Your first Console + the rest

1. need help
2. Atari (i think 2600)
3. NES
4. Sega Master system II
5. Snes
6. Meaga Drive
7. N64
8. Dreamcast
10. Wii!!!!

im after some help with number one, i can't remember what its called.
It was a big bulky keyboard you plugged straight into you TV and the games were on a casset tape and took for ever to load up, can't remeber what its called??
Leviathan said:
Windows 3.11, the first PC I ever had used that as the operating system. Sure there were other consoles I had before it, but my gaming PC with 3.11 is the oldest computer I have distinct memories of, before that I just have vague memories of playing sonic on the megadrive. I use to play games like Doom (They let there four year old son play Doom, but they disabled the gore from there eleven year old sons copy of Soldier of Fortune. Good thing my parents only use one code and I re-enabled the gore instantly ;)) or Raptor on it all the time and I have fond memories of that time I put a DOS program in startup (fun times). All my love of video games stems from my windows 3.11!

I know where your comming from some of the best games i played where Dos, 3.1 and 3.11. the games i remeber most are Doom, Sim City, Sim Ant, Return to Zork and the Commander Keen series. OH almost forgot "rise of the Triad" that was gory for its time, when u blew some up you would see there eye ball fly past you. sigh! memories
1. Sega Genesis
2. 2 Nintendos
3. Gameboy
4. Gameboy pocket
5. Gameboy Color
6. Ps1
7. Nintendo 64
8. 2 Dreamcasts
9. GameCube
10. Xbox
11. Gameboy Advance SP
Soon To Come: Wii
I began with the GameBoy before I graduated to the NES and PlayStation. Holy ****, if you never owned a PlayStation you're sad. :cornut:
Commodore 64
Nintendo NES
Sega Genesis
Sega CD
Super Nintendo
Gameboy Pocket
Gameboy Color
Gameboy Advance
Gameboy SP
Sega Gamegear
Nintendo DS
Nintendo DS Lite
Sony PSP
Nintendo Virtual Boy
Sega Saturn
Sega Dreamcast
Playstation 1
Playstation 2
Nintendo 64
XBox 1
XBox 360

Nintendo Wii
Playstation 3

I think I got them all.
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Why would you want to spend so much money on collecting so many consoles from every industry possible. Unless your planning to sell them in 100 yrs time I don't really see the point.

Anyone have an answer for this?
linkzeldagame said:
Why would you want to spend so much money on collecting so many consoles from every industry possible. Unless your planning to sell them in 100 yrs time I don't really see the point.

Anyone have an answer for this?

Sure, I got each console as they were released because I am a gamer. I like to game... I like to have the newest, best technology. And that is why I owned pretty much every major (and some off the wall) console ever released. And that is also why I will own all three next gen consoles. Some call it overkill... I say I am a true unbias gamer.
ABC said:
Sure, I got each console as they were released because I am a gamer. I like to game... I like to have the newest, best technology. And that is why I owned pretty much every major (and some off the wall) console ever released. And that is also why I will own all three next gen consoles. Some call it overkill... I say I am a true unbias gamer.

but now im buing all the very old consoles
My first console had been the NES, I also had at least a good 50 plus games for it. I only can remember quite a few, since I was around 3-4 years old. I had Bubble Bobble as well as Super Mario. Afterward I had a SNES, then at the age of 7, I got the Gameboy. Not the Gameboy Pocket, or the Color. The big gray solid block, at the same time, my brother got a Sega Gamegear. In the end, we both shared the Gamegear, as I had beaten Donkey Kong (not Country, the old school Donkey Kong in which you're "Jump Man" and you must save the princess.). Afterward I gave my SNES away, to only get a Nintendo 64. A friend that my sister was dating had bought it for my brother and I for Christmas. Sadly, she dumped him a good month later. After that, I had gotten a Sony Playstation, along with the game Tomb Raider. I'd play both equally, as well as playing my gameboy advance. Following that had been the Gamecube, in which I had got as a Christmas present, along with the game Super Smash Bros. Melee, and one controller...but no memory card (I was spoiled.). Now I also have a Ps2 as I had bought it from my brother in law for a good 50 bucks.
My console history (i'm including handhelds) goes as follows:
GameBoy Pocket
GameBoy Color
Playstation 2
SNES (dead now :( )
N64 (Regret it but someone offered me £80 for it... nutter)
Nintendo DS
Sony PSP
SEGA Dreamcast
SEGA Saturn
I'm currently buying lots of the older consoles, working my way through SEGA atm (Mega Drive/Genesis next)

To come:
Nintendo Wii
Sony Playstation 3
  • NES
  • GB [still have it]
  • SNES
  • sega genesis
  • n64
  • ps1
  • GBadvance
  • GC
  • PS2
  • DS
  • PS2slim
  • 2nd DS
and on sunday wii
Heres how mine goes-

Atari 2600
Atari 7800
Sega Mastersystem
Super Nintendo
Playstation 2

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