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Sounds more like fanservice than anything else. I could see a MM 3DS remake in a distant future, though.
There better be. Then I can be known as "that fish who mains scarf characters".

and suddenly, I am hyping for hyrule warriors
94% of that is ghirahype, of course

oh snap ghirahim confirmed for hyrule warriors

FOSWA has a chance at becoming a real meme... ... ...
Though manga Hyrule Historia Link is a lot cooler
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You guys gotta see this:

Knight Link as a costume would be pretty epic as well!
Also, I didn't really like how Impa looked in Skyward Sword, but here she looks much cooler :D
Also, that Varuga dude looks a lot like the fire boss from Ocarina of Time. It would be pretty freakin awesome if each boss (or at least a few of them) got his/her human version in the game!

Also, tits.
dat video

shia: 9/10 would bang
varuga: 4/10 wtf no homo

oh snap ghirahim confirmed for hyrule warriors

FOSWA has a chance at becoming a real meme... ... ...
I don't care if it becomes a fucking meme or not
I just want to see ghirahim again
if the worst case scenario occurs and he's not in smash, I'll be content enough with him appearing in this
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Hahahah, I'd want that to be a meme :p
But I agree, even if he may not appear in SSB4, it would be great to play as him in Hyrule Warriors, or however they're gonna call that game later.
It's starting to look like they may keep the name

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