all that much recently guys. I've been workin my ass off for finals and I've grown an addiction to Minecraft. Once summer starts, I should be on much more often.
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  • #233
Sorry I haven't been on all that much recently guys. I've been workin my ass off for finals and I've grown an addiction to Minecraft. Once summer starts, I should be on much more often.

Hey zach. Its cool. School is more improtant. Good to see ya back.
lol yo check me out on this guys video he made i was just searching goldeneye on youtube and there i was raping his ass at lvl 33.

Lol..this made me laugh! You totally raped man, 13-7 is so amazing hahaha. And dude you were higher level than any of them so I don't get the you being level 33 thing? You just showed what would be a bad game for most of
tking, i dont understand you. whats the point of you comin on here and ragging on everyone, so your good, lvl 56, woo hoo. dont be a dick.
It is an unfortunate side effect of the Spot/Faqs posters. There is so much boasting and whining over there I guess people think a chest beating contest is the norm. Don't blame TKING, he is a product of his environment. Thats the reason I have been frequenting these forums more. TKING not trying to flame here, just calling it how I see it.
Bolrae, and any of our other wii chat guys. get on hoots chat thing, were runnin games now with instructions. were playing on classic conflict. so get on so you know whats goin on

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