Wii Troubleshooting

Gymdawg said:
How long are the batteries supposed to last? We've used ours a lot since Sunday, and I think they finally died. I tried swapping in some other batteries that were lying around and they didn't work; I still get nothing but the four blinking lights on the remote.

it all depends of how much u use the remot:O...if u play all freaking day im sure they will die really fast:O...get some rechargeable batteries:p...
u1caesar said:
it all depends of how much u use the remot:O...if u play all freaking day im sure they will die really fast:O...get some rechargeable batteries:p...

Actually, I played all of Sunday (Zelda f-kin rules man) and most of Monday-Wednesday this week, and I am still at full battery. How do i know this? press the home button, and check the little battery icon at the bottom of the screen, each controller has a battery indicator, and P1 remote has a full battery for me.

Also, if you have all 4 blinking lights on your controller, it probably means its not connected to the Wii. read the manual on how to connect it, but i roughly remember you having to press the Sync button on the remote and Wii (on remote its under the battery cover, on Wii its were you put your SD card) and then press 1 and then 2 on the wii remote.

If youre having WiFi issues, maybe its because you havent registered your MAC address with the router (as was mentioned before). go to your router settings and add the Wii's MAC Address.

And the weirdest issue ive seen here is the remote position issues. you guys should say where your sensor bar is and how far you are form the TV/sensor bar so that it makes it easier to see what the problem is. basically, i kind of have that problem too. I have my sensor bar on top of the TV, and my couch extends out on one side so that its only about two feet from the TV if i sit on the edge. If i sit on the edge i have to point up at the sensor bar so that its the center on the TV. however, if i comfortably sit all the way back on my couch, it centers perfectly.

First, you have to make sure your sensor bar is at the edge of the TV and aligned with the center of the TV. then, you have to see how far back you have to stand/sit and how high you have to stand/sit so that its in the middle. on a regular couch you should be able to sit back and play the wii comfortably (like for MUA) without any sensitivity issues. I'm thinking you should be about 3-4 feet back. You have to experiment with this to find the optimum comfort, distance, and sensitivity. also, play around with putting the sensor bar on the top or the bottom of your TV, depending on how high your TV is, you might get better results from the other alternative. if it's still a bit off, try using the sensor bar stand that comes with the Wii, its that little plastic thing you dont know what to do with ;)

Hope this helps some of you :D and FYI, this is my first post, so nice to meet you all ^_^"


EDIT: I found this about the WiFi error codes. that should fix your wifi issues.
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yeah i have a MAJOR WII PROBLEM every time i walk by my tv setup i notice that there is no wii there :(

stupid nintendo, why did they make so little for launch
ryan_p275 said:
yeah i have a MAJOR WII PROBLEM every time i walk by my tv setup i notice that there is no wii there :(

stupid nintendo, why did they make so little for launch
XD...u r funny my friend...its a shame u dont have one...i bet u r gonna get 1 befor xmas:p...good luck...

and always have in mind that wii>ps3/360
ryan_p275 said:
yeah i have a MAJOR WII PROBLEM every time i walk by my tv setup i notice that there is no wii there :(

stupid nintendo, why did they make so little for launch

Analyst says more will be shipped soon. Also, GameStop confirms this as well.

I find it highly unlikely that the PS3 will ship more units out, but I'm very certain the Wii will have plenty out by the end of the year. I remember seeing on Digg that approx. 2 million Wii's would be shipped by the end of 2006.

No worries ^_^" you should go around this weekend looking for one, I'm sure you'll get one by next week. And the games aren't running out either, I went to Best Buy and 2 Toys R Us's today and saw displays for LOZ:TP with about 20 in each store, along with Wii displays with accessories and many games (Marvel Ultimate Alliance kicks major ass, and the DBZ game looks awesome as well).

However, if you dont have one because of financial issues, then youre on your own ;)

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Gymdawg said:
How long are the batteries supposed to last? We've used ours a lot since Sunday, and I think they finally died. I tried swapping in some other batteries that were lying around and they didn't work; I still get nothing but the four blinking lights on the remote.

im thinking u have to re-sync ur remote
Okay, I was playing Wii Boxing, the training, and then I accidentally smacked the controllers together, and it wasn't that hard. Now, the wiimote completely stopped working. We tried bowling, and it won't even do anything, if you swing it for ANYTHING, it won't even budge. any help for this? I need an answer ASAP.
holy crap x_X uh...try resyncing them, restarting the wii, etc etc....

i really hope the motion sensor inside didnt get f*ed up :/ if it is that then you should just get it replaced as soon as possible :(

Marthmaster said:
Okay, I was playing Wii Boxing, the training, and then I accidentally smacked the controllers together, and it wasn't that hard. Now, the wiimote completely stopped working. We tried bowling, and it won't even do anything, if you swing it for ANYTHING, it won't even budge. any help for this? I need an answer ASAP.

Lol, my friend was playing boxing and he smacked both together but only the side of the wiimote to the side of the nunchuck near the d-pad but it still works fine. I suppose he was lucky not to have done anything or I would have 0wned him :D
I was wondering...

When I play Zelda TP, sometimes the sound coming from the Wiimote can be a bit loud, -especially- Midna's laugh. Is there a way to turn down the volume on the Wiimote? (I heard some people had done it before...but I'm not entirely sure)
ilovekakairu said:
I was wondering...

When I play Zelda TP, sometimes the sound coming from the Wiimote can be a bit loud, -especially- Midna's laugh. Is there a way to turn down the volume on the Wiimote? (I heard some people had done it before...but I'm not entirely sure)

this is actually pretty easy to fix, hit the House button, then go to remote options, and change the volume there :p

-SpideyKonfusion ^_^"
Marthmaster said:
Okay, I was playing Wii Boxing, the training, and then I accidentally smacked the controllers together, and it wasn't that hard. Now, the wiimote completely stopped working. We tried bowling, and it won't even do anything, if you swing it for ANYTHING, it won't even budge. any help for this? I need an answer ASAP.

Did the batteries pop out?

Also, you double posted. . .

ok does anyone here know how to get the need for speed game on 2 player mode. i cant figure it out. it shows that its 1-2 players on the back of the box. let me know.
How to Solve 90% of these problems:


Whenever you buy a piece of sophisticated hardware like a computer or Wii, there are usually many ways to configure it to your specific settings.

To fix most of the sensory bar issues, go to settings and set whether it is on TOP of or BELOW the TV. BAM that should fix 50% of those problems.

Second, if you are playing a game like Zelda with more precise controls, there is a configuration in the game for the Wii-mote. You can adjust the height-of-center by a range of +2 to -2. In my room at school my couch is close to the tv and this helps out A LOT.

For those that can't change the volume on their Wii-mote hit the home button and go to the Wii-mote settings and turn down the volume. It even beeps for you so you know how loud it is.

Im sure all this is in the manual but even without it, taking 5 minutes to explore the settings and options should be paramount to anyone with a new device.

Home Network problems are just a ***** and the only thing you can do is keep asking for help, contact a professional, and be really patient.
stinabrat said:
It tells me to eject the disk and power off/on. The disc might be bad, as the Tony hawk game works, anyone else do this?

Will an update help me and how do I do that+

I just had that problem as well.

I used the power on/off button on the wii remote to shut down the console after playin wii sports, then a black screen and some white texts poped up telling me to eject the disc first then power off.

I had to eject the disc then go click on the power off button on the console manually.

Is there something wrong?

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