An Alternate Plot, Pokemon Style -Sign-ups-

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  • #227
I'm sorry; I meant to accept him earlier.

So yes, that means he's accepted. The Zangoose father was an interesting twist.

Also, your Pokemon can have more than four moves... anything in their movepool goes, but don't overpower them all at once. For example, Tyre may know all of his level-up moves, but he doesn't have any TMs/HMs/move tutors at all. He'll probably learn some later.

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  • #230

Could you repost it as a spoiler? I'm too lazy to go back in the thread. :p

Oh, we go home tomorrow and we're done skiing, and I didn't break my neck, contrary to your prediction. :O
Name: Nak
WMBQ is the God of all RP! All hail the great WMBQ......for RPs at least!
Species: Totodile
Age: 14
Gender: Male

Physical Description:
Nak is mostly an ordinary Totodile, looking similar to a small alligator. They are blue with scales all over, and big eyes. He has, like all members of his species, incredibly powerful jaws, which leads to a strong biting attack. They have sharp claws, which can be useful in slicing-and-dicing foes. He had red spines running down his back, and moving on to his tail. He and all Totadile are always looking cheerful and happy. He is two feet tall, and weighs 24 pounds, which is a bit overweight for a Totodile, probably due to being a glutton. However, his fangs are about twice as long as any Totodile, and apparently is excellent in combat with them. His tail is about 1/3 longer, so he can whip opponents with it easier, making moves like Aqua Tail a good choice. Everything else seems ordinary.

During the early periods of his life, Naks parents were killed by a rampaging Gyrados, leaving him to struggle for survival. He soon met a friend, who at this point is unknown, who helped him survive.

Naks friend lived in a swamp or lake-lake like area. He taught Nak survival skills, and how to fight. Because of him, Nak became a very skilled fighter.

Besides in fighting and survival, Naks friend was very dumb, and often bored him. Nak tried to entertain himself when he was bored, and became very curious in his surroundings, leading him to observe and think about everything he saw. He would often take a very long walk around the woods to see if he could find anything that wasnt there the last day. Because of all his studying, Nak became very intelligent.

Naks friend, after a few years, left to go for an apparent "mission". This left Nak heartbroken and lonely, and eventually drove him to mild insanity. He became very lazy, and only left his home to get food or play a childish prank on anyone wandering by.

Eventually, Nak finds the rebel group. Trying to do something with his life, and possibly get some kind of reward for doing it, he helps them defeat Alakazam.

All right, here it is. I didnt explain everything 100%, but thats only because the things that I didnt reveal, such as the stuff about Naks friend, are very important later in the story. So can I join or not?
Im not impatient, I just dont want WMBQ to leave for the whole day again. Not trying to be mean.
Hey we need another water type anyways. Types we have so far: Normalx4, Firex2, Water, Rock/Ground, Fighting, Ground, Electric, Rock/Flying, Dark/Ice, Water/Psychic, and Grass. I'm counting good only and Player controled. By the way it looks like another day wait for you man. Sorry about that.
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I have a great (I think) idea:
There are six more Manics we haven't seen yet, right? Well, what kinds of Pokemon are they?
That's where YOU GUYS come in!
I want to hear all of your ideas for possible Manic Pokemon! Which ones do you think would be cool. Post 'em here! Just a few things:
-They must be in the final evolution stage
-I'd like to see some variety in the types (like a Bug, a Rock, a Fighting, a Fire, a Ghost, etc., but NOT all one type)
The best and most popular ideas might be used for Manic Pokemon!
That is all.
I have a great (I think) idea:
There are six more Manics we haven't seen yet, right? Well, what kinds of Pokemon are they?
That's where YOU GUYS come in!
I want to hear all of your ideas for possible Manic Pokemon! Which ones do you think would be cool. Post 'em here! Just a few things:
-They must be in the final evolution stage
-I'd like to see some variety in the types (like a Bug, a Rock, a Fighting, a Fire, a Ghost, etc., but NOT all one type)
The best and most popular ideas might be used for Manic Pokemon!
That is all.

I think a psycho snorlax could be very good...or a psycho metagross could pose a serious threat
I'm with the Metagross idea.
I think that a Manic Charizard would be a good idea or a Manic Heracross. Charizard is not just cause he is my fav it's also for a little conflict with Hako, after all he might evolve into a Charizard. The Heracross was just an idea for one i'll try to think of better ones later.
i've PMed him my choices. each one would make some good choices. i'll post the here for all to see.

1=Salamence (already have)
2=Gallade (personal fav for best choice)
4=Venusaur (CK will know that i just had to)
5=Spiritomb (no weaknesses, good choice)
6=Steelix (looks evil already)
7=Scizor (we all have used Scyther grunts)
I agree with the ones you guys have already, but perhaps we should add something...a little...unexpected.....just a thought.

Well, perhaps even the ledgendarys could be Manics, as the big bosses. Im not sure if they are even around, but even them, Alazakam could bring them back somehow.

It would also be cool if a few of the characters were turned into Manic temporarily, or something. Im not sure if this could work or not.

So, heres a few choices from the top of my head:


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