[WC]. Wii Chat's very own Goldeneye Clan.

well this is a tragic turn of events, I really need to get my wii fixed. :frown5:
Aw man. Depresssing. You guys are awesome. Had some great runs with Unknown, Zan, Chino, MK. Thanks for a great season guys :)
Lets keep posting here just to talk. Yall are nice ;o

Alright, I'm going to say this now, and I'm not going to go back on it.

Our clan is dead. It really is. We've tried setting up wars and stuff, but people rarely show up. We try to get everyone together for Conflict, and no one shows. And now people are leaving because "we don't do anything".

So I guess that's it then.

I, Volcarona, hereby resign from and disband the WC clan. I suggest that you all find some new clans or something. As for me, I might go join iQ or something.

It's been an honor playing with you guys. I'll keep you all in my FL and maybe we can get some games in once in a while.

but if u do leave at least come to a clan i know where ill talk to u like GH if u want and if u dont then im gonna miss u buddy :( peace its been a pleasure fighting along side u my leader
also why did u take me off ur friends list im sorry if i was being annoying i just wanted to ask u something
well anyways i guess this is the end of a long summer journey i will remember WC and i will come here time to time who knows maybe we might make a clan for GER= GoldenEye Reloaded of anyone buys it well Vol, mk ,chino, zanapher, known and all the others ive met on this clan alone . . . im gonna miss u all such great comrades u all were
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but if you do leave at least come to a clan i know. ill talk to u like GH if u want and if u dont then im gonna miss u buddy :( peace its been a pleasure fighting along side u my leader
Fixed. Partly
Well I already have GE:R, but the game has been a pain trying to find a good match and there's been Host Quits here and there. Well I don't think HQ/John is gonna be on here or even see this thread because he's so busy in real life. I doubt he'll make a return, but who knows :)?

@Yanni, nice games with you today, lol I was using my Terralite+GL combo and trying to protect RAMPAGE on Heroes, so that can explain why I got 2nd place:lol:. Hope you enjoyed farming noobs with me, I even let you get the Heroes on purpose :D.

@Volc, you're an aggressive player with that Ivana+Reflex, srry for trolling that 1 match lol, you would be a beast on CoD.

@Zan, get your Wii fixed bro! Man you could've been in the 50s by now. :p

@Unknown, enjoy playing BF3;), you should come on WiiChat and GE Wii sometime.

@Known, I hope you get GE:R or at least stay active.
:cryin: I'm gonna miss playing with you guys once MW3 comes out!
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@Volc, you're an aggressive player with that Ivana+Reflex, srry for trolling that 1 match lol, you could be a beast on CoD.

Ah, THAT'S who that was! Good game there pal.
And actually, I suck at XBox. I might get the PC version of MW3 just to try the series, but I doubt you'd see me on XBox.
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Ah, THAT'S who that was! Good game there pal.And actually, I suck at XBox. I might get the PC version of MW3 just to try the series, but I doubt you'd see me on XBox.

LOL, I probaly will never see you on Xbox because your bro won't pay Xbox LIVE 4 you+he might even hog the game:lol:!

You know there's an Ivana Spec-R+Reflex Sight in CoD MW3, it's actually in real life a TAR-21 attached with a Holographic Sight! :p Some weapons in GE Wii will be in MW3 like the P99 >=).

You should try out MW3 on Wii, cause it'll be cheaper than the PC version+you can meet some clans here (^.^)! I'm sure some of us can get MW3 on Wii since GE Wii is slowly dying+we don't need Skype or xat since in MW3 you could communicate with a headset via USB. @Volc, do you use the Wii Remote+Nunchuk or the CCP, GCC in GoldenEye?

If you want I can get MW3 with you or anyone in [WC] on Wii or I could get the PS3 version.
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I'm tempted to get the Wii version, but I heard it'll be a dumbed-down version of the PC/XBox/PS3 game, so I think I'd rather shoot for PC.

