An Alternate Plot, Pokemon Style -Sign-ups-

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Rushing lol

Eterna found Requiem btw. :O
[/EPIC face palm]

Blaaah, sorry BRizer. I assumed it would of been fine - I'm entirely at fault. Even if it worked out, I apologize for my stupidity and for rushing. DX

YOU SHOULD BE! Haha just kiddin' don't worry 'bout it. Everything worked out :D
An RP god can't be a n00b, unless I'm mistaken.

Speaking of n00bs.. I'm being one considering my most recent mistake. >.>;
Name: Nak
WMBQ is the God of all RP! All hail the great WMBQ......for RPs at least!
Species: Totodile
Age: 14
Gender: Male

Physical Description:
Nak is mostly an ordinary Totodile, looking similar to a small alligator. They are blue with scales all over, and big eyes. He has, like all members of his species, incredibly powerful jaws, which leads to a strong biting attack. They have sharp claws, which can be useful in slicing-and-dicing foes. He had red spines running down his back, and moving on to his tail. He and all Totadile are always looking cheerful and happy. He is two feet tall, and weighs 24 pounds, which is a bit overweight for a Totodile, probably due to being a glutton. However, his fangs are about twice as long as any Totodile, and apparently is excellent in combat with them. His tail is about 1/3 longer, so he can whip opponents with it easier, making moves like Aqua Tail a good choice. Everything else seems ordinary.

During the early periods of his life, Naks parents were killed by a rampaging Gyrados, leaving him to struggle for survival. He soon met a friend, who at this point is unknown, who helped him survive.

Naks friend lived in a swamp or lake-lake like area. He taught Nak survival skills, and how to fight. Because of him, Nak became a very skilled fighter.

Besides in fighting and survival, Naks friend was very dumb, and often bored him. Nak tried to entertain himself when he was bored, and became very curious in his surroundings, leading him to observe and think about everything he saw. He would often take a very long walk around the woods to see if he could find anything that wasnt there the last day. Because of all his studying, Nak became very intelligent.

Naks friend, after a few years, left to go for an apparent "mission". This left Nak heartbroken and lonely, and eventually drove him to mild insanity. He became very lazy, and only left his home to get food or play a childish prank on anyone wandering by.

Eventually, Nak finds the rebel group. Trying to do something with his life, and possibly get some kind of reward for doing it, he helps them defeat Alakazam.

...sorry I have to keep asking, but can I join? I have terrible timing, considering signing up while your camping.
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Nick Atack, I reread your sign-up, and I find myself rejecting it permanently for two reasons:

1) Sign-ups are essentially completely closed, and they have been for a while now. I almost made an exception for you, but I didn't for Fox, so it would be unfair to do so for you. I only accepted CK because I invited him to do so before the SU's closed, and so he had a reservation.

2) Honestly, I can't really see you in this RP, Nick... you're a good person, but I honestly don't believe writing is your forte. You would quite possibly become overwhelmed quickly, as the rules are going to become enforced much more strictly. Not everyone is good at everything, and so they can't be included in everything. Perhaps you're good at math or computer programming, but I just don't think writing is for you. I'm sorry.
Hold on lets give him a chance and lets see how good of a SU Fox might make who knows you might like how it turns out. Just suggesting something not telling. Sorry if it's out of line.
Guys listen, In my opinion, we didn't need another person in the RP to begin with. I think its fine right now and any more characters would have thrown the whole thing out of whack anyway.

At any rate, being the leader of anything; a business, a class, or an RP, is tough. You need to make decisions that others might not be able to make for the sake of the RP. Phil has always run stupendous Role Plays because he is able to make decisions that might not be popular. If everyone is let in or the rules are always bent, a Role Play gets out of had and is not very good.

I think in times like this we should get behind Phil in his decision, because he is has made this a great RP up to this point. He was not being mean, hes just telling the truth, and as you can see in his post, he was regretful about making the decision. Hes doing it simply for the success of the RP.

In Phil We Trust :p
Did anyone forget that WMBQ IS AN RP GOD!
Just trust him guys, the original Alternate Plot was pure awesomesauce.

But BTW, either Raine or Tyre should respond to Hako. Thank ye'.
Did anyone forget that WMBQ IS AN RP GOD!
Just trust him guys, the original Alternate Plot was pure awesomesauce.

But BTW, either Raine or Tyre should respond to Hako. Thank ye'.

I didn't see him ask anything. He just said he would walk with them right?

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