Your First job.

damn it! my search-fu is quite weak!

anyways, my first job was at a kennel for an animal hospital my mom used to be manager of. i was like 12 or so and it was off the books. (5$ an hour to play with dogs at 12? ha! still fun to do- sometimes i was there the whole day for 8 hours with my mom and i didnt do anything but play with animals yay!)
Frogger said:
You had the most awesome jobs ever.

I enjoyed working there. It worked out well while I was in high school and attended a university. It also worked out very well with teaching. When the full-time job was off, I went back there. I would definitely still be working there if the place was still open. I made many friends there that I still keep in touch with and help out as needed.

Many of the long term employees still get together about once a month to shoot **** and compare stories at a local bar. It is a fun gathering. They are like the dysfunctional family I never wanted. :smilewinkgrin:

However, driving a Zamboni is terrible. The thing never ran right, and there are may things to do at once while you are operating it. That part would be fine, if they all worked as they were supposed to.
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  • #18
I made 300 dollors for Roofing my own Dam house when i was 16...

got out of school...but dam it was
Battles said: you pay you monkey?

the worst job i ever had was Roofing....

People dont ever do three days of my life..
why yes I do pay my monkey. he is my personal hitman.:lol:
my first job would be delivering papers when i was like 13. it was easy but i got paid VERY little. i only got paid $40 a month so i quit after about 6 months. then i started working for my dad at his shop during the summer
the best job ever:

dont think it has a name but i work in a big shopping centre going round making shure theres no fights by school kids (get em a lot) and checking if abything needs replacing or fixing and seeing if the shop n shopkeepers needed anything, it was awesome £11 an hour, and we can get just about anything the shops sell 4 free (perfectly legal, no stealing) i started last year and i love it there, because we get free bus rides too, theres 136 places like shops, cinemas, restrants, gyms, cafés, job seeking places, ecerything you can think of
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  • #23
how come ever one has been delivering papers when they was young but not me? dam
i think all little boys with bikes become newspaper deliverymen. its a neat little job to have for first timers :)

btw bonodo, sounds like an outlet center. we have those out by me on long island too. riverhead tanger outlets.
The_Loose_Cannon said:
i think all little boys with bikes become newspaper deliverymen. its a neat little job to have for first timers :)

btw bonodo, sounds like an outlet center. we have those out by me on long island too. riverhead tanger outlets.
uhh if you mean the place it is a massive shopping centre or "mallish place" that is the biggedt place in runcorn and i was never newspaper deliveringing guy *bad false inocence face*
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Battles said:
Wow..and i thought i had it hard

how much you get a paid?

9 dollars an hour it was damn hard work i was 15 couldnt find job anywhere else, but my parents were friends with a funeral home owner so i asked them if i could work there. lol best job i ever had, plus it got me in damn good shape. lol i also sold weed for a bit back then, my jobs after that : Abercrombie, Restaurant, Hollister, Blockbuster, and now i work at my college.
bonodo said:
uhh if you mean the place it is a massive shopping centre that is the biggedt place in runcorn and i was never newspaper deliveringing guy *bad false inocence face*

in runcorn?? what do you mean? is that the name of the town?? :confused:

and i didnt say you were a paper boy, i was making a general statement and then seperated my paragraphs to talk about a new topic which the second paragraph was in relation to you :yesnod:
The_Loose_Cannon said:
in runcorn?? what do you mean? is that the name of the town?? :confused:

and i didnt say you were a paper boy, i was making a general statement and then seperated my paragraphs to talk about a new topic which the second paragraph was in relation to you :yesnod:
1) runcorn is my hometown

2) i know you didnt mean me directly but i was a "little boy with a bike"

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