Your first Console + the rest

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Arcadium said:
commodore 64...?

Yeah it is an ancient console, The games were on tapes lol, so it looks a lot like a tape recorder. But it was good, you could even use a gun controller with it, even though not many consoles after it couldnt use it!
Commodore 64
Master System
Mega Drive

Also I had a 3.11 gaming console!

Hey Darkprinny, are you a fluent welsh speaker? I speak some welsh, though not great... It took me about half an hour to find out what a mochyn coed was. (I thought it was a hedge hog :))
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Gameboy Color
Coming Soon: Wii

hmm no wonder I love Nintendo every console:lol:
Napalmbrain said:
Who or what is a 3.11? :confused:

Windows 3.11, the first PC I ever had used that as the operating system. Sure there were other consoles I had before it, but my gaming PC with 3.11 is the oldest computer I have distinct memories of, before that I just have vague memories of playing sonic on the megadrive. I use to play games like Doom (They let there four year old son play Doom, but they disabled the gore from there eleven year old sons copy of Soldier of Fortune. Good thing my parents only use one code and I re-enabled the gore instantly ;)) or Raptor on it all the time and I have fond memories of that time I put a DOS program in startup (fun times). All my love of video games stems from my windows 3.11!
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hmm 3.11 I remember that
early windows payles into comparson to the newer ones
I first got the Nes (Some one jacked I think)
N64 (I didn't what this was until I felt like I was in heaven)
PS2 (It was a decision between Gamecube or PS2....I should have got the gamecube instead)
Upcoming is the epic Wii
i had.. in order

GameBoy (with the GREEN screen and 4 AA batteries)
Sega Genesis
GameBoy Color
Gameboy Advance
GameBoy SP
Nintendo DS
Nintendo DSLite

Wii to come
PS3 to come

man i had a lot of hand helds!!!!!
my first system was nes, when we first got it my sis and I both wanted to play first, so my dad suggested we flip heads/tails and I assumed we were gonna play sonic the hedgehog and yelled, I GET TO BE SONIC
Mine was -

Gameboy Pocket - Pokemon and Donkey Kong Land 2 were fun!

GBC - heaps of games. Pokemon Gold and Silver were fun games on this platform.

DS - plenty of DS games currently. Thinking of getting Children of Mana. Looked interesting since I first saw the SNES box for Secrets of Mana.

N64 - very excited for it when it came out! Mario 64 was a blast!

Snes - my sis bf lent it to me so I could play Mario Kart. Bloody hard.

Gamecube - someone wanted to get rid of theirs so I bought it off them for a great discount!

And in about a month - a Wiiiiiiiiiii!!!!

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