Your first Nintendo memory?

@ sparx

it was fun at 3..maybe it sucks now lol your probably young now, so the games were more advanced already when u were 3, it was different lol
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Lol yeah, its really boring just shoot ducks as they fly up.
Sparx said:
Duck hunt? dude that sucks!
Actually, Duck Hunt was all the rage "back in the day". Initially almost as popular as Super Mario Brothers. The light gun was a novelty, and you figure that and SMB were what came with the NES so everyone had it.

Sort of like Wii Sports. Yeah maybe 20 years from now people might say "Wii Sports Bowling was your first intro to Nintendo? Dude that sucks!" but today we rather like it. ;)
ALMOST as popular as Super Mario Brothers, but not as popular.
Hey who remembers the handheld Sega???
My neighbor/friend had a NES and we'd play Duckhunt, Super Mario Bros., and World Class Track Meet, those were good times.
Oh yeah I still have my Game Boy Colour, my first game was Pokemon Red, then Yellow, then Mario.
I looked at the original gameboy with my Mum one year although at the time I didn't think much of them due to the screens.

However after receiving one as a christmas present I was hooked.

I then went on to owning a SNES and several games.

I sold the lot to a person for £80.

These days I own an original DS and my less than a week old Wii plus a PS2.

My first experience would have to be the n64 when it first came out. i was 3 and i had already ended up with the old brick gameboy, then when i played the n64 playing goldeneye (still have it) and when i beat the game me and my friends would come over every weekend to play it. everyone had their own controllers and what not, and i had my old atomic purple controller which i still have. ever since that beast came out i've been playing it.

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