Your First job.

bonodo said:
1) runcorn is my hometown

2) i know you didnt mean me directly but i was a "little boy with a bike"

ohhhhhhhhh ours isnt so big, our outlet center that is. the biggest is probably the woodbury commons. i think its in CT??? or NJ??? i dont remember to be honest.

and i was a little girl with a bike :aureola: infact, i had a huffy bike with a radio on it!!! remember those from my generation? hehe. i used to listen to z100 back in like the wayyyy early 90s (a NY radiostation). aw memories
The_Loose_Cannon said:
ohhhhhhhhh ours isnt so big, our outlet center that is. the biggest is probably the woodbury commons. i think its in CT??? or NJ??? i dont remember to be honest.

and i was a little girl with a bike :aureola: infact, i had a huffy bike with a radio on it!!! remember those from my generation? hehe. i used to listen to z100 back in like the wayyyy early 90s (a NY radiostation). aw memories
CT NJ? que? (what?)
bonodo said:
CT NJ? que? (what?)

whoops my appologies youre in the UK

Conneticut (state abriviation is CT) and New Jersy (NJ)
my first job was working for my self..

working as a freelancer, i made websites here and there, earning £20 an hour.. but not working on a daily basis. but it suited my needs as a student.
Gaz said:
my first job was working for my self..

working as a freelancer, i made websites here and there, earning £20 an hour.. but not working on a daily basis. but it suited my needs as a student.
£20 an hour!?!? i want your job
it was probably a part time gig right gaz?

. i make about 50$ an hour when im doing overtime at time and a half (straight time 8hours plus over time)

so its really 25$ an hour if you really broke it down hourly. we get paid by salery. (only time its hourly is if its double time meaning day off and working 16 hours- 2 shifts)

this is now im talking about btw
The_Loose_Cannon said:
it was probably a part time gig right gaz?

. i make about 50$ an hour when im doing overtime at time and a half (straight time 8hours plus over time)

so its really 25$ an hour if you really broke it down hourly. we get paid by salery. (only time its hourly is if its double time meaning day off and working 16 hours- 2 shifts)

this is now im talking about btw
i changed my mind, i want your job
bonodo said:
i changed my mind, i want your job

oh lawrdie no you dont. NYPD is....gahhhhhh i cant voice my opinion...last thing i need is "PO jill ::insert last name:: IAB wants to see you" :sick:

theres better paying police jobs out there trust me! plus i put in alot of time and effort into my job....once i hit where my bf is now, ill be sitting mighty high and fine :) i hope after 5 years i can take the sargents test :)
The_Loose_Cannon said:
oh lawrdie no you dont. NYPD is....gahhhhhh i cant voice my opinion...last thing i need is "PO jill ::insert last name:: IAB wants to see you" :sick:

theres better paying police jobs out there trust me! plus i put in alot of time and effort into my job....once i hit where my bf is now, ill be sitting mighty high and fine :) i hope after 5 years i can take the sargents test :)
prgh 1)iiits ok you can tell me....

grgh 2) sargents test eh, thatll be fun, bossing people around
bonodo said:
prgh 1)iiits ok you can tell me....

grgh 2) sargents test eh, thatll be fun, bossing people around

lol i can tell everyone- i just dont want to type it before it comes back to haunt me :yikes:

and 2- i already boss people around out of uniform and in uniform without a shiny gold shield- mines silver LMAO :crazy:
The_Loose_Cannon said:
it was probably a part time gig right gaz?

. i make about 50$ an hour when im doing overtime at time and a half (straight time 8hours plus over time)

so its really 25$ an hour if you really broke it down hourly. we get paid by salery. (only time its hourly is if its double time meaning day off and working 16 hours- 2 shifts)

this is now im talking about btw
i only work when i have clients, atm i don't have clients so i get no money, but i can have 2 or 3 clients going at once, each paying me £20 an hour for the work i do for them...
so part time in a sense, but i decide which jobs i want to take on and i have no min or max hours i do.
my first job was at SnoBiz when i was 15. it's a snow-cone/smoothies/shakes place. i would be alone pretty much all day there. it got pretty boring, but it was ok because i would experiment making different flavored snowcones. and ate A LOT of sugar. i would be wired when i got off work. i worked there for 4 summers, and worked at an after-school daycare during the school year.
im still waiting for the people at Knotts to call me back. so if they do call me back, my first job would be working as a retail sales clerk at Knott's Berry Farm or work at a Vans retail store. which ever calls first
My first job was lifeguard at a swimming pool ...... I don't remember what I got Paid but it was **** compared to now. I get more in a day now than I used to in a week and a half working retail a few years ago. $232 a day now.
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