An Alternate Plot, Pokemon Style -Sign-ups-

I think I'll give this a shot, if sign-ups arent over.
Meh, that sucks.
Yeah, I do. Not often though, as nobody knows how to follow rules anymore nowadays.
Agreed, it's one of the reasons I retired way back when.. Even though I wouldn't know from experience as I didn't start true RPs for awhile, it used to be an artform back in the day. Only experts could even tap into the world of roleplay. ..That is, until RP n00bs began infecting everything with their stupidity and disregard for rules and structure.

Blithering idiots, ruining the art of GOOD roleplaying.. Atleast some genuinely good RPs still exist, like this one.

Good post btw, BRizer. That's the kind of long post I was hoping to see! :thumbsup:
I agree 100% with you on this. The problem i'm gonna have is that after this weekend when I go home I can't make long post because of time limit thats why i'm living it up right now.
Hang on. If the roster has already been filled, shouldnt this thread be locked so as not to mislead people like me? Or at least renamed.
This thread is currently being used to discuss the plot, rather than use the AP's thread itself, Fox. I can see a thread name change in placed though, "sign ups closed" or something of the nature should be tacked on.

Speaking of discussing the plot.. I achieved the longest post in the entire plot so far. Beat that, I dare you. :p
Fair enough.
Anyone interested in helping me plan a second RP for later, give me a PM.
*looking at WMBQ*
SSBfreakCK said:
Speaking of discussing the plot.. I achieved the longest post in the entire plot so far. Beat that, I dare you. :p

you should have seen my later posts in the Quest. they averaged on that size without all the line spaces.
you should have seen my later posts in the Quest. they averaged on that size without all the line spaces.

..Really? Sh1t, you've got me beat there. That's awesome, Shadow. :lol: Share some of that awesomeness with this RP, yeah?
to early :p
plus those were different. i had only one character, and could do pretty much whatever i wanted cause my guy was on his own. didn't have to worry about bunneying or god-modding do much. ask storm, a few of his were bigger
Love the mammoth post on Sneasel/Cyndiquil, CK.
You know Ck I have never posted somthing that big so I guess i'll take that challenge. Though if I had bothered to write all of Siesis's fight with the Sythers I could have what beat what created. Maybe i'm not still sure if it would have. By the way about the carring Cyndilquil thing you should be just fine on that since like you said he was unconcious and besides you didn't control him in any you just stated what was told had happen to him and moved him. So there shouldn't even be a chance of bunnying.

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