zelda wii


keep it compo
Apr 24, 2007
i heard (well read) that there was going to be a zelda wii-and not twilight princess- so are they saying that im going to be able to play the origonal zelda game with the wiis control sytem, i really hope so.
well its nice to dream...
probably on vc . Also i would love to see a collectors edititon on wii it would include twilight princess,windwaker,Oot,Majoras mask, Original, second one,4 swords, and A Link to the Past
compodude said:
i heard (well read) that there was going to be a zelda wii-and not twilight princess- so are they saying that im going to be able to play the origonal zelda game with the wiis control sytem, i really hope so.
Got to love the random rumours that people read. By any chance at all was this thing that you read in all caps? If so, IT MUST BE TRUE!!!
Well since none of you guys no very much let me say there are more threads about this and yes it is pretty much confirmed Miyamoto is heading this one
WiiZero said:
Well since none of you guys no very much let me say there are more threads about this and yes it is pretty much confirmed Miyamoto is heading this one
Any links to back that up?
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well they dondt mean vc, i have read it in several places, it is nice to dream, and colectors edittion on the wii would own.
In my opinion almost every Zelda game is a re-telling of the original, so this idea just sounds dumb and boring.
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how could you say that. they all have the same idea. but they play differantly. differant storys. differend items, weapons people, places, bosses, enimies and the list goes on
Well its more likely there will be, whats the reason there isn't
reasons why there could be:

1.tp is only a gamecube port
2.there have been two zelda games on other systems...many times
3.a possable follow up to the crappy ending of tp
4.alot more can be done for a proper zelda game on next gen console
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if the Oot came out on the wii, it may be considered the best game ever, though people would complain it being nearly exactly the same as tp. so yeh, they should bring out an uber colectors eddition

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