When are we going to be able to play 4 Swords without "Human" players and wonderfully smart AI, but it has the best online co-op when players jump-in and out?
Im sure it kinda had a one player mode.

But TBH its like PONG, if you are playing it solo your doing it wrong
I did that to a friend. I still have it of course.
When are we going to be able to play 4 Swords without "Human" players and wonderfully smart AI, but it has the best online co-op when players jump-in and out?

Nintendo games? ... With online co-op?? loooooooooooooooooooooool
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When are we going to be able to play 4 Swords without "Human" players and wonderfully smart AI, but it has the best online co-op when players jump-in and out?

Last time, you complained about video game online connectivity.
ireland isnt getting the limited edition wind waker, oh well im not worried about it only statue of ganondarf, i rather prefer a extra game like they did original wind waker on launch date on gamecube,
they made mistake in nintendo official mag with wind waker one in mag you said you've 20mins to withered tree quest, you have 30mins to withered tree quest, 2 all tree locations are wrong in mag, in mag all tree locations are a2, b2, c5, d2, e1, e5,f3 and f7, in the game, ive heart piece done withered trees done, 8 locations are b1, g6, a5 , b4, b2, E3, C6, E5 , talking to kokors after each is done to get, u need ballade of gales, isnt enough time to do it without song
Majora's Mask Sequel, Prequel, Remake, or an Intertwining Story?

Ok, I haven't played A Link Between Worlds yet but there is some talk between the connections between this game and Majora's Mask.

Everyone knows the Mask in Links house
Which was put in the game by special request
Hiromasa Shikata said:
Having Majora's Mask in Link's house] was a special request from Aonuma's production team. Now why would they ask us to do that?

Because of this, the MM connections with LBW cannot be coincidences.

A fan also asked Eiji Aonuma about a possible connection between MM and LBW:
Fan: First off, I want to say that A Link Between Worlds looks awesome. My question is kind of a shot in the dark: I like when Zelda gets really gritty and dark. I know you produced Wind Waker and this new game, but I wonder if you have any information on Majora's Mask at all, because that was my all-time favorite Zelda game. (Crowd cheers). Please say you'll make this [for] Wii U.
Eiji Aonuma: (pauses) If you play A Link Between Worlds, you may get an answer. You might find some information.

Other connections include:
The extensive use of masks in Thieves' Town in Lorule, (Kakariko Village's Lorule equivalent).
The Milk Bartender in Thieves' Town looks like the Bartender in MM
The 72nd Maiamai being left behind when it's mother left for an alternate dimension. (72 being the number of hours in 3 days)
And Ravio's Diary possibly hints at a connection between Termina and Lorule. Not to mention Ravio wears a mask.
-3 Days to Go

She wants to do the right thing.
I wish I could help her.
But leaving is the only option.

-2 Days to Go

She's being duped. Doesn't she
realize that? He's just a leech.
There's no choice but to go.

-1 Day to Go

I have so little magic. Enough to
go there-maybe not to come back.
But tomorrow must be the day.
I may never see her again, but
I vow to save her from all of this.

There is one more tease of something Majora's Mask and that would be Skull Kid's appearance in Smash 4 as an Assist Trophy. So far Assist Trophies hint at some characters that haven't been added yet (such as Samurai Goroh -> Captain Falcon and Ashley and Waluigi -> Wario). A Skull Kid Assist Trophy alone doesn't suggest an MM character will be playable, but there is a high probability that Eiji Aonuma himself requested it or requested a character from this game to be playable.

This all could be suggesting that something is happening in Termina. Possibly a new Wii U game. And if this is the case, I wonder what transformation masks they could use


If anything MM might just be getting its remaster on the 3DS.

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