Wii Troubleshooting

wii sport games

I have trouble using my wii remote to play tennis, baseball, golf and bowling. Button a and b are working fine but when I use the wii remote to swing at tennis,baseball, golf and bowling, it doesn't work..can anyone help?
Koski8 said:
Ihave a big problem, my wii wont turn on. As i was sleeping it was raining so you think a power surge might have fried it or something like that?

Are you sure the plug in the wall works? Try another power-using device

hey all, fortunately my wii has been fantastic so far. I finally got two additonal 'motes, and now it seems when I play with two or more at once the wiimote speakers do not function properly. For instance in WII sports, I will hear the crack of the bat for a few swings, and then no more. Sometimes I will hear sounds that are completely out of place and random. Similar issues with Madden...I've tried each mote by itself and had no issues. Seems to only happen when I have more than one playing at once. Any ideas?
Virtual Console video problem

I downloaded Zelda from the VC and when I try to play it, I get a black screen. I can hear the audio fine, and when I push the home button the menu comes up, but I have no video. :( I can play Wii and GC games fine and Zelda is the only VC game I've downloaded so far. If you need any more info please ask, thanks.
I need some help connecting with other Wii's. i am connected to the internet but how do i interact on the Mii chanel? Plz IM me
you have to get peoples friend codes and add them to your friends list (go to the message board, then to make a new message, and then to the address book, and add peoples friend code and name there), then you have to give the person you added your friend code so they can add you too. Once you have each other on your friends list, you can then see their Mii's in the Mii parade, and you can import some or all of them into your Mii plaza so that they'll show up when you play Wii Sports.

hope that helps :p thats not really a troubleshooting question, you can easily have solved this by looking at the manual....but i hope you get it all set up

-SpideyKonfusion ^_^"
I just got my Wii, and I have noticed that the blue light around the CD bay is not lit. Is this normal?
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It will only come on when you press the one button, where it flashes very quickly, and then when its in standby whenever you receive an e-mail from other users
Hey guys,

My wiimote started gettin really jittery and it was annoyin. After a very short think, ive found out a way to stop it from jittering. Just go to settings, sensor bar, sensitivity, and toggle that until only 2 dots appear. Worked for me!
I heard that your friends mii's can stroll around your plaza.

How can they be set to do this?

patrickj said:
well for me the system seems to be freezing alot everytime i try to venture off into new areas. i've updated (which took forever by the way ) and i try to connect online, or try to go into the virtual console and it freezes, i actually had to unplug it while it was on. i wonder why?
Thank God it isn't made by Microsoft or it wouldn't see the light of day again!:ihih:
Well hi, i just got my wii today, i guess it was the first day that it came out in europe anyway, well i guess it kind of worked at first, i plugged everything in as said in the booklets and i turned it on, it worked for like 5 min for the setup to work, i already put a disk in, then it said that the disk didnt work, so i thought ive put it the wrong way so i tried turning of the wii and then changing the side of the disk and turn it back on, but when i tried taking the disk out, a blue light turned on for a sec or so then everything turned off. I tried every way said on the official websites but everytine i plugged out the power plugg and put it back in, it kind of worked, but then when i tried taking the disk out or even turning it on (it was on standby or the red light) it just turned off.:mad2: help plz :(
Well in the books, they say that if the light is red, it means the
wiiconnect24(?) is off sssoooo...what does it mean?
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I have a couple of older SD cards that I plugged into the wii, and when i go to either the photo channel or the settings-->data management section to try to view whats on the card, I get a message that says "This card is unusable." or "The device inserted in the SD card slot can't be used." Is there some kind of formatting that I need to do with the cards in order for the Wii to recognize them?
Menu and Store Screen too bright

Hey I've just got a Wii and luv it but i do have on issue. When i boot up the system the menu looks fine for a second but then it gets really bright. This doesn't affect anything too much, it more of an annoyance. I am still able to see all channel and get in to them. In the game/disc, mii and photo channels the colours are corrected upon entering the channel. However in the shop the brightness remains, the text is difficult and at time impossible to read. It is really difficult navigate. I fideled with the TV settings with no luck. Since i've never had any other problems with the TV, the other channels display the correct colours and the menu does flash the correct colours at boot i think the problem is with the Wii. I'm not sure wat to do i have seen nothing about colour correction in the settings menu. I am planning to get component cables but im not sure if that will fix the problem and really i think the solution shouldnt be spending more money. Any help would be appreciate i haven't use virtual console yet coz i can't navigate the store. Any ideas?

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