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  • #256
Jason did you ever make it to level 45 today?

I am 12,XXX away from 44. Then the long grueling trip of 60,000 xp to 45 begins.

I have an assignment tomorrow which involves me being on my computer so instead of going in to work to do it I can just stay home and get it done which is nice. So I'll get it done asap tomorrow so I can have sometime to get online and play some games with everyone.
i got my strata today, my first game with it was archives, i went 45 K and 8 D for 1695 Xp. hat a 10 elim dom and two 10 elim streaks. lowest rank was 25, highests was 34.

i found my new favorite weapon, with the anova it takes 10 bullets for a solid kill, the strata was doin it with 5. so that makes all the difference in the world to me.

il get back on here in a lil bit, within the hour. so i hope to c ya on there
Wish me luck. 10 minutes from my Bio final...

Well, that's what I was ABOUT to say, but just as I hit Send Reply the fire alarm went off :D
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ya that sux, and it happened again in arkansas yesterday. all we had was a couple funnel clouds here on the iowa/illinois border. it got kinda bad, but nothin like a mile wide tornado.

last year i went out when we had a tornado, it was half a mile wide, i was drivin around and came over a hill and the damn thing was right in front of me, it came across to my left. i saw it pick up a tree and launch it over 1000 ft. one of the scariest/most beautiful thing to see. i just wish they all stayed in fields and nowhere near people.
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  • #263
Ting about living in eastern Pennsylvania. Mountainous terrain. The strongest tornado my area has seen was an f3 and that was back in 98. We don't have to worry about them here.
I wont be on for a while because of the weather here in Missouri.

The crazy weather you're having has made headlines over here in England, some of the pictures have blown me away (wait...I cant say that, can I?), totally surreal.
Seriously, my heart goes out to the people over there.
Stay safe buddy
ya hoot, its been pretty crazy here lately, from mile wide tornadoes. if you have never seen one, try to imagine it, and then make it 100X more gnarly. to baseball sized hail.
i absolutely love huge thunderstorms and seeing its awesome power. its amazing and sad to see what can happen. putting a blade of grass through a telephone poll is a sure feat.
Me and my family are fine, we were close to the edge of the storm but even so it was pounding rain and almost constant lightning, the last time I checked there were 125 fatalities and still some missing people. thanks for all of your support.
Damn well at least u and ur family are ok we had tornados yesterday here in texas and hail the size of baseballs I'm glad I parked in the garage that night
Yea in denton our sirens were going off all night I'm not in denton but we got some of the weather effects
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  • #270
I have a Nigerian scammer on my hands. I am selling my Engagement ring on Craigslist and this guy wants me to ship it to Nigeria... I did some research on how to scam scammers and came up with some awesome threads of people sending out boxes of bricks so when the scammer gets the package COD they have to pay thousands of dollars to claim the packages LOL.

This so called "Perry Bold" guy told me he is going to pay me via pay pal and then I ship out the ring... WELL what I read was these guys pay for the product but then close the account or do a cancel payment option to get there money back but get to keep the product. Well what I am going to do is send him a plastic cubic zacornia ring out of a 25 cent gum machine and ship it COD via UPS with a nice little note attached to it..... maybe even a jar of my own sperm out of good nature to teach these theaving bastards they cant scam everyone.

What else I found out that was cool is to remove my Credit Cards and Bank Accounts from my PayPal account and to ONLY add a pay as you go Visa card to my account so when I receive the funds I transfer it to the reloadable Visa card.... That way there is no way to locate the funds and the bastards out out of their money and they get to pay for a fake ring and a "nice" note. INGENIOUS!!!!!!!

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