** "Epic RaNdOmNeSs" or "E.Ran." CoD 5 WaW Clan !!NEW!! **


WiiChat Member
Sep 13, 2012
Burnham, Maine
Epic RaNdOmNeSs is going to be a clan for CoD 5 WaW.. We will do Team Deathmatch's, aswell as Free for all's! You will have to be on frequentally or on when a time block is selected.. But, pretty much I just want to have fun, and play with some peoples.

Hello I am PantaDeath.. ^.^ If you would like to join Epic RaNdOmNeSs then post your Fc for CoD 5 WaW, and I will gladly add you to the roster.. ^.^ My Fc is: 1464-3528-1324
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Hello I am PantaDeath.. ^.^ If you would like to join Epic RaNdOmNeSs then post your Fc for CoD 5 WaW, and I will gladly add you to the roster.. ^.^ My Fc is: 1464-3528-1324

I know this is off-topic but can I interview you over something real quick? Why the random caps instead of all lower case after the R?

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