Your first Nintendo memory?

wario2ooo said:
hmm.....first memory has to be Yoshi cookie.......but first game to play was Wario Woods

That explains why you love Wario so much.
Duckhunt at a friends house whose dad worked for chrysler and traveled alot so he bought his son plenty of gadgets. We would play for hours till I had to go home to a 13" B&W tv with no games. We did get a used atari many years later.
Omg I remember a long time ago each month I used to go to this arcade with my friends and the game we always used to fight about was this duck hunt game. It had a shotgun (not real, plastic) that you can lock and load and we used to be so good at it we made the high scores. Then my friend wanted to try and I accidently swung the shotgun at his head, causing him to fall back into the photo booth while 2 couples were trying to take pictures while kissing!!!

First Video game I ever played was Super Mario 64 at my sister's friend's house when I was 3. Probably why I like Mario games so much
my first experience was when my dad brought home a snes, and i had no idea what it was, played super mario world, and loved it
Mario Kart 64. Might have even been my first gaming memory. I started playing games when I was 6 or 7.
Lol I remember that, I rememeber the red shells that auto-targeted.

Ahh....good times...good times.

Yea i remember....My NES that i i had for it was Tecmo Bowl, Super Mario Bros "one showing mario (yellow n white jumping with fire ball) and next to it was duckhunt", PaperBoy, Battleships, and others i cant seem to remember.

I never had a SNES....but my cousin had one and i played Madden on it....then Comes N64...GoldenEye:best Shooting Game Ever...PerfectDark:Kind of Stole it...Mario Kart: Best Racing Game...Smash Bros: Best Fighting Game...Starfox:Best flying simulation game....Bomberman 64: THat game was one of a kind....i wish they would make it like it used be just like in the N64 era......Conkers Bad FurDay:Funny Game, and also one of the best M-Rated games to ever grace the 64!!!

More games cant remember..

GameCube era....Smash Bros Mellee: Best FIghting Game....Mario Kart DD: One of the best Racing Games....Day Of Reckoning 1&2: Best Wrestling Game...better than SVR in my opinion...StarFox Assault:Best Flying Shooting game in my opinion...and so on..that i dont remember.

(So yea, i pretty much grew up with Nintendo......I still like the other systems, but Ninty comes first to my mind)

*Been Down With Nintendo Since Day One!!* LOL
OMG! Who remembers Luigi's MANSION ON GAMECUBE?!?!?!?


OMG! WHO REMEMBERS DONALD DUCK IN THE HAUNTED FORTRESS ON GAMECUBE???!? Hahahahha that was fregen hilarious! good ol donald duck.
lol my first game i think was disney adventures in the magic was great when i was 3 years old, but its probably crap. i also remember duck hunt, and ofcourse super mario bros

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