Zelda Manga ftw I have a good amount including Oot Parts 1 & 2 , 4 Swords , Minish cap and I think Majoras Mask Part 1 ;__;
This thread exists...?
It kinda just came into existence
Bloke was like "So much Zelda talk in a non Zelda thread"
He waved his ban hammer and said "Post them here" and boom there was Zelda posts and a Zelda thread

Of course me and Assassin still went of topic in the Zelda thread

Never read the Zelda manga.
Go read one for the heck of it
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I've got a Zelda thread I made somewhere before. I think it was about that damn timeline.
It kinda just came into existence
Bloke was like "So much Zelda talk in a non Zelda thread"
He waved his ban hammer and said "Post them here" and boom there was Zelda posts and a Zelda thread

Of course me and Assassin still went of topic in the Zelda thread

Not a Zelda thread -> lots of Zelda talk. In a Zelda thread -> immediately go off topic.

Newbies, if y'all want t' be upstanding senior members, mimic these two.

Aaaah yeah I can't wait for WW. It's been forever since I last played it

Whereas everyone will be playin' WWHD, I'll still not of gotten t' playin' the original 'Cube release... I am the worst Zelda fan on Wiichat.
^ Lol xD
Yeah...Idek what happened to my original WW... actually I think an old friend of mine borrowed it and never gave it back. -.-
I used my mighty power and split the two threads like that hippy bloke parted that sea that had somebody mess up its hue

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