An Alternate Plot, Pokemon Style -Sign-ups-

On a completely different topic, you should post as Samlin, CJ.

I'm not really enthusiastic about posting at all when, even when Raine talks to your character, is often ignored by you Phil. Happens quite often.

At any rate, I'll try to make a post as soon as I can. :D

Manics should be a surprise. I think Bryan should come up with them all, I kinda like the surprise :p
I agree with the ones you guys have already, but perhaps we should add something...a little...unexpected.....just a thought.

Well, perhaps even the ledgendarys could be Manics, as the big bosses. Im not sure if they are even around, but even them, Alazakam could bring them back somehow.

It would also be cool if a few of the characters were turned into Manic temporarily, or something. Im not sure if this could work or not.

So, heres a few choices from the top of my head:



i could see these working but not the others
I agree with you there too, but I think Froslass could work. Its served as boss a few times in Dungeon and Ranger games.
..WHAT?! Noone mentioned Tyranitar, a monstrous powerhouse of a dark type?! DX. ..Well, aside from that, I'm back. :D Here's my own suggestions for manic's.

1: Salamence(duh)

2: Tyranitar.

Tyranitar is obviously the definition of an evil pokemon, filled with rage and brimming with the power to topple mountains, or so says it's pokedex entry. I'm absolutely startled noone mentioned him. I think he should be one of the very strongest manics though, especially considering he's a dark type. Being one of, or the strongest manic, it could easily be found in the sandstorm-ridden route of 111(or was it 101..) in Hoenn. Which could be close to Zigaram's hideout, persay. Luring them into a trap and a duel to the death with a Tyranitar sounds like fun, no?

3: Charizard

Charizard just seems like a manic poke to me. It's a very powerful pokemon, and with the ability of flight it's much more viable as a manic. Tyranitar might be able to rampage through anything in it's path to get to the target, but Charizard simply burns and flies over anything in it's way. Besides, we need a fire type, right? He'd be a great enemy to fight at say, Hoenn's volcanic areas, possibly close to Zigaram's hideout, just like Tyranitar.

4: Spiritomb/Dusknoir.

A manic ghost type just seems like an obvious one as well. Dusknoir and Spiritomb instantly come to mind. While niether are gigantic power houses, they have a lot of tricks and "supernatural" powers to fall back on. They'd also be some of the sturdiest of the manic pokemon. Ghost types also have attributes, i.e. normal moves doing nothing, that make them very interesting manics to battle as well.

5: Rhyperior

When it comes to ground types, we all know who's king - Rhyperior. Not only is he large, but amazingly sturdy with his special abilities of Solid Rock and Lightning Rod, he'd be a real challenge for the rebels IMO. We can't forget his massive attack power either, though. He seems manic-esque as well. He could show up in a plethora of areas as well.

6: Froslass

As previously suggested by Nick, Froslass would be a brilliant choice. Even if it's also a ghost type, it's a very suiting ice type for the job. Why? We should have atleast one manic pokemon that while is still obviously a manic, is very smart and agile. There are plenty of icy areas throughout the world you could encounter Froslass, and fighting it in a hailstorm or blizzard could prove brutal and challenging for the rebels. It'd be one of the most strategy-important battles in the plot, IMO.

7: Empoleon

For the final manic, we simply need a water type. Steel types are also manic-esque as well, so what should we have? An Empoleon. It has few weaknesses and is very sturdy, and the perfect water boss. They easily swim through waters encased in ice, meaning they can obviously be found in any waters around the pokemon world. They're ofcourse, quite strong as well and in the water, very fast. Empoleon are known for their swimming speed after all, I can see Empoleon fitting the perfect role of a water type manic.
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the only reasons i didn't suggest Tyranitar and Ryperior is cause

Tyranitar would be just plain mean. i mean come on, its godly enough without the strength Zigaram gives the Manics.

and i didn't suggest Ryperior because we have a Ryhorn.
the only reasons i didn't suggest Tyranitar and Ryperior is cause

Tyranitar would be just plain mean. i mean come on, its godly enough without the strength Zigaram gives the Manics.

and i didn't suggest Ryperior because we have a Ryhorn.

That's the point why I'm saying Tyranitar should be one of, or the most powerful manic poke. Come on, it's perfect.. You gotta give TTar some credit. :lol:

Well, we have a Charmander in the form of Ridley's Hako, but I still suggested Charizard - the same for Rhyperior. I think it'd actually be interesting to see their lower forms face off against an evolved version, which is also a manic. It'd be an epic power struggle, IMO.
true about the lower vs upper

but still a god gets even more godly? plus Sand Stream and a good move pool? God+More Godly Power=Super GodModding
We'll just make Tyranitar not-so godly. :thumbsup: There has to be the toughest manic pokemon you know. Besides, TTar can't god mod unless someone does something.. well, god moddish. NPCs are entirely controlled by everyone, after all. Tyranitar is badass, but I think you're overestimating the situation a bit, Shadow. :lol:
yes and no

make him less godly? then your disgracing him

and i probably am putting things a bit out of proportion a bit but still
yes and no

make him less godly? then your disgracing him

Then stop complaining about him being too godly. XD We'll can make him "balanced", but still the strongest manic pokemon(or one of them) by a bit.

and i probably am putting things a bit out of proportion a bit but still

Atleast you admit it. I'll end the discussion here though, not much left to be said. >.>
why don't you make an IC post?

As I suspected, the plot hasn't furthered enough for my semi-planned IC post. Requiem the Sneasel, in terms of the timeline in the story, fell asleep very little time ago - an exhausted sleep at that. I know I could work around this although a bit sloppily, but I'd rather wait - it's 2 AM anyways.

or a second character?

I've been brainstorming with.. myself for awhile now, and I still am.
We could end the debate by letting Bryan (GigaRidley) decide all the manics when they are needed to appear.

Plus what did everyone think of my post?

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