Forming Team

ya it does. i like it. it will work once everyone figures it out. they will prolly go there first to see what if anything is goin on. i will.

i liked the classic conflict too. that was pretty fun. cept for vol throwin that damn hat around :)
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ya it does. i like it. it will work once everyone figures it out. they will prolly go there first to see what if anything is goin on. i will.

i liked the classic conflict too. that was pretty fun. cept for vol throwin that damn hat around :)
Oh come on. I only did that once.
Next time, we should not do any special games or whatever ('cept for maybe sniper in archives). We should go completely all out.
ya it does. i like it. it will work once everyone figures it out. they will prolly go there first to see what if anything is goin on. i will.

i liked the classic conflict too. that was pretty fun. cept for vol throwin that damn hat around :)
Oh come on. I only did that once.
Next time, we should not do any special games or whatever ('cept for maybe sniper in archives). We should go completely all out.
lol im down for that sniping in archives would be alot of fun i hated classic conflict i was gettin owned by a lvl 22 in snowy land lol. and i like the chat room and btw HOOT and zanapher add me u noobs :p.
sorry for that host quit with 2 seconds left. as soon as joined i planned on doin it. i hate hackers. i went to that site and watched what hes got. he knows exactly where you are. it shows up your name in red. and he still isnt that great. but he had over 1000xp so thought id ruin it for him.

if you did plan on naming the group. how about (HQ) for host quit. i dunno. somethin to think about.
have a good one. good playin with ya.

What an asshole that guy, slaughtering me. Everywhere I was he was right there. I took him out, picked up his ivana and used it on him. Wasn't even 56. Damn cheaters, I think we had 4 host quits in 6 or 7 games. Guess 2 level 37's and a 42 looks intimidating when you're only 25 haha.

Ha Ha - good on yer - i must play at a time when he's on - I have 'kicked his butt' many times - he don't like the strata bullets i can tell yer - if i join a game now he leaves along with a few other hackers

let me know if this 'unoficial clan' kicks off my fc - 4383-2635-7130 - dad lvl50 - PS Please let me know if you add me !
wow what a few matches we had. it was Hoot Volcarana, and myself, in a heroes match. in the station we set a new record. 120-18. and then had a score of 120 - 23 in the jungle where we only used shotguns. definitely insane matches.
there score of 18 had a hero elim too. vol was hero and died right near the end of the match. i think that was his only death, and hoot only had i think 3. or lvl 9 sub had 4 and I had 0.

overall it was definitely the best set of matches i have been in.

lookin forward to next time.

if you havent seen the chat site

this is where we go for the games and the rules for each game that were gonna do. so if your in our team, make sure you are involved in that.
I received a message from TKING11 recently that said that [RS] was challenging us to a best of 9 Team Conflict. So what do you guys think. Should we accept?
fine with me, he comes on here and says a bunch of stuff, it should be some fun. hope its not next week from this friday to next sunday. i would miss it
tking, i dont understand you. whats the point of you comin on here and ragging on everyone, so your good, lvl 56, woo hoo. dont be a dick.
It is an unfortunate side effect of the Spot/Faqs posters. There is so much boasting and whining over there I guess people think a chest beating contest is the norm. Don't blame TKING, he is a product of his environment. Thats the reason I have been frequenting these forums more. TKING not trying to flame here, just calling it how I see it.

Dude, are we both reading the same thread here? I originally posted to give a few tips and what not and then my [RS] pal Hank got flamed on. Then I got flamed on for earning my proxies and using them. And this was after they accused my pal 007chan of hacking. So whatever I was cool and tried to make a suggestion for them getting a website and got a smart ass reply...geez so much for helping someone!! One of the reasons I was thinking behind them getting their own website is so they could actually pound their chests about beating up on noobs there instead of on here to spare the rest of us from reading it. This thread has the making if TMNT clan all over Just calling it how I see it. It seems you may be confused? Yes my last comment was uncalled for but really guys...get a room to feel cool about being average players beating up noobs. Threads line this and comments like most of these are why I rarely come to this site anymore. And don't make smart comments at someone just cuz you have a bias opinion about a forum. A forum where this site could actually take lessons from.
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tking, i dont understand you. whats the point of you comin on here and ragging on everyone, so your good, lvl 56, woo hoo. dont be a dick.
It is an unfortunate side effect of the Spot/Faqs posters. There is so much boasting and whining over there I guess people think a chest beating contest is the norm. Don't blame TKING, he is a product of his environment. Thats the reason I have been frequenting these forums more. TKING not trying to flame here, just calling it how I see it.

Dude, are we both reading the same thread here? I originally posted to give a few tips and what not and then my [RS] pal Hank got flamed on. Then I got flamed on for earning my proxies and using them. And this was after they accused my pal 007chan of hacking. So whatever I was cool and tried to make a suggestion for them getting a website and got a smart ass reply...geez so much for helping someone!! One of the reasons I was thinking behind them getting their own website is so they could actually pound their chests about beating up on noobs there instead of on here to spare the rest of us from reading it. This thread has the making if TMNT clan all over Just calling it how I see it. It seems you may be confused? Yes my last comment was uncalled for but really guys...get a room to feel cool about being average players beating up noobs. Threads line this and comments like most of these are why I rarely come to this site anymore. And don't make smart comments at someone just cuz you have a bias opinion about a forum. A forum where this site could actually take lessons from.

ok tking. first off the thing with hankscorpio was taken out of context, and i cleared that up with him. so i guess you sayin **** on your last comment makes you a hypocrit yes? i said that you had a good idea as for the website. so i actually praised you on that point. as for this thread. no one is making you come on here to read this. if you dont like it dont click on this thread. and i dont think any of us. that teamed up like being called average. but thats your opinion.
hey guys. just found out im gonna have free time on wednesday from noon to 7. my dad wants our daughter for the night so il be on. if any of our team can get on, we can match up and have some practice.

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