What do you think?


WiiChat Member
Jul 16, 2006
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I was wondering what people thought about the new Zelda game, Twilight Princess. Also which game do you think is better, Ocarina of Time or Twilight Princess and why.
Kinda a hard choice. They are both definately the best games I have every played. But, I would have to say Twilight Princess. Not only are the controls amazing, but it's just huge. Although Ocarina of Time was ground-breaking, Twilight Princess is more...refined. It is basically Ocarina of Time, but better. Hyrule feild is HUGE. And the rumors of it taking 45 minutes to get across it are probably true. (But that is only if you go on foot. God help you if you ever need to go the whole thing on foot.)
i say that TP is better but its too easy (except for the bug and poe collecting!). for difficulty i say OoT: Master Quest is the winner. if they ever make a TP:Master Quest then that would win hands down
Well TP is the first Zelda I've played since I beat Ocarina of Time when it came out. I was just afraid to get into another one. I'd say Ocarina was better for its time but I like how TP is a bit more orderly and theres less What do I do next times.

Also, people say they don't like the parts where your the wolf. I like the way it breaks up the game and it still feels like Zelda to me when I play as the wolf.
TP is better in some ways, but OOT really created alot of the Zelda series aspects used even today.

My vote is for TP, only because the control system on it is new, and very unique.
Infernox said:
TP is better in some ways, but OOT really created alot of the Zelda series aspects used even today.

My vote is for TP, only because the control system on it is new, and very unique.

I'm pretty sure the plethora of zelda games prior to OoT created almost every aspect of the zelda series. OoT just made it 3 dimensional.
...it just means alot..

presonally, i just downloaded the original legend of zelda, and im already hooked on that...

that and bomberman and im good for now
tp is definately a great game. i think it surpasses OoT by a lil as well.
xpirate77 said:
...it just means alot..

presonally, i just downloaded the original legend of zelda, and im already hooked on that...
missed the sarcasm, eh?

I might download A Link to the Past when it comes out.

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