The beauty of MM is that the side quests are apart of the whole storyline. You get to take part in everyone's final three days of life and understand their pain which is rooted in their inevitable fate.
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The beauty of MM is that the side quests are apart of the whole storyline. You get to take part in everyone's final three days of life and understand their pain which is rooted in their inevitable fate.

Apart and a part and extreme opposites. Be wary of mixing up the two.

Actually, many npc's didn't react to the 3 day limit. It's mostly restricted to Clock Town, and even then behavior is inconsistent.

Additionally, the fact npc's are mostly recycled from OoT give it an "it was all a dream" effect. I still can't tell if it was canon or no.
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"It was all a dream" worked in favor of LA now that I think about it. It was appropriate though.
Apart and a part and extreme opposites. Be wary of mixing up the two.
Sorry, I type the way I talk.

Actually, many npc's didn't react to the 3 day limit. It's mostly restricted to Clock Town, and even then behavior is inconsistent.
There where those who tried to ignore it and those who cower away from it. And then there are those who decide to live life in the midst of certain doom. Not only that but the transformations connect the whole world together.

MM is probably the best story telling in the entire LoZ series.

Additionally, the fact npc's are mostly recycled from OoT give it an "it was all a dream" effect. I still can't tell if it was canon or no.
"It was all a dream" worked in favor of LA now that I think about it. It was appropriate though.
It's cannon. It's in the timeline and plus the recycling from OoT gives it a deeper meaning altogether. I believe it helps reveals more of there personalities that were so 1 dimensional in OoT besides the sages. Even if it's an alternate dimension or whatever it still does not effect how good of a game it is.

Also SMB2 was only a dream and SMB3 was just a play by some accounts, not that it makes a difference either way.
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I still argue that LA has a better narrative. It's more akin to Metroid in that it doesn't need consistent dialogue. Plus, the owl makes a good ominous character there. Owl statues solidify it further.

And canon is definitely important if you want anyone to take your game's story seriously. That timeline is one of the worst things done to the Zelda series and I'll be damned if the upcoming Zelda games are devoted to tying that catastrophe together with them.

I like blaming MM's flaws on shorter dev time.
It does not matter. It's more connected by lore then by time. And we all know time is flexible in LoZ.

I like blaming MM's flaws on shorter dev time.
I see it as a story told through a game and not just a game in itself. Short dev time or not it's still a master piece
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It does not matter. It's more connected by lore then by time. And we all know time is flexible in LoZ.

I see it as a story told through a game and not just a game in itself. Short dev time or not it's still a master piece

That lore (or lack thereof) is exactly a significant part of what holds it back. Recycled characters are antithetical to effective lore. Moreso in a game that focuses on these characters and their problems. Who are they? Are they the same guys? Twins, perhaps? Parallel dimension?

For the record, I don't consider any Zelda a masterpiece. Great games, but they're no Shakespeare among the gaming world.
That lore (or lack thereof) is exactly a significant part of what holds it back. Recycled characters are antithetical to effective lore. Moreso in a game that focuses on characters and their problems.

For the record, I don't consider any Zelda a masterpiece. Great games, but they're no Shakespeare among the gaming world.
I don't get what your talking about. The connections through symbols is what links (no pun intended) all the games together. All the Zelda's and Link's are only symbols. They don't even share the same personality. It's that lore that makes the series legendary. It's more then just the same type of save the princess story, it's story is spread through time. A story of gods and men. And like Baccano!!, it's not told in a linear fashion.

Shakespeare is only great because of how it influenced society and Zelda is one of the most influential video games ever. But not all masterpieces are made that way. Why I view MM as a masterpiece is they way they go about telling the story and that story are the stories of everyone you meet.
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Nobody plays Zelda for the lore. It's pretty craptastic. Ocarina at least bothered to expand on the little bit of lore there was. MM didn't care for it at all. Zelda's puzzles, dungeons, and world are its core.

Best way to explain it is by expanding your horizons. For every game like Xenogears, there's a plethora of CoD's and Maddens, but the struggle is completely worth it.

Well then
You can't deny it's storytelling is really well done

The 3 day cycle is great, storytelling is not.

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