Wii Troubleshooting

patrickj said:
well for me the system seems to be freezing alot everytime i try to venture off into new areas. i've updated (which took forever by the way ) and i try to connect online, or try to go into the virtual console and it freezes, i actually had to unplug it while it was on. i wonder why?

Same here, updating wasn't a problem, bit slow. However, I've only got a 1Mb connection and already have 2 PC's sharing it.

Problem came with the Wii shop(virtual console) , I had to unplug the console as the reset buttons & power buttons didn't work so you're not the only one mate.
Make sure your TRAVEL setting sare set to allow travel andthen your individual Miis are allowed to mingle.
so i'm not sure if anyone else has this problem, and read through the 5 pages and didn't hear anything similar really, or any solutions...

every 1 in 5 times about that I load a disc and after clicking the "start" button to begin play, the screen goes black and the system freezes. The only way to get it unfrozen is to hold down the power button for 5 seconds and the system shuts itself down. Then I have to turn the system back on and try again.

Does anyone have any ideas that could help me? I was thinking as a last resort returning it and getting another one, except the only problem is I can't find a store that has any in stock to do an even exchange for me, and i'm really not wanting to ship my wii out to nintendo, cuz it's gonna be weeks before I get it back.

Anyways, any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!
Wii Internet connection

Hi Folks,

I'm new on here so a big hello to all you wiiers out there.

I got my new Wii console last friday on the launch date and have had hours of fun with it since there. As this is my first first venture into the gaming world everything is new to me.

Since I have set up my we I have been unable to connect it to the internet via my Orange Livebox wireless router. I have tried all the combinations of advice that I have been able to find on the internet without any success. I was wondering if anyone else was expericencing the same problem and might have any idea how to solve it.

I have tried:

Changing the channel my router broadcasts on.
manually entering the settings
restarting the router
changing the MTU

Can someone help!!
I run into some strange glitches sometimes when I power off via the wiimote. Like earlier I powered off with the wiimote on controller 1, but like an hour later I noticed the 2nd light on controller 2 was still lit, hmm. I tried to turn on the Wii with controller 2 no good. I had to power up from the console power button then hit A on controller 2, everything worked fine from there on. Whatever the problem is I hope it can be fixed by a software update, it's hard enough to find accessories without worrying about returning to the store for an exchange.
Stano1 said:
Hi Folks,

I'm new on here so a big hello to all you wiiers out there.

I got my new Wii console last friday on the launch date and have had hours of fun with it since there. As this is my first first venture into the gaming world everything is new to me.

Since I have set up my we I have been unable to connect it to the internet via my Orange Livebox wireless router. I have tried all the combinations of advice that I have been able to find on the internet without any success. I was wondering if anyone else was expericencing the same problem and might have any idea how to solve it.

I have tried:

Changing the channel my router broadcasts on.
manually entering the settings
restarting the router
changing the MTU

Can someone help!!

try this...Nintendo helped out on the same probs re our DS systems..not tried it yet but will do over Xmas

1. Change your Livebox configuration. Go to http://configuration.adsl/index2.html which should open your Livebox configuration page on your browser. Use your Orange or Wanadoo or even Freeserve login username and password here. Now go to Configuration -> Advanced -> Wireless and choose the WEP Security Only option. After you submit this your Livebox should flash a bit so give it 5 minutes to adjust itself. On the same window click to Security -> Firewall and choose ‘low’. As long as you have a Firewall on your PC you’ll still be safe. Now click ‘System Information’ as we’ll need all this info in a minute.

2. Change your Nintendo DS settings. Plug in your game, Mario Kart DS for example, and go to the Nintendo WFC Settings Screen. Choose an empty connection and ‘Search for an Access Point’. You should see your new Livebox come up here as ‘WANADOO’ or ‘ORANGE’ followed by some numbers. Unfortunately you can also see the red lock icon but click it anyway and type in your WEP key as seen on the System Info screen we looked at earlier. Be careful typing this in and remember that you should only use letters A-F and numbers 0-9, no ‘i’s or ‘o’s, and turn CAPS LOCK on. Simple? Well hold on as we’re not finished yet and you’ll come up with an error if you try to connect.

3. Change your DS Wi-fi settings manually. Now press the ‘Manual Setup’ button on the connection screen which takes you into the settings control panel. You should have a SSID number in there, thats good. And your WEP key should be entered in there too. The rest of the details can be found by refering to your Livebox System Info, but be careful as the requested numbers do not always match up with the correct fields. Therefore you must enter these values exactly how I have specified them:
Auto-obtain IP Address = choose ‘No’
IP Address = enter the ‘DHCP server end address’ value
Subnet Mask = enter ‘'
Gateway = enter the ‘LAN IP address’ value
Auto-obtain DNS = choose ‘No’
Primary DNS = enter the ‘Primary DNS server’ value
Secondary DNS = enter the ‘Secondary DNS server’ value

4. The last bit, honest! Now go over to your Livebox and you should see a small USB-sized socket on the back next to two buttons marked 1 and 2. You need to press button 1. Then select ‘Test Connection’ on the NDS settings screen. With any luck you should get the green wireless icon on your NDS buzzing away with three bars! Now save the settings and play!

Good luck
I had a bit of a 'problem' on friday when I got it... I noticed that when I put Wii Play in at one point it got to the screen where it reminds you to use your remote strap and it hung up on there for a while (made a few louder noises like it was spinnin the disk quicker) - then it basically came up with an error and froze - had to pull the plug (this only happened twice)

Also I noticed at first on Zelda if I went from one area to another where the screen goes white it took quite a while to load (checked the disk, not a mark!)

I've updated my Wii since then and *touchwood* not had any problems since

Weird.... any ideas?
Scrolled through here and didn't see anything in this thread about my problem so mamybe someone here has seen a smiliar problem and can help me.

I had been playing the WII pretty much all day, mainly playing gamecube games(had a few started before I got the WII and was finishing up). This I switched over and started playing Zelda. It was working fine initially, I played for a couple of hours. It saved at one point early in the game and was fine. Then it came to another point where it asked me if I wanted to save, and then it said the memory was corrupted.

If the problems stopped there it wouldn't be such a big deal, but then the screen froze. The only way I was able to turn it off was by disconnecting the power. Afterwards whenever I tried to put in another game in to play I could not even get the Wii to come up. THe power button is green, and it sounds as if it's running I just can't get video or audio, on top of the corrupted memory. The system won't even let me turn it off without disconnecting the AC adapter now.

I sent an email in to Nintendo as well about possibly sending it in for service repair, but I was hoping maybe someone on here had a quck answer and fix.

Need help with my wireless connection. I have a wireless router, and it works fine with my computer (an iBook) but it doesn't work with my wii. To be more in depth, Manual set up will not work with my wii, it will not find the signal, if I check for connection, my wifi connection shows up, and it has allmost a full 3 green bars, but when I click ok, it looses the signal. I have tried this nearly 20 times, and everytime I get the same strong connection when it is searching, but once found, I get a 51332 error. Thanks in advance.
Wii remote

Had the Wii for two weeks now, and today the three middle buttons on the remote quit working (the - , home, + row). Everything else seems to be working fine. I've restarted the Wii, and re-synched the controller but it's still not working.

This is especially frustrating 'cause I borrowed Z:TP from a friend, it's supposed to go back tomorrow, and now I can't save my progress!!! AAARGH!!!

Anyone have any ideas?

If it is a defective wiimote... you'd have to return the whole console back to the place where you bought it from... which would mean waiting for another wii >< Might want to just buy another wiimote for the mean time.

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