And actually, I use the Zapper. I got it just for GE when I heard it would support it because it sounded like it would be fun to try, and boy, was it ever!
Fixed. Partly
thank u for the spell check known
@vol why did u delete me?

im getting GER and well since some people r getting lets try to make a clan i know chino has GER Volcarona said he might get it but for xbox which i hope he gets it for ps3 and idk who else is getting this but i hope we all get GER
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I'm tempted to get the Wii version, but I heard it'll be a dumbed-down version of the PC/XBox/PS3 game, so I think I'd rather shoot for PC.And actually, I use the Zapper. I got it just for GE when I heard it would support it because it sounded like it would be fun to try, and boy, was it ever!
I could see where you're coming at with the Wii. Sure PS3/X360/PC have "HD" graphics but the Wii is on par in terms of gameplay :yesnod:. Yes I know the Wii's graphics are "iffy" for some, but the PC is a pain for me especially with the long boot-up and I have Windows 8 BTW. MW3 Wii is not really gonna be a "dumbed-down" version, the only difference I see is graphics and controls. I bet the MW3 PC version is gonna have a majority of the hackers, fun or mischievous ones! Black Ops for the Wii seem to do pretty well and it was on par with the other versions. If you do get MW3 for the PC, remember that you have the Mouse+Keyboard setup. With the Wii you have a variety of controls to choose. That Wii Zapper you have lying around could still be some use for you on MW3 until Wii U comes out;) or are you just gonna use it exclusively for GE? You did pretty well in GE and your skills with the Zapper could probably reflect and translate over on MW3 as well :)! LOL, Wii/PS3/X360 have dual analog controls unlike the PC's Mouse+Keyboard setup.

To recap, there's nothing wrong with the Wii version in terms of quality/gameplay except for having no HD-graphics, and having a variety of controls ;) *cough* Wii Zapper :wink: *cough* + a reasonable price tag =]. I'm not sure if you're willing to allow 8GB+ of memory saving for the PC or get stuck with the Mouse and keyboard controls.:O

@Yanni, :0 I didn't know you had a PS3 (o_O)
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  • #537
I could see where you're coming at with the Wii. Sure PS3/X360/PC have "HD" graphics but the Wii is on par in terms of gameplay :yesnod:. Yes I know the Wii's graphics are "iffy" for some, but the PC is a pain for me especially with the long boot-up and I have Windows 8 BTW. MW3 Wii is not really gonna be a "dumbed-down" version, the only difference I see is graphics and controls. I bet the MW3 PC version is gonna have a majority of the hackers, fun or mischievous ones! Black Ops for the Wii seem to do pretty well and it was on par with the other versions. If you do get MW3 for the PC, remember that you have the Mouse+Keyboard setup. With the Wii you have a variety of controls to choose. That Wii Zapper you have lying around could still be some use for you on MW3 until Wii U comes out;) or are you just gonna use it exclusively for GE? You did pretty well in GE and your skills with the Zapper could probably reflect and translate over on MW3 as well :)! LOL, Wii/PS3/X360 have dual analog controls unlike the PC's Mouse+Keyboard setup.

To recap, there's nothing wrong with the Wii version in terms of quality/gameplay except for having no HD-graphics, and having a variety of controls ;) *cough* Wii Zapper :wink: *cough* + a reasonable price tag =]. I'm not sure if you're willing to allow 8GB+ of memory saving for the PC or get stuck with the Mouse and keyboard controls.:O

@Yanni, :0 I didn't know you had a PS3 (o_O)

It wasn't that... I just heard that it wasn't going to have all the weapons and maps and stuff that the XBox/PS3/PC versions would have. I didn't/don't care about the graphics portion.
its official vol hates me jk but anyways whos getting GER and MW3 for ps3 cuz i am VOL GET THE GAMES FOR PS3 SO WE CAN PLAY WITH EACHOTHER
Well I only have the Wii, and the only new game that I'm getting is Skyward Sword though I won't have a Wii to play it on for a while.:frown5:

I'm finally sending the wii in for repairs tomorrow, I can't wait to play with you all again (until i get my hands on skyward Sword of course)
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